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感悟加拿大文化  英语趣味会话
感悟加拿大文化  英语趣味会话

感悟加拿大文化 英语趣味会话PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:李桂山编著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787111226932
  • 页数:310 页
《感悟加拿大文化 英语趣味会话》目录

Unit 1 Places to Stay 住宿 1

Let's Keep Our Fingers Crossed 4

Unit 2 Vancouver 温哥华 8

We Finally Stand Face to Face 11

Unit 3 Working Mothers 工作的母亲 18

I'm Running Myself Ragged 20

Unit 4 Monetary Circulation 货币 27

Kill Two Birds with One Stone 29

Unit 5 Native People 本土人 37

Indian Paintings Are on Display 39

Unit 6 Government 政府 44

You Have It in You to Be an Expert of Canada 46

Unit 7 Time Zones and Time Differences 时区和时差 53

You're Laying It on Thick 55

Unit 8 National Parks 国家公园 61

You Can Say That Again 64

Unit 9 Employment and Vacation 就业及休假 70

He Is Tightfisted 72

Unit 10 Canadian Writers 加拿大作家 78

They're Selling like Hot Cakes 80

Unit 11 Cable TV 有线电视 85

I'm in a Bind 87

Unit 12 Phrases and Idioms 习语和成语 94

This Idiom Baffles Me 96

Unit 13 Women and Children 妇女和儿童 103

The Pot Calling the Kettle Black 105

Unit 14 Leisure Activities 休闲活动 113

They Were Absolutely Breathtaking 115

Unit 15 Looking for a Job 找工作 121

This Job Gets Me Down 123

Unit 16 Friendliness 友善 130

We're on the Same Wave-length 132

Unit 17 Fitness Craze 健身热 138

I've Got Two Left Feet 140

Unit 18 Food and Drink 饮食 146

I Can't Tell Them Apart 149

Unit 19 Shopping 购物 155

I Finally Picked out a Good One 157

Unit 20 Sugaring Off 枫糖节 163

You Couldn't Beat That Deal with a Stick 165

Unit 21 College Life 大学生活 171

I'm on Top of the World 174

Unit 22 Gatherings 聚会 180

She Drew Me out of My Shell 182

Unit 23 Concept of Equality 平等的观念 189

Out of the Blue 192

Unit 24 Canadian Police 加拿大警察 199

Mind Your Own Business 201

Unit 25 Multiculturalism 多元文化主义 207

Like a Fish out of Water 211

Unit 26 Niagara Falls 尼亚加拉瀑布 218

Get a Bird's Eye View of the Falls 221

Unit 27 Quebec 魁北克 230

Fancy Meeting You Here 232

Unit 28 Education in Canada 加拿大教育 239

I Got Offto a Flying Start 242

Unit 29 Weather Conditions 气候状况 247

I Was Frozen Stiff 250

Unit 30 On Our Own 不靠父母 258

We Don't Usually See Eye to Eye on Many Things 260

Unit 31 The Meech Lake Accord 米其湖条约 268

Smooth Things Over 271

Unit 32 People and Land 国土和人民 278

They'll Come in Handy 281

Unit 33 Sparsely Populated Country 低密度人口国家 285

I'd Better Stop Talking Shop 287

Index of Idioms 习语索引 292

Afterword 后记 301

References 参考文献 310
