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  • 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:浩瀚主编
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2007
  • ISBN:7561134606
  • 页数:477 页

Slang 01 (as)dry as dust 无聊,枯燥 1

Slang 02 a black sheep 害群之马 2

Slang 03 a light at the end of the tunnel 否极泰来 4

Slang 04 a babe in the wood 生手,初出茅庐者 5

Slang 05 a backseat driver 爱指手画脚的人 7

Slang 06 a country mile 一段很长的距离 8

Slang 07 a dandy idea 特别好的主意 10

Slang 08 a dead beat 经常借钱赖账的人;寄生虫 11

Slang 09 a drop in the bucket 少得可怜、发挥不了什么作用、不重要 13

Slang 10 a drug on the market 滞销商品,滞销货,供应过剩的商品 14

Slang 11 a fair shake 公平的待遇,好机会 15

Slang 12 a fly in the ointment 美中不足 17

Slang 13 a mare's nest 海市蜃楼般的东西;镜花水月 18

Slang 14 a month of Sundays 很久,很长时间 20

Slang 15 a new lease of life 新的更美好的生活;精神焕发 21

Slang 16 a pat on the back 赞扬,鼓励 23

Slang 17 a piece of cake 容易的事,轻而易举的事 24

Slang 18 a rain check 下一次机会,补偿 25

Slang 19 a red carpet welcome 隆重地欢迎 27

Slang 20 a rift within the lute 不和,破裂的开始,发狂的预兆 28

Slang 21 a rule of thumb 单靠经验的方法;粗略而简便的方法 30

Slang 22 a shoulder to cry on 有同情心、患难时可依靠的人 31

Slang 23 a straw in the wind 迹象,预兆,苗头 33

Slang 24 above one's head 听不懂 35

Slang 25 after one's own heart 正中下怀,称心如意 36

Slang 26 against the clock 赶着做,分秒必争 38

Slang 27 airs and graces 装模作样,装腔作势 39

Slang 28 all and sundry 所有的人,每一个人 41

Slang 29 an angle 有利可图的事 42

Slang 30 an early bird 早起的人,提前到达的人 44

Slang 31 as clear as a bell 非常清楚 46

Slang 32 as cool as a cucumber 无所谓 47

Slang 33 at sixes and sevens 乱七八糟;意见不一 49

Slang 34 at a loose end 无所事事,无所适从 50

Slang 35 at heart 内心深处 52

Slang 36 at the first blush 乍一看,经初步考虑 53

Slang 37 A-list 最好的,最优秀的 55

Slang 38 back to the drawing board 从头开始,失败后另起炉灶 56

Slang 39 bang for the buck 货真价实 57

Slang 40 bark up the wrong tree 弄错目标,错怪了人 59

Slang 41 basket case 走投无路,无依无靠 60

Slang 42 be all ears 全神贯注地倾听 62

Slang 43 be awash in... 整天泡在 63

Slang 44 be beaut 引人注目或非同寻常的人或物 65

Slang 45 be catty 爱搬弄是非的,爱诽谤人的 66

Slang 46 be down in the mouth 垂头丧气 68

Slang 47 be evenly matched 实力相当 69

Slang 48 be for the birds 乏味的,毫无价值的,荒唐可笑的 71

Slang 49 be green with envy 羡慕极了 72

Slang 50 be in a jam 陷入困难的处境 74

Slang 51 be of two minds 拿不定主意 75

Slang 52 be on a gravy train 走运,有赚钱的机会 77

Slang 53 be on cloud nine 高兴地飘飘然 78

Slang 54 be on edge 坐卧不安,十分烦躁 80

Slang 55 be over the hump 已渡过难关 81

Slang 56 be short of hands 缺乏人手,人手不够 83

Slang 57 be snowed under 工作过多忙不过来;超负荷 84

Slang 58 beat around the bush 说话拐弯抹角 86

Slang 59 beat the band 了不起,又急又猛 87

Slang 60 beaten down to the ankles 精疲力竭 88

Slang 61 behind the eightball 处于非常不利的地位 90

Slang 62 bell the cat 为了他人的利益冒险 91

Slang 63 bells and whistles 点缀之物 93

Slang 64 bend over backward 竭尽全力地去做 94

Slang 65 beneath sb.'s dignity 有失身份;有失体面 96

Slang 66 beside oneself 极度兴奋,神志失常,忘乎所以 97

Slang 67 big-time spender 出手很阔的人 99

Slang 68 bite off more than one can chew 贪多嚼不烂,承担了过多的工作而不能完成 101

Slang 69 bite the bullet 咬紧牙关挺住,克服眼前的困难 102

Slang 70 blooper 愚蠢的错误,大错误 104

Slang 71 blot one's copybook 毁坏自己的名誉,玷污自己的名声 105

Slang 72 blow one's own horn 自吹自擂 107

Slang 73 bother one's head about 为……焦虑,为……操心 108

Slang 74 break the ice 打破沉默,打破僵局 109

Slang 75 bring down the house 博得全场喝彩 111

Slang 76 brush up 复习;温习 112

Slang 77 buddy up to sb. 讨好某人,巴结某人 113

Slang 78 build(up/upon)on sand 基础不稳固 115

Slang 79 burn the candle at both ends 体力透支 116

Slang 80 burn one's ass 不舒服的感觉、很烦 118

Slang 81 burn the midnight oil 熬夜 119

Slang 82 buy a pig in a poke 草率同意或接收;隔山买老牛 121

Slang 83 carry sth.too far 把某事做得或说得过分,言过其实 123

Slang 84 catch up with 赶上,逮捕 124

Slang 85 chalk talk 边板书边讲话 125

Slang 86 chance the ducks 好歹试试 126

Slang 87 chew the cud 好好琢磨琢磨 128

Slang 88 chicken feed 一小笔钱 129

Slang 89 china doll 娇而漂亮的女孩子 131

Slang 90 come to grief 失败;遭遇 132

Slang 91 cool one's heels 让某人空等,久等 134

Slang 92 crocodile tears 假慈悲 135

Slang 93 cross the Rubicon 采取断然行动;破釜沉舟 136

Slang 94 cry over spilt milk 覆水难收 138

Slang 95 dance attendance upon sb. 奉承某人,向某人献殷勤 139

Slang 96 devote oneself to 献身于 141

Slang 97 diamond cut diamond 棋逢对手;强中自有强中手 142

Slang 98 dig dirt about 说某人的坏话,诽谤某人 144

Slang 99 dig a little deeper 再加把劲儿 145

Slang 100 dime dropper 告密者 147

Slang 101 do a land-office business 生意大为兴隆 148

Slang 102 do wonders 创造奇迹,取得惊人奇迹 150

Slang 103 don't hold your breath 别屏息以待 151

Slang 104 don't know the half of it 不是很确定 153

Slang 105 double trouble 困难重重 154

Slang 106 double-take 再次打量 156

Slang 107 down in the dumps 忧郁,闷闷不乐 157

Slang 108 down to earth 实实在在,实际 159

Slang 109 drag on 拖延下去 160

Slang 110 draw a blank 一无所获,出现空白 162

Slang 111 draw the longbow 吹牛,夸口,说大话 163

Slang 112 drive someone up the wall 使人发疯,使人烦恼,让人受不了 165

Slang 113 drop into sb.'s lap 容易获得;毫不费力地得到 166

Slang 114 duck out 溜出去 168

Slang 115 Dutch uncle 脾气不好,对别人很严厉的人 169

Slang 116 ear-to-ear grin 咧嘴大笑 170

Slang 117 easy on the eye(s) 好看,吸引人 172

Slang 118 eat dirt 忍气吞声 173

Slang 119 eat it 失败 174

Slang 120 eat like a bird 饭量很小 175

Slang 121 eat one's words 认错服输 177

Slang 122 eat salt with sb. 享受某人的款待;做某人的客人 178

Slang 123 eat the leek 忍受侮辱;低声下气;被迫认错 179

Slang 124 eat humble pie 变谦逊了 180

Slang 125 egg sb.on to do sth. 怂恿,鼓动某人去干某事 182

Slang 126 ego trip 为显示自己才能而干的事情 183

Slang 127 enter one's head 想到 185

Slang 128 escape by the skin of one's teeth 死里逃生,幸免于难 186

Slang 129 every cloud has a silver lining 乌云之后总有阳光;黑暗中总存在希望 188

Slang 130 explain away 找理由以避免责罚 189

Slang 131 explain oneself 表明自己的意思 190

Slang 132 face the music 面对现实,承担自己行为的后果 192

Slang 133 fall behind 过时未缴纳或未完成 193

Slang 134 fall between two stools 鸡飞蛋打,两头空 195

Slang 135 fall on deaf ears 不予理会 196

Slang 136 fall on one's feet 安然无恙,总会成功;交好运 198

Slang 137 fast buck 不义之财 199

Slang 138 fast talk 花言巧语 201

Slang 139 fat cat 富翁,很有钱的人 202

Slang 140 fat chance 不可能 204

Slang 141 feed one's face 吃饭 205

Slang 142 feel in one's bones 从心里感到 206

Slang 143 fellow traveler 事业,信仰的同路人 208

Slang 144 fit like a glove 正合适,完全相合 209

Slang 145 flex one's muscles 显示自己的实力 211

Slang 146 flub 捅娄子,闯祸 212

Slang 147 fly by the seat of one's pants 全凭自己摸索 214

Slang 148 fly off the handle 大发雷霆 215

Slang 149 follow one's bent 凭爱好办事,做自己感兴趣的事 216

Slang 150 follow one's nose 凭本事行事 218

Slang 151 follow through 坚持到底 219

Slang 152 follow-up 追踪调查,后续的 221

Slang 153 for fun 好玩;不是认真地 222

Slang 154 for the nonce 姑且,临时,暂且 224

Slang 155 forlorn hope 孤注一掷,敢死队 225

Slang 156 front-door 正当的 227

Slang 157 full of hot air 自以为是 228

Slang 158 gear oneself up 做好思想准备 230

Slang 159 get a life 振作一点,有点生气 231

Slang 160 get a rise out of 得到……强烈的反应 232

Slang 161 get butterflies in one's stomach 紧张到胃抽筋 234

Slang 162 get cold feet 害怕起来 235

Slang 163 get off to a flying start 来了个开门红 237

Slang 164 get on someone's nerves 搅得某人心烦意乱 238

Slang 165 get sb.'s cheese 如愿以偿 239

Slang 166 get some color back in one's cheeks 脸上有了血色 241

Slang 167 get someone's back up 惹某人生气;把某人给惹翻了 242

Slang 168 get the boot 被解雇;被开除,被辞退 243

Slang 169 get wind of sth. 听到风声 245

Slang 170 get off your high horse 别摆架子 246

Slang 171 get the picture 了解,清楚状况 248

Slang 172 get this monkey off one's back 改掉恶习 249

Slang 173 get to sb. 被绊住了 251

Slang 174 get to the point 有话直说,别拐弯抹角了 252

Slang 175 get under my skin 眼中钉、肉中刺 253

Slang 176 gimmick 花招,花样 255

Slang 177 give 110% 在好的基础上还要更好 256

Slang 178 give one's right arm 舍弃一切 258

Slang 179 give sth.a second thought 对某事三思而后行 259

Slang 180 give...the once-over 稍微查查 260

Slang 181 go ape 神魂颠倒,发疯 262

Slang 182 get the wooden spoon 受到批评 263

Slang 183 grasp the nettle 大胆抓棘手问题,迎着艰险上 264

Slang 184 grease sb.'s palm 贿赂某人,收买某人 266

Slang 185 green around the gills 脸色苍白,面带病容 267

Slang 186 half-and-half 马马虎虎 268

Slang 187 hand it to sb. 甘拜某人的下风 270

Slang 188 handle with kid gloves 小心谨慎、温柔地对待 271

Slang 189 hang by a thread 危在旦夕 273

Slang 190 hang in there 不打退堂鼓;坚韧不拔 274

Slang 191 hangdog look 羞愧的神态;垂头丧气的样子 275

Slang 192 hard science 化学、物理之类的自然科学 277

Slang 193 hat in hand 毕恭毕敬地 278

Slang 194 have a bone to pick with 对……有意见 279

Slang 195 have a card up one's sleeve 心中有数,胸有成竹 281

Slang 196 have a head on one's shoulders 有头脑,有见识 282

Slang 197 have a hunch that 预感到 283

Slang 198 have a mind like a steel trap 头脑反映特别快 285

Slang 199 have an eye to the main chance 谋私利,惟利是图 286

Slang 200 have many irons in the fire 同时有许多重要的事要做 287

Slang 201 have other fish to fry 另有重要的事要干,另有他图 289

Slang 202 have the ball at sb.'s feet 成功在望,大有希望 291

Slang 203 hit someone when he's down 对某人落井下石 292

Slang 204 hold the bag 背黑锅 293

Slang 205 hot potato 棘手的问题 295

Slang 206 I don't get it 一头雾水 296

Slang 207 in a sweat 紧张,害怕,烦躁 298

Slang 208 in hot water 遇到麻烦 299

Slang 209 in order 以一种特殊的方式安排,处于良好的状态 301

Slang 210 in sb.'s pocket 完全处于某人的掌握、控制之下 302

Slang 211 in seventh heaven 乐极了 303

Slang 212 in tall cotton 很成功,运气非常好 305

Slang 213 in the picture 消息灵通,了解情况 306

Slang 214 in the red 赤字,赔钱 308

Slang 215 in the same boat 同舟共济 309

Slang 216 iron out the kinks 解决问题,克服缺点 311

Slang 217 it was Greek to me 不了解,不懂 312

Slang 218 juice up 使充满活力;激发兴趣,使人起劲 314

Slang 219 jump the gun 提前行动 315

Slang 220 jump to conclusions 做出武断结论 316

Slang 221 keep a stiff upper lip 坚强不屈,不怕困难,咬紧牙关 318

Slang 222 keep abreast 紧跟形势 319

Slang 223 keep one's chin up 不气馁,不灰心 321

Slang 224 keep one's fingers crossed 衷心地希望 322

Slang 225 keep sb.'s head above water 不必举债度日 324

Slang 226 kick up a row 大吵大闹,起哄 325

Slang 227 kill two birds with one stone 一箭双雕,一举两得 327

Slang 228 knock sb.out 出其不意,常令人目瞪口呆,极为震惊 328

Slang 229 know a hawk from a handsaw 有鉴别力;有常识 329

Slang 230 know the ropes 对……了如指掌 331

Slang 231 laugh in sb.'s sleeve 暗自好笑 333

Slang 232 lay eyes on 看到 334

Slang 233 lead sb.by the nose 完全控制 336

Slang 234 let one's hair down 无拘无束,自由自在;轻松 337

Slang 235 let the cat out of the bag 泄密 339

Slang 236 like a bear with a sore head 脾气特别暴躁 340

Slang 237 like a cat on hot bricks 热锅上的蚂蚁,局促不定 342

Slang 238 like water on a duck's back 毫无效果 343

Slang 239 look down one's nose 盛气凌人,小看他人 345

Slang 240 lose appetite 食欲不振,没胃口 347

Slang 241 lose oneself in 专注于,沉迷于 348

Slang 242 mad as a hatter 发疯;如醉如狂 349

Slang 243 make a mountain out of molehill 小题大做 351

Slang 244 make a slip of the tongue 说走嘴,造成口误,失言 353

Slang 245 make allowance for 体贴,照顾,考虑到 354

Slang 246 make light of 轻描淡写,不足为道;轻视 356

Slang 247 make one's blood boil 怒火中烧 357

Slang 248 meet trouble halfway 杞人忧天,自寻烦恼 359

Slang 249 never say die 千万别放弃,别灰心 360

Slang 250 new broom 刚上任的新官 361

Slang 251 no sweat 没什么问题或困难 363

Slang 252 not have a clue 不知道,不了解 365

Slang 253 not say uncle 拒不认错,不服输 366

Slang 254 off the cuff 未做准备的,即席的;非正式的 368

Slang 255 on a limb 努力工作 369

Slang 256 on tenterhooks 如坐针毡,焦虑不安 371

Slang 257 on the nose 准确无误,准时,刚好 372

Slang 258 once in a blue moon 极为罕见,千载难逢 374

Slang 259 out of the frying pan and into the fire 每况愈下 375

Slang 260 out of the blue 忽然之间 377

Slang 261 out on the town 狂欢作乐 378

Slang 262 over a barrel 受制于人,处于不利地位,一筹莫展 380

Slang 263 Pandora's box 灾祸之源 381

Slang 264 pick on someone 找某人的麻烦 383

Slang 265 play on one's heartstrings 撩拨心弦 384

Slang 266 play the fox 行为狡猾,耍滑头 385

Slang 267 play dumb 装蒜 387

Slang 268 pop up 突然出现 388

Slang 269 pull your socks up 振作起来 390

Slang 270 push the panic button 惊慌失措 391

Slang 271 put off 先放一边 393

Slang 272 quick off the mark 行动敏捷 394

Slang 273 rest on one's laurels 满足于现得荣誉,故步自封,吃老本 396

Slang 274 rip apart sb. 说某人坏话 397

Slang 275 roll in the aisles 笑不可支,笑倒在地 399

Slang 276 rub salt into one's wounds 二度伤害 400

Slang 277 ruffle sb.'s feathers 激怒某人 402

Slang 278 run rings around 显然优于……;超过 403

Slang 279 run sb.through the mill 折磨某人 405

Slang 280 shake like a leaf 吓得发抖 406

Slang 281 shoot the breeze 闲聊 408

Slang 282 shoot the cat 呕吐 410

Slang 283 show one's card 公布自己的打算,摊牌 411

Slang 284 sick and tired 厌倦 413

Slang 285 sing the blues 心情低落 414

Slang 286 split hairs 过于计较 416

Slang 287 stand on sb.'s own feet 自主,自食其力 417

Slang 288 steal the show 抢戏 419

Slang 289 stuffed shirt 爱摆架子、令人讨厌的人 420

Slang 290 take a shine to 一见就喜欢,一见钟情 422

Slang 291 take French leave 不辞而别 423

Slang 292 take pot luck 吃家常便饭 425

Slang 293 take the bull by the horns 挺身面对困难,不畏艰难 426

Slang 294 take up short 插嘴 428

Slang 295 talk sense into sb. 开导某人 429

Slang 296 tear sb.to bits 仔细检查,严厉批评 431

Slang 297 the pot calls the kettle black 乌鸦笑猪黑 432

Slang 298 the shot in the arm 激励,鼓舞 433

Slang 299 the straw that broke the camel's back 忍耐的极限 435

Slang 300 thin-skinned 神经过敏 437

Slang 301 throw dust in sb.'s eyes 迷惑某人,蒙蔽某人 438

Slang 302 time will tell 时间会证明一切 440

Slang 303 to the backbone 彻底 441

Slang 304 to the life 栩栩如生,惟妙惟肖 443

Slang 305 touch and go 情况不稳,相当危险 444

Slang 306 turn over a new leaf 改头换面 446

Slang 307 under sb.'s nose 当面,眼皮子下,公然 447

Slang 308 under sb.'s thumb 在某人支配,控制之下 448

Slang 309 under the rose 私下地,秘密地,暗地里 450

Slang 310 under the weather 身体不佳或情绪不好 451

Slang 311 up a tree 在困难中 453

Slang 312 up the creek 身处险境 454

Slang 313 up the wall 愤怒;发狂 456

Slang 314 up to the eyes 非常忙 457

Slang 315 variety is the spice of life 生活是需要变化和惊喜的 459

Slang 316 warm the cockles of sb.'s heart 使人心里欢喜;令人满意 460

Slang 317 waste one's breath 白费口舌 462

Slang 318 water under the bridge 船过水无痕 463

Slang 319 wear the pants in the family 一家之主 465

Slang 320 weigh on sb.'s mind 心事重重,心情沉重 466

Slang 321 white in the gills 有病容的;受惊的样子 468

Slang 322 with a good grace 心甘情愿,欣然 470

Slang 323 with one's tail between one's legs 灰溜溜的;惊慌失措的 471

Slang 324 work sb.'s nerves 触怒他人 473

Slang 325 wrong in the head 有点疯狂 474

Slang 326 yellow dog 可耻的人;胆怯的人 476
