- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李建成编著
- 出 版 社:福州:海潮摄影艺术出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787806913543
- 页数:219 页
艺术篇 The Art Chapter根在故里 Roots in the Native Soil 3
守望太平 Guarding Peace 4
宁静的村落 A Serene Village 6
蕉影余辉 Palm Leaves in the Sunset Glow 8
霞光水色 Colored Clouds over the Rvier 10
碉楼与小船 Towers and Boats 11
风采依旧 As Elegant as Ever 12
落霞 Sunset Glow 13
灯楼暮影 Reflection of a Watchtower in Late Afternoon 14
守护 Guarding 16
夤夜灯楼 Silhouette of a Watchtower in the Depth of Night 17
风云 Winds and Clouds 18
双剑合璧 Double Swords 20
碉楼剑影 A Diaolou Tower and Swords 21
侨乡喜事多 A Happy Event in the Diaolou Region 23
碉楼余辉 A Diaolou Towers in Sunset Glow 24
暮色村景 Harvest Season 26
岁月1 The Time-honored(1) 28
岁月2 The Time-honored(2) 30
潭江楼影 Silhouette of Diaolou on the Tanjiang River 31
斜楼春韵 The Slanting Tower in Spring 32
打谷场上 On the threshing ground 34
锦江倩影 A Villag on the Jinjiang River 36
静谧黄昏 Serene Dusk 37
碉楼晚照 Diaolou Towers in the Sunset Glow 38
碉楼之冠 King of the Diaolou Towers 40
碉楼窥影 A Tower through a Peephole 42
古镇风貌 Streetscape of an Ancient Town 44
晨 Morning 46
荷塘趣影 In a Lotus Pond 48
岗哨 A Guard 49
收割 Harvest 50
晚霞塔影 Silhouette of a Diaolou Tower in Late Twilight 51
荷塘月色 Moonlight over a Lotus Pond 52
榕须碉楼 Banyan Roots over a Diaolou Tower 54
霞晖 Sunset Glow 55
双庐 Double Villas 56
守望 Watching 58
纪实篇 The Records Chapter自力村 Zili Village 61
云幻楼 Yunhuan Lou 69
养闲别墅 Yangxian Villa 70
铭石楼 Mingshi Lou 72
宝树楼 Baoshu Lou 76
方氏灯楼 The Fang Clan Watchtower 78
天兴楼 Tianxing Lou 80
远兴楼 Yuanxing Lou 82
立园 Liyuan Garden 84
锦江里 Jinjiangli Village 100
瑞石楼 Ruishi Lou 106
升峰楼 Shengfeng Lou 112
锦江楼 Jinjiang Lou 116
斜楼 The Slanting Tower 118
中坚楼 Zhongjian Lou 120
马降龙村 Majianglong Village 122
天禄楼 Tianlu Lou 132
林庐 The Lin Villa 134
骏庐 The Jun Villa 138
雁平楼 Yanping Lou 140
适庐 Shilu Villa 144
日升楼与翼云楼 Risheng Lou and Yiyun Lou 148
姐妹楼 Twin Sister Towers 150
风采堂 Fengcai Tang 152
八角楼 The Octagonal Tower 154
加拿大村 Canada Village 156
春如楼 Ruchun Lou 162
四豪楼 Sihou Lou 164
迓龙楼 Yalong Lou 166
南楼 Nan Lou 168
赤坎古镇 The Ancient Town of Chikan 170
赤坎风貌街 The Historical Street at Chikan 172
司徒氏图书馆 The Situ Clan Library 176
关族图书馆 The Guan Clan Library 177
赤坎影城 Chikan Movie Studios Center 178
碉楼集锦 Other Fascinating Diaolou Towers 180
附录 Appendix开平概况 A Survey of Kaiping 212
开平碉楼地理分布图 Distribution Map of Kaiping Diaolou 214
开平旅游地图 A Kaiping Travel Map 215
开平交通 开平酒店 Transportation and Hotels in Kaiping 216
开平购物网点 Shopping Venues in Kaiping开平美食 Gourmet Foods in Kaiping 217
开平特产 Specialties of Kaiping 218
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