- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:许建平编著
- 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7302146721
- 页数:356 页
Unit 1 Introduction:Translation and Translation Techniques 绪论:翻译与翻译技巧 1
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 1
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 2
Ⅰ.Important Role of Translation 翻译的重要作用 4
Ⅱ.Nature and Scope of Translation 翻译的性质和范围 5
Ⅲ.Principles or Criteria of Translation 翻译的原则标准 6
Ⅳ.Literal Translation and Free Translation 直译与意译 7
Ⅴ.Translation Techniques 翻译技巧种种 11
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 12
Unit 2 Diction 遣词用字 17
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 17
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 18
Ⅰ.Equivalence between English and Chinese at Word Level 英汉词字层次上的对等关系 22
1.Word-for-Word Equivalence 词字对等 22
2.One Word with Multiple Equivalents of the Same Meaning 多词同义 22
3.One Word with Several Equivalents of Different Meanings 一词多义 22
4.Equivalents Interwoven with One Another 词义交织 23
5.Words without Corresponding Equivalents 无相应对等词语 23
Ⅱ.Methods of Discriminating the Original Meaning of a Given Word 英语词义辨析法 23
1.According to Word Formation 根据构词法确定词义 23
2.According to the References 根据指代关系确定词义 24
3.According to the Context and Collocation 根据上下文或词的搭配确定词义 25
4.According to Different Branches of Learning and Specialties 根据不同学科或专业门类确定词义 26
Ⅲ.Techniques of Translating a Given English Word 英语词语翻译技巧 26
1.Deduction 推演法 27
2.Transplant 移植法 27
3.Extension 引申法 27
4.Substitution 替代法 27
5.Explanation 释义法 28
6.Combination 合并法 28
7.Transliteration 音译法 28
8.Pictographic Translation 图形法 28
Ⅳ.Diction in Chinese-English Translation 汉译英的选词用字 29
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 30
Uuit 3 Conversion 转换 33
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 33
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 34
Ⅰ.Conversion in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉的词类转换 37
1.Converting into Verbs 转换成动词 37
2.Converting into Nouns 转换成名词 38
3.Converting into Adjectives 转换成形容词 39
4.Converting into Adverbs 转换成副词 40
5.The Conversion of Sentence Elements 句子成分的转换 40
Ⅱ.Conversions in Chinese-English Translation 汉译英的词类转换 41
1.Converting Verbs into Other Parts of Speech 汉语动词转换成其他词类 41
2.Conversions between Different Parts of Speech 各种词类之间的相互转换 42
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 43
Unit 4 Amplification 增词法 45
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 45
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 46
Ⅰ.Amplification in English-Chinese Translation 增词法在英汉翻译中的运用 49
1.Putting in Words Omitted in the Original 加入原文所省略的词语 49
2.Putting in Necessary Connectives 加入必要的连接词语 50
3.Putting in Words to Convey the Concept of Plurality 增词以表达复数概念 50
4.Putting in Words to Indicate Different Tenses or Sequences 表现不同的时态或先后顺序 50
5.Amplification by Logical Analysis 逻辑性增词 50
6.Amplification for the Purpose of Rhetoric or Coherence 从修辞连贯角度考虑增词 51
7.Amplification by Repetition 重复性增词 51
Ⅱ.Amplification in Chinese-English Translation 增词法在汉英翻译中的运用 51
1.Adding Necessary Pronouns 增添必要的代词 51
2.Adding Necessary Articles 增添必要的冠词 51
3.Adding Necessary Connectives 增添必要的连接词语 52
4.Adding Necessary Prepositions 增添必要的介词 52
5.Adding Necessary Background Words 增添必要的背景词语 52
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 52
Unit 5 Omission 省略法 55
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 55
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 56
Ⅰ.Omission in English-Chinese Translation 省略法在英汉翻译中的运用 59
1.Omitting the Pronoun 代词的省略 59
2.Omitting the Article 冠词的省略 59
3.Omitting the Preposition 介词的省略 60
4.Omitting the Conjunction 连词的省略 60
5.Omitting the Verb 动词的省略 60
6.Omitting the Impersonal Pronoun"it" 非人称代词“it”的省略 60
Ⅱ.Omission in Chinese-English Translation 省略法在汉英翻译中的运用 61
1.Omitting Redundant Words 省略冗词赘语 61
2.Omitting Words of Conceptual Category 省略概念范畴类词语 61
3.Omitting Meticulous Descriptions 省略过详的细节描述 62
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 62
Unit 6 Restructuring 结构调整 65
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 65
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 66
Ⅰ.Different Word Orders in English and Chinese 英汉语言的词序差异 68
1.Different Modes of Thinking 不同的思维模式 68
2.Different Inversion Structures 不同的倒装结构 70
Ⅱ.Restructuring in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译的结构调整 71
1.Keeping the Original Sequence 保持原文顺序 71
2.Reversing the Original Sequence 颠倒原文顺序 71
3.According to Time Sequence 按时间顺序 72
4.According to Logical Sequence 按逻辑顺序 72
Ⅲ.Restructuring in Chinese-English Translation 汉英翻译的结构调整 73
1.Different Sequences in Customary Word Combinations 不同的词语习惯表达顺序 73
2.Restructuring in Chinese-English Translation 汉英翻译中的结构调整 73
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 74
Unit 7 Affirmative vs.Negative 肯定与否定 77
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 77
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 78
Ⅰ.Negation in English-Chinese Translation 英译汉的正反交替 80
1.Affirmative in English,but Negative in Chinese 英语为肯定,汉语译作否定 81
2.Negative in English,but Affirmative in Chinese 英语为否定,汉语译作肯定 82
3.Same English Word,Either Affirmative or Negative Equivalents in Chinese 译作肯定否定均可 82
4.Double Negative for Emphasis 强调性双重否定 82
5.Roundabout Affirmative 迂回式肯定 83
6.Some Traps in Negative Structures 否定的陷阱 83
Ⅱ.Negation in Chinese-English Translation 汉译英的正反交替 84
1.Negation According to English Usage 根据英语习惯用法译作肯定或否定 85
2.Negation for Emphasis or Rhetorical Effect 从强调或修辞角度考虑肯定或否定 85
3.Negation to Convey Exactly the Original Meaning 用正反交替传达原文的确切意思 85
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 85
Unit 8 The Passive Voice 被动语态 89
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 89
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 90
1.The Passive Voice in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译的被动语态 94
1.Converting the Passive Voice into the Active 被动语态转为主动语态 94
2.Converting the Passive Voice into a Subjectless Sentence 被动语态转为无主句 95
3.Keeping the Passive Structure Unchanged 被动语态保持不变 95
4.Replacing the Passive Voice with Other Means 被动语态用其他手段代替 96
Ⅱ.The Passive Structures in Chinese-English Translation 汉英翻译的被动结构 96
1.Chinese Sentences with Passive Labels 带有被动标签的汉语句子 97
2.Chinese Sentences without Passive Labels 不带被动标签的汉语句子 97
3.Converting"Active"Structures into the Passive Voice 将主动结构转换为被动 97
4.The Translation of Some Idiomatic Chinese Expressions 一些汉语习惯表达的译法 98
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 98
Unit 9 Nominal Clauses 名词性从句 103
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 103
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 104
Ⅰ.The Translation of English Nominal Clauses 英语名词性从句的翻译 106
1.Subject Clauses 主语从句 106
2.Object Clauses 宾语从句 107
3.Predicative Clauses 表语从句 108
4.Appositive Clauses 同位语从句 108
Ⅱ.The Translation of Chinese Complex Sentences 汉语复句的翻译 109
1.Sentence Combination 句子的合并 109
2.Sentence Sequence 句序 110
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 111
Unit 10 Attributive Clauses 定语从句 115
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 115
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 116
Ⅰ.A Comparative Study of English and Chinese Attributive Structures 英汉定语结构的对比 118
Ⅱ.Restrictive Attributive Clauses 限制性定语从句 119
1.Combination 合并法 119
2.Division 分译法 120
3.Mixture 混合法 121
Ⅲ.Non-Restrictive Attributive Clauses 非限制性定语从句 121
1.Division 分译法 122
2.Combination 合并法 123
Ⅳ.Attributive Clauses Functioning as Adverbials 兼有状语功能的定语从句 123
1.Translating into Adverbial Clauses of Cause 译作原因句 123
2.Translating into Adverbial Clauses of Result 译作结果句 124
3.Translating into Adverbial Clauses of Concession 译作让步句 124
4.Translating into Adverbial Clauses of Condition 译作条件句 124
5.Translating into Adverbial Clauses of Purpose 译作目的句 124
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 125
Unit 11 Adverbial Clauses 状语从句 129
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 129
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 130
Ⅰ.The Translation of English Adverbial Clauses 英语状语从句的翻译 132
1.Adverbial Clauses of Time 时间状语从句 133
2.Adverbial Clauses of Place 地点状语从句 133
3.Adverbial Clauses of Cause 原因状语从句 134
4.Adverbial Clauses of Condition 条件状语从句 134
5.Adverbial Clauses of Concession 让步状语从句 135
6.Adverbial Clauses of Purpose 目的状语从句 135
Ⅱ.Adverbial Clauses in Chinese Complex Sentences 汉语复句中的状语分句 135
1.Discerning Subordination 分清主从 136
2.Using Inanimate Subjects 使用无灵主语 136
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 137
Unit 12 Long Sentences 长句的翻译 141
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 141
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 142
Ⅰ.Long Sentences in English-Chinese Translation 英汉翻译的长句处理 144
1.Two Stages and Five Steps 长句翻译的两个阶段和五个步骤 144
2.Sample Analysis 实例分析 144
Ⅱ.Methods of Translating Long English Sentences 英译汉长句的翻译方法 146
1.Embedding 内嵌法 147
2.Dividing 切分法 147
3.Splitting 拆分法 148
4.Inserting 插入法 149
5.Recasting 重组法 150
Ⅲ.Long Sentences in Chinese-English Translation 汉译英的长句处理 151
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 153
Unit 13 English for Science and Technology 科技英语的翻译 159
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 159
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 160
Ⅰ.Formation of English Technical Terms 英语技术词语的构成 162
1.Affixation 缀合法 163
2.Compounding 复合法 163
3.Blending 缩合法 164
4.Acronyms 首字母缩略 164
5.Proper Nouns 专有名词 165
Ⅱ.Characteristic Syntax of EST 科技英语的句法特点 166
1.More Long and Complicated Sentences 大量使用长句 166
2.More Nominalization 大量使用名词化结构 167
3.Extensive Use of the Passive Voice 广泛使用被动语态 167
4.More Non-Finite Forms of the Verb 大量使用非限定动词 168
5.Different Uses of the Tense 时态的不同用法 168
6.The Post-Position of the Attributive 定语的后置 168
Ⅲ.Methods of Translating EST 科技英语的翻译方法 169
1.Expanding the Noun Phrase into a Separate Clause 将名词性短语扩展成汉语分句 169
2.Converting the Noun Phrase into a Verb-object Structure 将名词性短语转换成动宾结构 169
3.Converting Attributive Elements into Independent Sentences,Adverbial Clauses,etc. 将定语成分转换成独立句、状语分句等 169
4.Converting the Passive into the Active 将被动转换成主动 170
5.Supplementing Necessary Words to Indicate Different Tenses 增词以表示不同的时态 170
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 170
Unit 14 The Translation of Documentation 文献的翻译 175
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 175
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 176
Ⅰ.The Translation of Contracts and Agreements 合同与协议的翻译 178
Ⅱ.The Translation of Proposals,Reports and Reviews 建议、报告与评论的翻译 180
Ⅲ.The Translation of Patents and Trademarks 专利与商标的翻译 183
Ⅳ.The Translation of Copyright Documents 版权文献的翻译 185
Ⅴ.The Translation of Bid-Documents 招标文献的翻译 186
Ⅵ.The Translation of Abstracts,Indexes and Bibliographies 摘要、索引与文献目录的翻译 188
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 191
Unit 15 Application Documents for Studying Abroad 出国留学申请翻译 197
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 197
Practical Translation Training 实用翻译训练 198
Ⅰ.Asking for Application Forms for Admission 索要入学申请表 199
Ⅱ.Graduation Certification 毕业证明的翻译 200
Ⅲ.Résumé and the Covering Letter 个人简历及附信的翻译 201
Ⅳ.Letters of Recommendation 推荐信的翻译 205
Ⅴ.Personal Statement 自我陈述的翻译 206
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 209
Unit 16 Comprehensive Abilities through Comparative Studies 通过比较研究培养翻译综合能力 213
Highlights of the Unit 单元要点概述 213
Ⅰ.Comparative Studies of English and Chinese Languages from a Macroscopic View Point 英汉语言宏观对比 214
1.Synthetic vs.Analytic 综合性与分析性 214
2.Compact vs.Diffusive 紧凑与松散 215
3.Hypotactic vs.Paratactic 形合与意合 215
4.Complex vs.Simplex 繁复与简单 215
5.Impersonal vs.Personal 物称与人称 216
6.Passive vs.Active 被动与主动 216
7.Static vs.Dynamic 静态与动态 217
8.Abstract vs.Concrete 抽象与具体 217
9.Roundabout vs.Straightforward 间接与直接 217
10.Substitutive vs.Repetitive 替换与重复 218
Ⅱ.Practical Abilities Attained from Translation Studies and Practice 通过比较研究和实践提高翻译应用能力 218
1.Language Sensibility 语感能力 218
2.Contextual Analysis 语境分析能力 220
3.Logical Thinking 逻辑思维能力 222
Reflections and Practice 思考与练习 224
Appendix A Translation Exercises for Independent Work 英汉互译独立作业练习 229
Appendix B Keys to Practical Translation Training and Exercises 实用翻译训练及练习参考答案 263
Appendix C Keys to Translation Exercises for Independent Work 英汉互译独立作业练习参考译文 319
Bibliography 参考书目 355
- 《看漫画学钢琴 技巧 3》高宁译;(日)川崎美雪 2019
- 《国家社科基金项目申报规范 技巧与案例 第3版 2020》文传浩,夏宇编著 2019
- 《语文教育教学实践探索》陈德收 2018
- 《彼得·布鲁克导演实践研究》邓小玲著 2019
- 《反思性实践》胡红梅, 2019
- 《导游词创作和讲解技巧》廖广莉主编 2019
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- 《环境影响评价公众参与理论与实践研究》樊春燕主编 2019
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