中国民间风俗 汉英对照PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:厉振仪编选
- 出 版 社:北京:中国对外翻译出版公司
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7500118163
- 页数:260 页
前言Preface 1
贴春联Putting up the Spring Scrolls 2
除夕Chinese New Year's Eve 4
合家欢、守岁Happy Family Reunion Dinner and New Year's Eve Vigil 6
辞岁Ringing out the Old Year 10
分压岁钱Distributing Ya Sui Money 12
新年放爆竹Firecrackers on New Year's Day 14
贺新年Sending New Year's Greetings 18
拜年Paying New Year's Visits 20
新年禁忌New Year's Taboo 22
剪纸迎春Papercuttings to Welcome Spring 24
鞭春牛Whipping the Ox in Early Spring 26
元宵张灯The lantern Festival 28
清明节The Clear Brightness Festival 32
端午节划船比赛The Dragon Boat Festival 36
端午节吃粽子Eating Rice Dumplings in the Dragon Boat Festival 40
端午节驱五毒Driving away the Five Poisonous Pests 42
乞巧节The Double Seventh Festival 46
放河灯Floating River Lanterns 50
中秋赏月Admiring the Full Moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival 54
中秋拜月Worshipping the Moon during the Mid-Autumn Festival 56
重阳节The Chong Yang Festival 58
冬至大如年The Winter Solstice 62
送灶神Seeing the Kitchen God Off 66
娃娃亲Infant Matrimony 70
下财礼Betrothal Gifts 74
新娘蒙首Bridal Veil 76
传袋求子Passing over Bags for an Offspring 80
拜堂—撒帐—合髻—喝交杯酒Bai Tang,Sa Zhang,He Ji and Drinking Jiao Bei Wine 82
闹新房Teasing the Newlyweds 86
回门Returning Home 88
抛彩球Tossing Colourful Balls 90
闹丧Clamorous Funeral 92
做七Doing the Sevenths 96
鬼婚Ghost Marriage 98
做冥寿Celebrating the Nether Birthday 100
摸秋求子Touching the Autumn for a Son 102
催生礼Gifts Expediting Child Delivery 104
满月洗儿会Child Bathing at One Month Old 106
抓周试儿A Vocational Inclination Test for an Infant 110
寄名神鬼Dedicating to Deities and Spirits 112
指腹婚"Belly-Pointing"Marriage 114
过房Transfer of House 116
十二生肖Twelve Animals Representing Twelve Earthly Branches 118
观音生日The Birthday of Guanyin 120
舍缘豆Distributing Predestination Beans 124
香汤浴佛Bathing Buddha in Aromatic Water 128
求雨Begging for Rain 130
关公诞The Birthday of Guan Gong 132
香市盛况The Grand Occasion of Offering Joss Sticks 134
送寒衣Sending Clothes for the Winter 136
中元节祭祀亡灵Offering Sacrifices to Ghosts in Zhong Yuan Festival 138
扫晴娘止雨The Sao Qing Girl Stopping the Rain 142
桃木驱邪Peachwood to Repel Evil Influence 144
翻经转男身Leafing through Scriptures to Be Transformed into Males 148
石敢当Stone Gandang 150
喷嚏兆灾Sneezing Portending Disaster 152
忌戴绿头巾Green Scarf Taboo 154
蚕禁Silkworm Taboo 156
看骨相Reading Bone Structure 158
傩舞驱疫Nuo Dancing to Dispel Epidemic Diseases 160
月光纸Moonlight Paper 162
祈子摩喉罗Praying for a Son from Mohouluo 164
沏茶待客Making Tea for Guests 168
下茶为礼Sending Tea as a Gift 172
上茶馆Going to a Teahouse 174
茶肆景观Scenes of Famous Teahouses 176
猜拳Finger-Guessing Game 180
金兰会Gold Orchid Sororities 182
斗蟋蟀Cricketfight 184
放风筝Kite-flying 186
清晨遛鸟Morning Walk with Birds 188
上浴室Going to the Public Bath 190
观潮Watching the Tide 194
弄潮Playings with the Tide 196
暖房Housewarming 198
僧人报晓Monks Heralding Daybreak 200
手影戏Hand-Shadow Drama 202
抽陀螺Whipping a Top 204
踏歌Stomping Songs 206
踩高跷Walking on Stilts 210
傀儡戏Puppet Drama 212
猴戏Monkey Drama 214
名帖交际Socializing by Means of Calling Cards 216
唱喏礼Saluting by Re 220
雀竿之戏"Sparrow on a Bamboo Tip" 222
盲人卖唱Blind People Singing for a Living 224
行善Doing Good Works 228
贴花子Wearing Beauty Spots 230
戴柏子花Wearing Cypress Flowers 232
染指甲Dyeing Fingernails 234
点燕脂Putting on Rouge 236
百事大吉"All is Well" 240
吃斋Practising Abstinence 242
腊八粥Rice Porridge for December Eighth 244
天井"Sky Well" 248
鸱吻"Sparrow Hawk's Kiss" 250
店幌Shop Signs 252
吟叫Crying One's Wares 254
卖冰Selling Ice 256
接财神Receiving the God of Wealth 258
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