- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:周国强等编著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海交通大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7313036019
- 页数:249 页
Unit 1 Writing Effective Sentences 1
Section A: What are effective sentences? 1
Ⅰ.Conciseness 1
Ⅱ.Variety 4
Ⅲ.Emphasis 10
Section B: Recognizing and repairing basic sentence faults 21
Ⅰ.Sentence fragments 21
Ⅱ.Run-on sentences 23
Ⅲ.mproperly placed modifiers 27
Ⅳ.Errors in parallelism 30
Unit 2 Writing Effective Paragraphs 32
Section A: Understanding paragraph structure 32
Ⅰ.Topic sentence 32
Ⅱ.Supporting sentences 34
Ⅲ.Concluding sentence 35
Ⅳ.Details in the paragraph 36
Section B: How to develop a paragraph 37
Section C: Two special types of paragraphs 44
Ⅰ.Opening paragraph 44
Ⅱ.Concluding paragraph 49
Section D: Characteristics of a well-designed paragraph 53
Ⅰ.Unity 53
Ⅱ.Coherence 57
Ⅲ.Completeness 65
Section E: Connecting paragraphs 67
Ⅰ. Transitions 67
Ⅱ.Signposts 68
Ⅲ.Previews 68
Ⅳ.Key words or key ideas 69
Unit 3 Planning an Essay 73
Ⅰ.Choosing and limiting a topic 73
Ⅱ.Determining your purpose 74
Ⅲ.Gathering Material 75
Ⅳ.Writing a thesis statement 78
Ⅴ.Outlining an essay 80
Unit 4 Description 84
Section A: Understanding description 84
Ⅰ.Structure of a descriptive essay 84
Ⅱ.Features of a descriptive essay 84
Ⅲ.Strategies for writing a descriptive essay 86
Section B: Model essays 89
Unit 5 Narration 98
Section A: Understanding narration 98
Ⅰ.Structure of narration 98
Ⅱ.Strategies for writing a narrative essay 98
Section B: Model essays 102
Unit 6 Argumentation 113
Section A: Understanding argumentation 113
Ⅰ.Types of argumentation 113
Ⅱ.Strategies for writing an argumentative essay 114
Section B: Model essays 117
Unit 7 Illustration 125
Section A: Understanding illustration 125
Ⅰ.Nature of illustration 125
Ⅱ.Strategies for writing an illustrative essay 125
Section B: Model essays 128
Unit 8 Definition 138
Section A: Understanding definition 138
Ⅰ.Nature of definition 138
Ⅱ.Strategies for writing a definition essay 139
Section B: Model essays 142
Unit 9 Classification 148
Section A: Understanding classification 148
Ⅰ.Nature of classification 148
Ⅱ.Strategies for writing a classification essay 148
Section B: Model essays 152
Unit 10 Comparison and Contrast 158
Section A: Understanding comparison and contrast 158
Ⅰ.Nature of contrast and comparison 158
Ⅱ.Strategies for writing a comparison-contrast essay 158
Section B: Model essays 162
Unit 11 Cause and Effect Analysis 170
Section A: Understanding cause and effect analysis 170
Ⅰ. Nature of cause and effect analysis 170
Ⅱ.Strategies for using cause-effect analysis in an essay 170
Section B: Model essays 174
Unit 12 Process Analysis 181
Section A: Understanding process analysis 181
Ⅰ.Nature of process analysis 181
Ⅱ.Strategies for writing a process analysis essay 182
Section B: Model essays 184
Unit 13 Writing Letters 192
Section A: Nature of letter writing 192
Ⅰ.Types of letters 192
Ⅱ.Parts of a letter 193
Ⅲ.Differences between personal letters and business letters 197
Ⅳ.Forms of layout for a letter 198
Section B: Sample letters 200
Ⅰ. Business letters 200
Ⅱ.Personal letters 203
Unit 14 Writing a Resume and a Cover Letter 209
Section A: Resume 209
Ⅰ.Function of a resume 209
Ⅱ.Parts of a resume 210
Ⅲ.Sample resumes 212
Section B: Cover letter 215
Ⅰ.Parts of a cover letter 215
Ⅱ.Sample cover letters 216
Unit 15 Writing Memos 221
Section A: Layout of a memoranda 221
Section B: Sample memos 224
Unit 16 Punctuation 227
Section A: A brief overview of punctuation 227
Section B: End punctuation 228
Ⅰ.Period 228
Ⅱ.Question mark 230
Ⅲ.Exclamation mark 230
Section C: Comma 231
Section D: Other types of punctuation 235
Ⅰ.Semicolon 235
Ⅱ.Colon 237
Ⅲ.Quotation marks 239
Ⅳ.Dash and parentheses 241
Ⅴ.Brackets 244
Ⅵ.Hyphen 245
Ⅶ.Ellipsis mark 246
Ⅷ.Slash 246
Ⅸ.Apostrophe 247
主要参考书目 249
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