破冰之旅 中国高校英语课堂的二语交流意愿个案分析PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张露茜著
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江工商大学出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:751781477X
- 页数:277 页
List of Tables 1
List of Figures 1
Chapter 1:Introduction 1
1.1 Research problem 1
1.2 Research motive 3
1.3 Research aim and questions 4
1.4 Significance of the study 5
1.5 Outline of this thesis 6
Chapter 2:Chinese Context 8
2.1 English in China 8
2.1.1 China English 13
2.2 College English 17
2.3 Willingness to Communicate(WTC) 19
2.4 Conclusion 22
Chapter 3:Literature Review 23
3.1 Establishment of WTC in L1 24
3.2 Establishment of WTC in L2 28
3.3 Development of L2 WTC studies and theories 31
3.3.1 Recent L2 WTC studies outside China 35
3.3.2 Recent L2 WTC studies in China 43
3.4 The Chinese WTC model 52
3.4.1 Factors in Chinese WTC model 52
3.4.2 Challenged collectivistic outlook of the Chinese 63
3.5 Conclusion 64
Chapter 4:Methodology 66
4.1 Research design 66
4.1.1 Procedures 69
4.2 The case study approach 70
4.3 Research setting and participants 72
4.4 Instruments 74
4.4.1 Questionnaires 74
4.4.2 Documents 78
4.4.3 Student narratives 81
4.4.4 Classroom observations 82
4.4.5 Stimulated recalls 84
4.4.6 Semi-structured interviews 85
4.5 Data analysis procedures 88
4.6 Ethical issues 91
Chapter 5:Pilot Study 93
5.1 Pilot Study One 93
5.2 Pilot Study Two 95
5.2.1 Data screen 95
5.2.2 Exploratory Factor Analysis(EFA) 97
Chapter 6:Study One 105
6.1 Data screen 105
6.2 Findings 107
6.2.1 Confirmatory Factor Analysis(CFA) 108
6.2.2 Multi-group Confirmatory Factor Analysis(MGCFA) 112
6.2.3 Structural Equation Modeling(SEM) 118
6.2.4 Multi-group Structural Equation Modeling(MGSEM) 124
6.3 Discussion 130
6.3.1 Research Questions One:Personal factors that facilitate and hinder BE students'WTC and Three:Interactions between personal and contextual factors 133
6.3.2 Research Question Four:Pedagogical changes 138
6.4 Conclusion 140
Chapter 7:Study Two 142
7.1 Participant information in qualitative studies 142
7.2 Document analysis outcomes 144
7.3 Classroom observation findings 147
7.4 Teacher interview results 156
7.4.1 Teacher with weak classroom context 157
7.4.2 Teacher with supportive classroom context 160
7.5 Discussion 163
7.5.1 Research Question Two:Contextual factors that facilitate and hinder BE students'WTC 164
7.5.2 Research Question Three:Interactions between personal and contextual factors 168
7.5.3 Research Question Four:Pedagogical changes 169
Chapter 8:Study Three 173
8.1 Student narratives 173
8.1.1 High WTC and weak context 175
8.1.2 High WTC and supportive context 177
8.1.3 Low WTC and weak context 179
8.1.4 Low WTC and supportive context 181
8.2 Stimulated Recalls 183
8.3 Student interviews 185
8.3.1 Societal context 187
8.3.2 Personality 189
8.3.3 Motivation 191
8.3.4 Attitudes 193
8.4 Discussion 195
8.4.1 Research Question One:Personal factors that facilitate and hinder BE students'WTC 195
8.4.2 Research Question Three:Interactions between personal and contextual factors 199
8.4.3 Research Question Four:Pedagogical changes 200
Chapter 9:Discussion 205
9.1 Combining findings 205
9.1.1 A three-dimension Chinese L2 WTC model 205
9.1.2 Data combining outcomes 208
9.2 Relating findings with previous L2 WTC studies 211
9.3 Lack of teacher support 212
Chapter 10:Conclusions 216
10.1 Research mission of the study 216
10.2 Summary of findings 218
10.2.1 Research Question One:Personal factors that facilitate and hinder BE students'WTC 219
10.2.2 Research Question Two:Contextual factors that facilitate and hinder BE students'WTC 221
10.2.3 Research Question Three:Interactions between personal and contextual factors 223
10.2.4 Research Question Four:Pedagogical changes 224
10.3 Limitations and future research 227
10.4 Conclusion 228
References 230
Appendix A:WTC Questionnaires in spoken English in English language classrooms 260
Appendix B:Classroom observation sheet 268
Appendix C:Stimulated recall questions 269
Appendix D:Interview questions with BE students 270
Appendix E:Interview questions with English teachers 273
Appendix F:Thematic coding of qualitative data 274
Appendix G:A sample student narrative 275
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