![英语专业四级听写满分200篇 全新改革题型](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/97/s6930487.jpg)
![英语专业四级听写满分200篇 全新改革题型](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/97/s6930487.jpg)
英语专业四级听写满分200篇 全新改革题型PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:常俊跃,苏晓丽主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787568503778
- 页数:136 页
第1章 听写训练指导 2
一、大纲对听写的要求 2
二、听写的评分标准 2
三、听写及听写测试常见的问题 3
四、听写训练的技巧 4
五、提高听写成绩的技巧 6
第2章 听写训练指导 8
Passage 1Professor Bumble 8
Passage 2Teamwork 8
Passage 3Mistakes Are Good Teachers 9
Passage 4Time Has the Power to Change Attitude 10
Passage 5Experiences Speak 11
Passage 6Representatives of Civilization: Pottery 11
Passage 7Words Can Make a Difference 12
Passage 8Fairy Tales 13
Passage 9Self-image 13
Passage 10 Shopaholics 14
Passage 11Time Management 14
Passage 12Charity Shops 15
Passage 13Passive Learning 16
Passage 14Different “Styles” of Directions 16
Passage 15Rain Forests 17
Passage 16Juana Lopez’s Invention 18
Passage 17Rising Sea Level 18
Passage 18What Is a Father? 19
Passage 19Little Boy’s Big Idea 20
Passage 20 Cultural Differences 20
Passage 21Stress 21
Passage 22Love Is a Telephone 22
Passage 23Jealousy 22
Passage 24Differences Between Television and Radio Announcers 23
Passage 25The African Elephant 24
Passage 26Operations on the Brain 24
Passage 27Depression 25
Passage 28White Noise 26
Passage 29Cell Phones 27
Passage 30 Facing the Enemies Within 27
Passage 31The Tower of London 28
Passage 32Can’t 29
Passage 33The First Music Road in the U.S. 29
Passage 34Easter 30
Passage 35Sleepwalking 30
Passage 36Why Are Some People Left-handed? 31
Passage 37Summon up Courage 32
Passage 38A Burden You Don’t Deserve 32
Passage 39Culture 33
Passage 40 Benjamin Franklin 33
Passage 41Light Pollution 34
Passage 42Monkeys That Eat Less Live Longer 35
Passage 43Dangerous Lead-based Paint Common Around the World 36
Passage 44Expressions That Are Old and True 36
Passage 45Death Valley: A Beautiful but Dangerous Place 37
Passage 46Death Valley: the Coming of the Name 38
Passage 47An Old Saying 38
Passage 48Study Finds More Trees on Farms Than Was Thought 39
Passage 49Going Digital: California’s Textbook Project 39
Passage 50 American and British English 40
Passage 51Town and Country Life in England 41
Passage 52A Change in Women’s Life 41
Passage 53A Popular Pastime of the English People 42
Passage 54British and American Police Officers 43
Passage 55Living Space 43
Passage 56The United Nations 44
Passage 57Plastic 45
Passage 58Display of Goods 46
Passage 59Albert Einstein 46
Passage 60 Private Cars 47
Passage 61A Henpecked Husband and His Wife 48
Passage 62A Young Man’s Promise 49
Passage 63A Kind Neighbor 49
Passage 64That Isn’t Our Fault 50
Passage 65A Guide’s Answer 51
Passage 66A Qualified Pilot 52
Passage 67Living Things React 53
Passage 68Flowering Plants 54
Passage 69Finding the Direction and Location 55
Passage 70 Waves 55
Passage 71Soils 56
Passage 72Crisis 57
Passage 73America’s Worst Surprise 58
Passage 74Great Depression in the U.S. 58
Passage 75A Place of Our Own 59
Passage 76Travel for Work 60
Passage 77Intelligence 61
Passage 78A Free Dress Every Week 62
Passage 79Time 62
Passage 80 Cartoonists 63
Passage 81Water Pollution 64
Passage 82Making a Complaint 65
Passage 83Where Do the British Live 66
Passage 84Will Computers Replace Human Beings? 67
Passage 85Soccer 68
Passage 86Artists 69
Passage 87Professional Sports in the U.S. 69
Passage 88“How to” Books 70
Passage 89Don’t Give Up 71
Passage 90 How High Can You Jump? 72
Passage 91Apology Helps 73
Passage 92Sleep 74
Passage 93Our Concern 74
Passage 94Gardening in America 75
Passage 95The Influence of Life 76
Passage 96Automobiles 77
Passage 97House and Home 78
Passage 98Population Growth 78
Passage 99Natural Resources 79
Passage 100 Reading 80
第3章 提高训练100篇 82
Passage 1Everything Matters 82
Passage 2Abundance 82
Passage 3American English vs.British English 83
Passage 4We Are Standing Here 83
Passage 5Get a Thorough Understanding of Oneself 84
Passage 6How to Maintain Your Love Relationship 84
Passage 7Releasing the Past 85
Passage 8Change 85
Passage 9Have Faith, and Expect the Best 86
Passage 10 The Art of Forgiveness 86
Passage 11Why Americans Don’t Really Want to Break up? 87
Passage 12The Happy Door 87
Passage 13The Love of Beauty 88
Passage 14Giving Life Meaning 88
Passage 15Meaning of Life 89
Passage 16Free to Soar 89
Passage 17Which Comes First—Trust or Trustworthiness? 90
Passage 18Five Enemies 90
Passage 19The Goodness of Life (1) 91
Passage 20 The Goodness of Life (2) 91
Passage 21Clear Your Mental Space 92
Passage 22Conquer Negativity 92
Passage 23Be Happy 93
Passage 24The Road to Success 93
Passage 25What Is Your Recovery Rate? 94
Passage 26Live Your Life 94
Passage 27Abuse of Power Is Still “Very High” in Many Countries 95
Passage 28Companionship of Books 95
Passage 29Respect 96
Passage 30 Leadership 97
Passage 31Plants 97
Passage 32Migration 98
Passage 33The Book That Has Influenced Me 98
Passage 34Patriotism 99
Passage 35Men Take the Pain 99
Passage 36Truthfulness 100
Passage 37Pocket Money 100
Passage 38College Library 101
Passage 39A Big Girl’s Blouse 101
Passage 40 Myth of Equal Justice for Women 102
Passage 41Is Life a Tragedy or Comedy? 103
Passage 42When Life Loses Its Smell 103
Passage 43The Speed of Modern Civilization 104
Passage 44Very Superstitious! 104
Passage 45Monkey Business 105
Passage 46Time Is a Tyrant 105
Passage 47No Meat 106
Passage 48Faking It 107
Passage 49Sorry! 108
Passage 50 Standard of Living vs.Quality of Life 108
Passage 51Family Stuff 109
Passage 52How Torture Works 109
Passage 53Observations on Work 110
Passage 54My Aim in Life 111
Passage 55Telecommuting 111
Passage 56Information Is Power 112
Passage 57Dining Etiquette When Dating 113
Passage 58What Is a Typical American Film? 113
Passage 59Children’s Hours at Home 114
Passage 60 Scientific Theories 114
Passage 61The Obesity Problem 115
Passage 62The Origin of Sports 115
Passage 63X-Sports 116
Passage 64Valentine’s Day 116
Passage 65New Insight into the Roots of Homosexuality 117
Passage 66Why Families Who Eat Together Are Healthier? 118
Passage 67Love 118
Passage 68Empathy vs.Sympathy 119
Passage 69Take Your Vacation! 119
Passage 70 Save Wildlife from Trafficking 120
Passage 71Must One Lose a Job over Infidelity? 120
Passage 72Facing the Enemies Within 121
Passage 73Separation 121
Passage 74Wedding 122
Passage 75We’re Living the Dream! 122
Passage 76The Wounded 123
Passage 77The Art of Flattery 123
Passage 78Smoking 124
Passage 79Good Manner 124
Passage 80 Disadvantages of Being a Teenager 125
Passage 81Hobbies 125
Passage 82Elections and Democracy 126
Passage 83Be Careful When Naming Your Kid 127
Passage 84A Walk on the Moon 127
Passage 85Snapping Pictures of Funny Signs 128
Passage 86How Are Our Bodies Made? 128
Passage 87Animal Chatter 129
Passage 88Where Did Our Calendar Come from? 129
Passage 89Shortcuts to the Future 130
Passage 90 Hear, Hear 130
Passage 91Aggression in Early Childhood 131
Passage 92Children’s Social Cognition 132
Passage 93Miser 132
Passage 94The Ass’s Shadow 133
Passage 95Facebook 133
Passage 96“Packaging” a Person 134
Passage 97Henry Ford 135
Passage 98To Be or Not to Be 136
Passage 99The Nobel Academy 136
Passage 100 Turning off TV 136
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