![套公式 轻松说口语](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/98/s690d3bc.jpg)
![套公式 轻松说口语](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/98/s690d3bc.jpg)
套公式 轻松说口语PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:朱飞,王小红编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国水利水电出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787517042310
- 页数:311 页
Part 1 顺畅表达,直接套公式! 2
Unit 1 get公式,简单又常用 2
I dont get 2
I'll go get 3
I got you 5
I've got a problem with 6
How did you get...to...? 8
...is getting nowhere 9
Unit 2 say和talk,想说轻松说 11
Are you saying(that)...? 11
All I'm saying is 12
I have to say 14
Let's say 15
Let's Just say 16
It's/That's like saying 18
...to say the least 19
...talk(s)about how 20
Unit 3 tell不止告诉,含义很多 22
Please tell me(that) 22
Don't tell me(that) 23
...tells me(that)...?! 25
I'm telling you, 26
(I'll)tell you what, 27
I can tell 28
You can never tell 30
Unit 4 系动词be,用法多 32
I'm good with 32
I'm not cut out for/to 34
I'm in the middle of 36
It's a shame(that) 37
Unit 5 know是知道,可以这样用 39
I doo't know anything about 39
I know...but 41
I don't know how 42
You don't even know 44
I don't know about you,but 45
You knew full well 46
Knowing 48
...before you know it 49
Unit 6 gonna&wanna口语常用,挺好记 51
You're not going to/gonna 51
You don't want to/wanna 52
There is going to/gonna be 54
What am I going to/gonna 55
I'm going to/gonna have to 57
You're gonna have to 58
You're gonna wanna 60
Unit 7 think表示想,用法不一 62
I think I'm going to/gonna 62
I never thought I would 63
Who would've thought(that)...? 65
Come to think of it 66
I think you deserve 67
Unit 8 see&look同是看,意思有区别 69
I see 69
I don't see 70
I can see(that) 71
Can't you see...? 73
I'll see 74
The way I see it 75
I can't see 77
I'm looking to 78
Unit 9 guess&suppose,差别要分清 80
I guess(that) 80
You'll never guess 81
You're supposed to 83
You were supposed to 84
What am I supposed to...? 86
How am I supposed to...? 87
Part 2 想你所想,畅所欲言! 91
Unit 10 歉意、感激,时常挂嘴边 91
I'm sorry,but 91
Thanks to 92
I wanted to apologize for 94
I'd appreciate it if you could 95
I feel sorry for 97
You'll be sorry 99
Unit 11 表明意见,方式多样 101
I don't like the way 101
I've had it with 102
You're the one who 104
You can‘t(just) 105
You could at least 107
There is no excuse for 108
You of all people 110
I hate to say this,but 111
Unit 12 确不确定,这样说就行 114
I bet(that) 114
Are you positive(that)...? 115
I'm convinced(that) 117
I'm not clear 119
...,that's for sure 120
I'll be sure to 122
There's a good chance(that) 123
Unit 13 多种意愿,随意表达 125
I'm(just)asking you to 125
I'll let...know 127
If there's anything(that) 129
...can/could 130
I was hoping(that) 132
Unit 14 各种情感,随你抒发 134
I am/was thrilled 134
I'm into 136
I don't feel up to 137
I'm a big fan of 139
sb.is obsessed with 140
I like the way you 142
I hate the way you 143
...is not my thing 145
Unit 15 征求建议,轻松说出口 147
Do you think I should...? 147
How do you like...? 148
What do you say...? 150
I'd just like to say(that) 151
What makes you think(that)...? 153
I would have to say 154
Part 3 表达疑问,套着公式说! 157
Unit 16 what常见,记着也简单 157
what's up with...? 157
What's it like...? 158
What did you do with/to...? 160
What kind of...? 162
What's the point of...? 163
So what you're saying is(that)...? 164
That's exactly what 166
What I mean is 167
What matters(the)most is 169
Unit 17 how除了方式,另有含义 171
How come...? 171
How am I going to/gonna...? 172
How are you going to/gonna...? 174
How is it(that)...? 175
It's the way how 177
How about if? 178
Unit 18 who&which&why,学起来并不难 180
Who do you think...? 180
Who is/are...to...? 181
Which of these...? 183
Why can't you...? 184
Why are you being so...? 186
That explains why 187
Unit 19 when&where,时间地点分清楚 189
When are you going to/gonna...? 189
When do you think...? 191
When is...due? 192
That's where 194
Part 4 情态动词,套着公式更好学! 197
Unit 20 should是否应该,要区分 197
Should I...? 197
Maybe I(we)should 198
Maybe you should 200
...should be 202
You should have seen/heard 203
Unit 21 can&could,能和能也不同 206
...can be 206
...can't be 207
I(just)can't seem to 209
I can't help it if 211
I can't...let alone 212
I could never 214
I couldn't care less 216
Unit 22 will&would,不要混淆过去和现在 218
You won't believe 218
No one would 219
I said l'd 221
I wish you wouldn't 222
I would hate to 224
I'd kill for/to 226
Unit 23 may&might&must etc.,都表示推测 228
You might as well 228
You might want to/wanna 229
...may be...,but 231
I must admit 233
If you must 235
...had better 236
Didn't you use to...? 237
Part 5 说明想法,套上公式就OK! 240
Unit 24 not&no有差异,分清很重要 240
Not everyone 240
You're not that 241
Don't make me 243
There's no way 244
There's nothing like 245
It's not that 247
I don't think...should 248
Like/Believe it or not, 250
Unit 25 各种that从句,轻松掌握 252
Every time(that) 252
I want you to know(that) 253
Good thing is(that) 255
It's about time(that) 256
It turns out(that) 258
The bottom line is(that) 259
Let's hope(that) 261
I figured(that) 262
Unit 26 阐述观点,其实挺简单 265
This/That is quite a 265
I can't afford to 266
It's/That's probably because 268
Just as you know 270
...ended up 271
I know better than to 272
What's worse is(that) 274
...if you ask me 275
...bucks says 277
Given 278
Unit 27 假设和推测,说法不同 280
...as if 280
Just because...doesn't mean 281
...except(that) 283
Why...? 284
...was/were like 285
Part 6 感情表达,套用公式更容易! 288
Unit 28 打扰他人,要有礼貌 288
I'd be happy to 288
If you don't mind, 290
No offense,but 291
You are more than welcome to 293
I'm sorry to bother you,but 294
I beg to differ 296
Unit 29 不喜欢,就这样说 298
I'm not big on...,but 298
I find 299
...have a way with 301
I fail to 302
I take it(that) 304
On second thought 305
It doesn't hurt to 307
It just occurred to me(that) 308
I was under the impression(that) 310
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