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浦东法院知识产权精品案例集  纪念浦东法  审判20周年  汉英对照
浦东法院知识产权精品案例集  纪念浦东法  审判20周年  汉英对照

浦东法院知识产权精品案例集 纪念浦东法 审判20周年 汉英对照PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:张斌著
  • 出 版 社:北京:法律出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787511893147
  • 页数:657 页
《浦东法院知识产权精品案例集 纪念浦东法 审判20周年 汉英对照》目录

一、著作权民事纠纷案件 3

服装样板可以作为图形作品受到著作权法保护——上海锦禾防护用品有限公司等诉顾菁等著作权侵权纠纷案 3

汇编作品著作权和版式权的界定及权利范围——《中国学术期刊(光盘版)》电子杂志社诉赵萍萍等侵犯汇编作品著作权案 7

破坏软件技术保护措施构成侵犯软件著作权——地创公司、万格公司诉北京万户公司等侵犯计算机软件著作权纠纷案 14

最终用户软件侵权案件中的证据保全——微软公司诉大众保险股份有限公司侵犯计算机软件著作权纠纷案 21

网络服务提供者适用“避风港”规则的要件分析——北京书生网络技术有限公司诉上海玄霆娱乐信息科技有限公司侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案 26

大赛主办方对获奖作品不侵害他人著作权负有合理注意义务——钱琦诉香格里拉饭店管理(上海)有限公司等著作权权属、侵权纠纷案 32

手机阅读软件搜索接口服务的性质认定及法律责任——袁腾飞诉上海第九城市信息技术有限公司侵害作品信息网络传播权纠纷案 38

展台设计图的作品归类与著作权保护——上海九加建筑装饰工程有限公司诉广州世泰服饰发展有限公司等侵害作品发行权、复制权、展览权纠纷案 44

判定美术作品间是否构成实质性相似的基本方法——艾影(上海)商贸有限公司诉上海丫丫信息科技有限公司等侵害作品复制权、改编权纠纷案 50

二、商标民事纠纷案件 59

处理权利冲突不能机械适用保护在先原则——上海海外进出口有限公司诉上海顶新箱包有限公司商标侵权纠纷案 59

“FOR VOLVO”与商标合理使用——沃尔沃商标控股有限公司诉瑞安市长生滤清器有限公司商标侵权纠纷案 64

驰名商标认定应坚持权利主张地原则——彭博有限合伙公司诉上海澎博财经资讯有限公司等商标侵权纠纷案 74

对游戏名称的合理使用不构成商标侵权——大宇资讯股份有限公司诉上海盛大网络发展有限公司商标侵权纠纷案 81

知名商标的功能不仅在于识别还在于表彰——古乔古希股份公司诉森达公司等侵犯商标专用权纠纷案 88

网络交易平台经营者帮助侵权的司法认定——衣念(上海)时装贸易有限公司诉浙江淘宝网络有限公司等侵害商标权纠纷案 93

次商标的侵权判断及赔偿金额的认定——利惠公司诉杭州洪业服饰有限公司、坚持我的服饰(杭州)有限公司等侵害商标权纠纷案 101

标注引人误解的真实信息亦可构成商标侵权或不正当竞争——艾欧史密斯(中国)热水器有限公司诉广州史密斯电器有限公司等商标侵权、不正当竞争纠纷案 109

网络销售环境中商标淡化侵权行为的司法认定——卡地亚国际有限公司诉北京梦克拉科技有限公司等侵害商标权及不正当竞争纠纷案 116

确认不侵权之诉与行政处理不可并行——苏州国信集团旺顺进出口有限公司诉特制自行车配件有限公司确认不侵害商标权纠纷案 123

在先使用有一定影响的未注册商标可在原范围内继续使用——合肥伍伍壹网络科技服务有限公司诉上海拍拍贷金融信息服务有限公司侵害商标权纠纷案 130

三、不正当竞争民事纠纷案件 139

即发侵权与知识产权保护——上海索迪斯服务有限公司诉上海创造食品科技有限公司不正当竞争纠纷案 139

商业秘密侵权案件原告必须提交商业秘密载体——上海运城制版有限公司诉上海希尔彩印制版有限公司、陈言平商业秘密侵权纠纷案 145

商业秘密中的特定客户应当保持长期稳定交易关系——圣路易凯威(上海)国际贸易有限公司诉朱露春等不正当竞争纠纷案 150

同业竞争者未履行法定的作为义务致使竞争对手的商业信誉受到损害构成不正当竞争——美联物业顾问(上海)有限公司诉上海房产之窗房地产信息有限公司损害(竞争对手)商业信誉、商品声誉纠纷案 159

知名商品特有装潢“特有性”的认定——上海健生实业股份有限公司诉武汉玛丽文化用品有限公司、上海晨光文具礼品连锁经营有限公司侵害作品复制权、发行权、擅自使用知名商品特有装潢纠纷案 167

具有第二含义的通用名称的成立要件及其保护——上海人才网(集团)有限公司诉上海创汇信息科技有限公司擅自使用他人企业名称纠纷案 175

具有一定知名度的企业名称简称应视为企业名称予以保护——上海精密科学仪器有限公司诉上海精学科学仪器有限公司、成都科析仪器成套有限公司擅自使用他人企业名称纠纷案 181

自由竞争与不正当竞争行为的法律界限——北京鑫秀伟烨科技发展有限公司诉上海客齐集信息技术有限公司不正当竞争纠纷案 188

影视剧植入广告的辨识及虚假宣传的认定——北京珂兰信钻网络科技有限公司诉上海辛迪加影视有限公司、上海卓美珠宝有限公司虚假宣传不正当竞争纠纷案 194

仿冒注册商标、企业字号以侵害经营秘密应分别规制手段行为和结果行为——派诺特贸易(深圳)有限公司诉上海派若特国际贸易有限公司、仇刚侵害商标权及不正当竞争纠纷案 200

四、知识产权刑事案件 209

虚假出资成立公司后个人以公司名义经营的应以个人犯罪论处——唐兴成、吴文红假冒注册商标案 209

修改数据获得网络游戏武器装备不构成侵犯计算机软件著作权——王一辉、金珂、汤明职务侵占案 215

为他人运营“私服”提供帮助的以共同犯罪论处——上海龙联信息技术有限公司、陈某某侵犯著作权罪案 225

篡改软件著作权人的开放式许可协议属于司法解释规定的未经著作权人许可——徐楚风、姜海宇侵犯著作权罪案 232

“宽严相济”在特殊社会形势下的充分运用——谭天等销售假冒注册商标的商品罪案 238

非法制造注册商标标识罪的认定及量刑——葛玉龙等非法制造注册商标标识案 244

披露型侵犯商业秘密罪中权利人损失的认定——吴广侵犯商业秘密罪案 248

五、知识产权行政案件 255

工商行政处罚中网页证据的取证规范及证明力判断——上海加酷贸易有限公司不服上海市工商行政管理局机场分局工商行政处罚决定案 255

Ⅰ Civil Dispute Cases over Copyright 263

Garment Patterns Entitled to Protection by the Copyright Law as Graphic Works—Copyright Infringement Disputes between Shanghai Jinhe Protective Equipment Co., Ltd. et al. and Gu Jing et al. 263

Definitions and Limits of Collective Works' Copyright and Format Right—China Academic Journal (CD) Electronic Publishing House Suing Zhao Pingping et al. for Infringement upon Collective Works' Copyright 269

Sabotaging Technical Protection Measure for Software Constitutes Software Copyright Infringement—Shanghai Dichuang Network Technology Co., Ltd. et al. v. Beijing Namex Media Science and Technology Co., Ltd. et al. Computer Software Copyright Infringement 280

Evidence Preservation in Case of End User Infringing Software Right—Microsoft Corporation v. Dazhong Insurance Co., Ltd. Computer Software Copyright Infringement 288

Analysis of Requirements on Application of the“Safe Harbor” Rules to Network Service Providers—Beijing Sursen Network Technologies Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Xuanting Entertainment Information & Technology Co., Ltd. for Infringement of theInformation Network Dissemination Right of the Works 295

Contest Sponsor Has the Duty of Due Care to Ensure that the Awarded Works Do Not Infringe Another's Copyright—Qian Qi v. Shangri-La Hotel Management (Shanghai) Limited Company, et al. for Copyright Ownership and Infringement 304

Determination on Search Interface Service of Mobile Phone Reading Software and Its Legal Liability—Yuan Tengfei Suing Shanghai Ninth City Information Technology Co., Ltd. Casefor Infringement upon Right to Network Dissemination of Information 313

Classification and Copyright Protection of Booth Design Drawings—Dispute over Infringement of the Rights of Works Publication, Reproduction and Exhibition: Shanghai Jiujia Building Decoration Engineering Co., Ltd. v. Guangzhou Shitai Garments Development Co., Ltd. et al. 324

Basic Methods to Judge Substantial Similarity between the Works of Fine Art—Animation International Ltd. v. Shanghai Yaya Information Technology Co.,Ltd. et al. for Infringement of Rights of Reproduction and Adaptation 333

Ⅱ Civil Dispute Cases over Trademark 345

The First to Register Principle May Not Apply Mechanically in Handling Right Conflicts—Shanghai Overseas Import & Export Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Newest Luggage Co., Ltd. Trademark Infringement Case 345

“FOR VOLVO” and Trademark Fair Use—Trademark Infringement Dispute Case: Volvo Trademark Holding AB v. Rui'an Changsheng Oil Filters Co., Ltd. 353

Recognition of a Well-Known Trademark Should Follow the Principle of Place of Right—Bloomberg L. P. v. Shanghai Pobo Financial Information Co., Ltd., et al. Trademark Infringement Dispute 367

The Fair Use of Game Name shall Not Constitute Trademark Infringement—Softstar Entertainment Inc. v. Shanghai Shanda Interactive Development Co., Ltd. for Trademark Infringement 378

Well-Known Trademark: Not Only for Recognition But Also Commendation—GUCCIO GUCCI S. P. A.v. Senda Company, etc. for Trademark Infringement 389

Judicial Determination of Contributory Infringement by Online Trade Platform Operator—E · Land Fashion (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. v. Zhejiang Taobao Network Co.,Ltd. et al. Infringement on Exclusive Right to Use Trademarks 397

Judgment on Infringement of Secondary Trademark and Determination on Compensation Amount—LEVI STRAUSS & Co. v. Hangzhou HongYe Clothing Co., Ltd.,JASONWOOD (Hangzhou) Co., Ltd., Zhongshan Shaxi RenXin Garment Factory, Shanghai XinNing Shopping Center Co., Ltd. for Trademark Infringement 404

Authentic Information with Misleading Label May also Constitute Trademark Infringement or Unfair Competition—A. O. Smith (China) Water Heater Co., Ltd. v. Guangzhou Smith Water Heater Co., Ltd. et al. for Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition 417

Judicial Determination of Trademark Diluted Infringement Act amid Network Sales—Trademark Rights and Unfair Competition: Cartier International AG v. Beijing Mengkela Technology Co., Ltd. for Trademark Infringement 428

Lawsuit on Affirmation of Non-Infringement Cannot Co-exist with Administrative Settlement—The Plaintiff Suzhou Guoxin Group Wangshun Imp. & Exp. Co., Ltd. v. the Defendant Tailoring Bicycle Accessories Co., Ltd. Case on Affirmation of Not Infringing Trademark Right 438

Precedent Used Unregistered Trademark with Certain Influence Could be Used Continually within the Original Scope of Use—Hefei Wuwu Yi Network Technology Service Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai PPDAI Financial Information Service Co., Ltd. for Trademark Infringement 451

Ⅲ Civil Dispute Cases Sover Unfair Competition 465

Imminent Infringement and Intellectual Property Protection—Sodexo (Shanghai) Service Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Chuangzao Food Science & Technology Co., Ltd. for Unfair Competition 465

Trade Secret Carrier is Required for the Plaintiff in the Trade Secret Infringement Case—Shanghai YunCheng Plate-Making Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Xi'er Color Printing & Plate-Making Co., Ltd. and Chen Yanping for Trade Secret Infringement 474

Specific Customers in Trade Secret Should Keep a Long-term Stable Trading Relationship—St. Louis Gateway (Shanghai) International Trading Co., Ltd. v. Zhu Luchun, et al. Unfair Competition and Infringement Case 482

Failure to Fulfill the Statutory Obligation to Act Which Has Damaged the Business Reputation of Competitor of the Same Business Shall Be Judged as Unfair Competition—Midland Realty (Shanghai) Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai ehomeday. com Limited for Damaging its Business Reputation, Commodity Fame (of its Competitor) 496

“Peculiarity”Identification of Special Decoration of Well-Known Commodity—Shanghai Jiansheng Industrial Co., Ltd. Suing Wuhan Maxleaf Stationery Co., Ltd., Shanghai Chenguang Stationery & Gift Chain Limited for Infringement upon Right of Reproduction and Distribution, and Unauthorized Use of Special Decoration of Well-Known Commodity 509

Essential Elements for a Generic Name to Acquire Specific Second Meaning and its Protection—Shanghai Talent Net (Group) Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Chuanghui Information and Science and Technology Co., Ltd. Unauthorized Use of Enterprise Names of Others 522

Shortened Form of Enterprise Name with Certain Popularity Should Be Protected as Enterprise Name—Shanghai Precision and Scientific Instrument Corporation v. Shanghai JingKe Scientific Instrument Co., Ltd., Chengdu Kexi Instrument Set Co., Ltd. for Unauthorized Use of Enterprise Name 528

Legal Limits of Free Competition and Unfair Competition—Beijing Xinxiu Weiye Science and Technology Development Co., Ltd. Suing Shanghai Keqiji Information Technology Co., Ltd. for Unfair Competition 540

Identification of Product Placement in Movies and Television Plays and Determination on False Propaganda—Beijing Kela Diamond Network Technology Co., Ltd. v. China Syndication Entertainment Co., Ltd., et al. Dispute over Unfair Competition 550

Means and Behavior Results Should Be Respectively Regulated for Counterfeiting Registered Trademark and Trade Name to Infringe Trade Secrets—Parrot Trading (Shenzhen) Co., Ltd. v. Shanghai Parrot International Trade Co., Ltd. and Qiu Gang for Trademark Infringement and Unfair Competition 560

Ⅳ Criminal Cases over Intellectual Property 573

An Individual Doing Business in the Name of a False Funded Company Shall Be Charged as Individual Crime—Case of Registered Trademark Counterfeiting by Tang Xingcheng, Wu Wenhong 573

It Shall Not Be Infringement of Computer Software Copyright to Obtain Online Game Weapons via Data Modification—Case of Duty-related Encroachment by Defendants Wang Yihui, Jin Ke and Tang Ming 584

Those Assisting Others in Operating “Private Server” Shall Be Punished for Joint Crime—Crime of Copyright Infringement Committed by Shanghai Longlian Information and Technology Co., Ltd., Chen Hailong 599

Tampering with the Open License Agreement of the Software Copyright Owner Falls into the“Without the Permission of the Copyright Owner” According to Judicial Interpretations—Defendants Xu Chufeng, Jiang Haiyu Commit the Crime of Copyright Infringement 610

Application of Criminal Policy“Tempering Justice with Mercy” in Protection of Intellectual Property—Shanghai Changzheng Materials Co. , Ltd. et al. Crime of Selling Commodities with Counterfeited Registered Trademark 620

Ascertainment and Measurement of Penaltyon Illegal Manufacture of Registered Trademark—Case of Illegally Manufacturing Registered Trademark by the Defendants Ge Yulong, etc. 628

Determination of Right Owner's Losses in Crime of Trade Secret Infringement by Disclosure—Wu Guang Crime of Trade Secret Infringement 635

Ⅴ Administrative Cases over Intellectual Property 647

Evidence Collection Norms and Probative Force Determination of Web-page Evidences in Administrative Punishment Imposed by the Administration for Industry & Commerce—Shanghai Jiaku Trade Co., Ltd. Unsatisfied with the Administrative Penalty Decision of Airport Branch of Shanghai Administration for Industry and Commerce 647

后 记 656

Afterword 657
