非线性和复杂系统的理论 方法和应用 刘曾荣文选PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘曾荣著
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787567122321
- 页数:655 页
第一部分 科研工作一般性介绍 3
1.1学术论文 3
1.2学术论著 22
1.3承担的主要科研项目 24
1.4国家自然科学基金委员会对研究工作的评价及获奖情况 25
1.5说明 27
第二部分 代表性论文 31
Perturbation Solution of the Weak-Nonlinear Differential Equation with δ-Function 31
Chaotic Behavior in Planar Quadratic Hamiltonian System with Periodic Perturbation 39
Phase Plane Characteristics and Dynamic Stabilities for a Spiral Sector Cyclotron 47
Discontinuous and Impulsive Excitation 55
Structure of the Attracting Set of a Piecewise Linear Henon Mapping 60
Higher-order Melnikov Method 70
A Centrosymmetric Chaos 83
The Strange Attractor of The Lozi Mapping 87
The Strange Attractor of a Kind of Two-dimensional Map and Dynamical Properties on It 100
The Measures of Sequence Complexity for EEG Studies 109
A New Method of Studying the Dynamical Behaviour of the sine-Gordon Equation 116
Information Transmission in Human Cerebral Cortex 122
Is There Chaotic Synchronization in Space Extend Systems? 133
The Schrodinger Operator 140
On Radii of Absorbing Sets for Kuramoto-Sivashinsky Equation 149
p Dissipative Operator 160
Homochnic Orbit in ODE on GAIM of the sine-Gordon Equation 190
Constructing new Periodic Exact Solutions of Evolution Equations 196
Controlling Hyperchaos 209
Straight-line Stabilization 215
On the Persistence of Lower-dimensional Invariant Hyperbolic Ton for Smooth Hamiltonian Systems 223
A New Synchronization Principle and Application to Chua’s Circuits 238
Some Dynamical Behavior of Discrete Nagumo Equation 244
On Area-preserving Non-hyperbolic Chaotic Maps: A Case Study 254
Dynamics of Periodic Delayed Neural Networks 261
Singular Dynamics with Application to Singular Waves in Physical Problems 287
Efficient Target Strategies for Contagion in Scale-free Networks 297
A New Method to Realize Cluster Synchronization in Connected Chaotic Networks 304
From Lag Synchronization to Pattern Formation in One-dimensional Open Flow Models 319
Epidemic Spreading on Uncorrelated Heterogenous Networks with Non-uniform Transmission 328
From Lag Synchronization to Pattern Formation in Networked Dynamics 335
Synchronization of Complex Dynamical Networks via Impulsive Control 347
The Basin of Attraction of the Chen Attractor 362
Oscillatory Dynamics in a Simple Gene Regulatory Network Mediated by Small RNAs 371
Periodic Oscillation in Delayed Gene Networks with SUM Regulatory Logic and Small Perturbations 379
Mean-field Level Analysis of Epidemics in Directed Networks 403
Synchronisation Mechanisms of Circadian Rhythms in the Suprachiasmatic Nucleus 413
How Divergence Mechanisms Influence Disassortative Mixing Property in Biology 433
Emergence of Modularity and Disassortativity in Protein-protein Interaction Networks 444
An Efficient Range-free Localization Algorithm for Wireless Sensor Networks 457
Exponential Synchronization of Chaotic Systems with Time-varying Delays and Parameter Mismatches via Intermittent Control 470
The Interaction Between Multiplex Community Networks 487
Mechanisms Generating Bistability and Oscillations in MicroRNA-mediated Motifs 495
Different Water Scenarios for a Primitive Model with Two Types of Hydrogen Bonds 512
Dynamical Behaviors of Rb - E2F Pathway Including Negative Feedback Loops Involving miR449 520
Chaotifying a Continuous-time System via Impulsive Input 539
Adaptability and Sensitivity of Complex Systems 550
MicroRNA-Mediated Regulation in Biological Systems with Oscillatory Behavior 559
Destructive Extraction of Phospholipids from Escherichia coli Membranes by Graphene nanosheets 570
Chaotic Stationary Solutions of Cellular Neural Networks 585
Overexpression of DCF1 Inhibits Glioma through Destruction of Mitochondria and Activation of Apoptosis Pathway 595
Dynamic Analysis of the Combinatorial Regulation Involving Transcription Factors and microRNAs in Cell Fate Decisions 608
第三部分 挑战 629
挑战 629
结束语 655
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