- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:宋英著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国环境科学出版社
- 出版年份:2014
- ISBN:9787511120250
- 页数:304 页
1 Introduction 1
1.1 The Environment-Concept and Issues 1
1.2 Environmental Challenges and Responses 13
1.3 Environment and International Legal Order 14
1.4 China&International Environmental Law in General 18
1.5Conclusion 19
2 Origin and Evolution of International Environmental Law 21
2.1 Introduction 21
2.2 Before the 1972 Stockholm Conference 22
2.3 From Stockholm to Rio:1972—1992 25
2.4 From Rio to Rio+20 29
2.5 Conclusion 34
3 Institutions and Governance 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 States 37
3.3 International Institutions 39
3.4 Non-State Actors 46
3.5 Conclusion 49
4 General Principles and Rules 50
4.1 Introduction 50
4.2 Sovereignty over Natural Resources and the Responsibility Not to Cause Damage to the Environment of other States or to Areas beyond National Jurisdiction 51
4.3 Principle of Preventive Action 52
4.4 Precautionary Principle 54
4.5 Polluter pays Principle 56
4.6 Principle of Common but Differentiated Responsibilities 57
4.7 International Cooperation 60
4.8 Sustainable Development 61
4.9 Conclusion 63
5 Implementation of the General Principles and Rules 64
5.1 Introduction 64
5.2 Regulatory Measures 65
5.3 Economic Instruments 71
5.4 Integrated Environmental Management 73
5.5 Environmental Impact Assessment and Risk Assessment 74
5.6 Environmental Information 77
5.7 Conclusion 83
6 Compliance:Enforcement and Conflict Resolution 84
6.1 Introduction 84
6.2 National Compliance of International Environmental Law 85
6.3 International Compliance Mechanisms 87
6.4 International Environmental Conflict Resolution 95
6.5 Conclusion 96
7 Atmosphere 97
7.1 Introduction 97
7.2 Transboundary Air Pollution 106
7.3 Ozone Depletion 112
7.4 Climate Change 115
7.5 Outer Space 117
7.6 China and Atmosphere 120
7.7 Conclusion 123
8 Oceans and Seas 126
8.1 Introduction 126
8.2 Combating Different Sources of Marine Pollution 133
8.3 Regional Seas Programmes 141
8.4 China and Oceans and Seas 142
8.5 Conclusion 147
9 Freshwater Resources 149
9.1 Introduction 149
9.2 Global Responses 152
9.3 Regional Responses 156
9.4 China and Freshwater Resources 158
9.5 Conclusion 159
10 Biological Diversity 161
10.1 Introduction 161
10.2 International Legal Responses 165
10.3 Biotechnology&Biosafety 168
10.4 Access and Benefit Sharing 169
10.5 Conservation of Marine Living Resources and Marine Biodiversity 172
10.6 China and Biological Diversity 174
10.7 Conclusion 180
11 Land Resources 181
11.1 Introduction 181
11.2 International Legal and Policy Responses 184
11.3 Combating Desertification 187
11.4 Wetlands 188
11.5 World Heritages 191
11.6 Polar Regions 194
11.7 China and Land Resources 200
11.8 Conclusion 206
12 Hazardous Substances and Activities 208
12.1 Introduction 208
12.2 Chemicals,Pesticides and other Dangerous Substances 213
12.3 Persistent Organic Pollutants 216
12.4 Hazardous Wastes 218
12.5 Mercury 224
12.6 Radioactive Substances&Activities 224
12.7 Accident Prevention,Preparedness and Response 230
12.8 China and Hazardous Substances and Activities 231
12.9 Conclusion 233
13 Economic Activities and Environment 235
13.1 Introduction 235
13.2 Poverty Eradication and Environment 236
13.3 International Trade and Environment 244
13.4 Green Economy 252
13.5 Chinese Perspectives 253
13.6 Conclusion 255
14 Human Rights and Environment 256
14.1 Introduction 256
14.2 The Linkage between Human Rights and Environment:Global Approaches and Efforts 258
14.3 Regional and National Approaches and Efforts 263
14.4 China:Human Rights and Environment 271
14.5 Conclusion 273
15 Armed Conflict&Environment 274
15.1 Introduction 274
15.2 International Humanitarian Law 276
15.3 International Criminal Law 281
15.4 Human Rights Law 282
15.5 International Environmental Law 285
15.6 Conclusion 288
Select Bibliography 289
Abbreviations and Acronyms 297
About the Author 302
Acknowledgements 303
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