中国专利制度演进论 基于儒学的考察 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:张南著
- 出 版 社:北京:知识产权出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:9787513037105
- 页数:246 页
1.Introduction 1
1.1 Clarifications of the Arguments and Contributions 1
1.2 Literature Review 2
1.3 Research Methodology 7
2.A Brief History of Chinese Innovation 8
2.1 Changes of Social Group and the Booming of Patents 8
2.1.1 The New Social Changes Brought About by Industrialisation 8
2.1.2 The British Industrialists and Patents 12
2.1.3 Chinese Industrialists and Patents 14 The First Golden Time 14 The Second Golden Time 18 Third Golden Time 20
2.2 Industrialism and International Trade 23
2.2.1 What Happened in the Past 23
2.2.2 What Is Happening Now—More Investment Abroad 25
2.2.3 OEM vs.ODM 26
2.2.4 Anti-Monopoly Law System 27 Anti-Unfair Competition Law 1993 27 Anti-Monopoly Law 2007 and After 28
2.3 The Rise of a Creative Group 33
2.4 Cultural Strategies for Legal Enforcement 34
3.A Consideration of Intellectual Property through a Confucian Exploration 36
3.1 Introduction 36
3.2 The Origin of Chinese civilisation 38
3.3 Confucius 39
3.3.1 Confucius and His Historical Background 39
3.3.2“Four Books and Five Classics” 45“Four Books” 45“Five Classics” 53
3.3.3 Confucius's Social,Educational and Moral Impact 60 His Social Impact 60 His Educational Impact 62
3.3.4 His Moral Impact:“Ren”,“Lun”,and“Li” 70“Ren” 70“Lun” 72“Li” 74
3.5 Conclusion 74
4.The Ancient Innovation and Early Chinese Patent Law 76
4.1 Introduction 76
4.2 Examples of Ancient Innovations 76
4.2.1 The Armillary Sphere 76
4.2.2 The Compass 78
4.2.3 The Development of Paper Making 80
4.2.4 Printing 84
4.2.5 Gun Powder 86
4.3 Eady Chinese Patent Law 88
4.3.1 Introduction 88
4.3.2 The Seed of Chinese Patent Law 89
4.3.3 Patent Legislation 1912—1949 91
4.3.4 Patent Legislation 1949—1963 92
4.3.5 Chinese Patent Law 1984 94
5.China's Updates in Patent Law 98
5.1 Introduction 98
5.2 The 1992 Amendment 98
5.3 The 2001 Amendment 99
5.4 The 2009 Amendment 102
5.5 The Entry into Patent Cooperation Treaty(PCT) 104
5.6 International Trainings 106
5.7 Patent Rights 107
5.7.1 Types of Patent Rights 107
5.7.2 Examination on Invention,Utility Model and Design Patents 114
5.7.3 Patent Licences 117 The Royalties of DVD6C Group 118 Netac—the Firstly Chinese Company Collecting Royalties in the US 119 Patent Licensing and the Future Development of Domestic Industry 120
5.7.4 Injunctions 123
5.7.5 Preservation of Evidence 127
5.7.6 Patent Infringement Actions 129
5.7.7 Non-infringement Actions 133 Non-infringement Actions on the Patented Process 133 Prior Art Defence 134 The Doctrine of First Sale 137 The Bolar Exemption 142 The Unintentional Infringement Action of Sellers 146
5.7.8 False Marking Actions 147
5.7.9 Non False Marking Defence 150
5.7.10 The Civil Liabilities and Remedies 151 The General Principle of Chinese Civil Law 1986 152 The Method to Calculate the Remedies of Civil Liabilities 154
5.7.11 Administrative Liabilities and Remedies 156
5.7.12 Criminal Liabilities and Remedies 161
5.8 Chinese Intellectual Property Tribunals 163
5.9 Compulsory Licensing 168
5.10 Conclusion 175
6.New Waves in Chinese Patent System 176
6.1 Introduction 176
6.2 The Effect of“Statutory Compensation” 176
6.3 The New Adoption of“Punitive Compensation” 178
6.4 New Article 60 in the 4th Amendment of Chinese Patent Law 180
6.5 New Article 64 of the 4th Amendment of Chinese Patent Law 181
6.6 Chinese Patent Enforcement Measures 2011 182
6.7 New Article 61 of the 4th Amendment of Chinese Patent Law 183
6.8 The Draft Regulation on Employment Inventions 185
6.9 The Establishment of New IP Courts 189
6.10 Conclusion 189
7.Conclusion:Cultural Strategies for Legal Enforcement 191
7.1 Key Principles in Each Chapter of this Book 191
7.2 Enforcement is the Agenda:Five Strategies 193
7.2.1 Education 193
7.2.2 Creating an IP Culture in China 199
7.2.3 IP Protection,Local Benefits and Industrialisation 203
7.2.4 Creative Group and IP 208
7.2.5 Patent Portfolio and Branding 210
7.3 A More Detailed P1an for Action 214
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