- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:高培新主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787512419827
- 页数:260 页
Chapter One Access to Civil Aviation 1
1.1 Aviation History 1
1.1.1 Lighter-than-air Period 1
1.1.2 Heavier-than-air Period 2
1.2 Civil Aviation,General Aviation and Military Aviation 5
1.2.1 Civil Aviation 5
1.2.2 General Aviation 6
1.2.3 Military Aviation 7
1.3 Civil Aviation in China 9
1.3.1 Development of Civil Aviation in China 9
1.3.2 Concerning Statistics and Layout Plan 11
1.3.3 Ground Equipment and ATC 12
1.4 ICAO,CAAC and PEPEC 14
1.4.1 International Civil Aviation Organization 14
1.4.2 Responsibility and Origin of CAAC 15
1.4.3 CAAC and Flight Service 16
1.4.4 Pilot English Proficiency Examination of China 16
Chapter Two Aircraft and Aerodynamics 20
2.1 Brief Introduction to Aircraft 20
2.1.1 Classification of Aircraft 20
2.1.2 Uses for Aircraft 23
2.2 Main Components of Airplane 25
2.2.1 Fuselage 26
2.2.2 Wings 26
2.2.3 Empennage 27
2.2.4 Landing Gear 27
2.2.5 Powerplant 28
2.3 Aerodynamic Forces 30
2.3.1 Four Aerodynamic Forces 30
2.3.2 Terms Affecting the Generation of Lift 31
2.3.3 The Creation of Lift 32
2.4 Wake Turbulence 34
2.4.1Wake Turbulence 34
2.4.2 Wingtip Vortices and Effect to Flight 35
2.4.3 Wake Turbulence Avoidance 36
2.5 Ground Effect 38
2.5.1 Generation and Characteristics 38
2.5.2 Principle of Ground Effect 39
2.5.3 Effect to Takeoff 39
2.5.4 Effect to Landing 40
2.5.5 Ground Effect Vehicles 40
Chapter Three Aircraft Systems 42
3.1 Flight Controls 42
3.1.1 Axes of Motion 42
3.1.2 Main Control Surfaces 43
3.1.3 Secondary Control Surfaces 45
3.2 Electrical System 47
3.2.1 Application of Electrical System 47
3.2.2 Electrical System Components and Gauges 48
3.2.3 Electrical System Gauges 50
3.3 Hydraulic System 52
3.3.1 General Remarks 52
3.3.2Advantages and Application 53
3.3.3 Operation of Airplane Hydraulic System 53
3.3.4 Hydraulic Fluid 54
3.3.5 Hydraulic Systems on Boeing 737 and Boeing 747 54
3.4 Oxygen System 55
3.4.1 General Review 55
3.4.2 Necessity of Oxygen Regulator 56
3.4.3 Oxygen Masks for Pilots 56
3.4.4 Passenger Masks and Emergency Oxygen System 57
3.4.5 Precaution and Inspection for Oxygen System Security 58
3.5 Fuel System 60
3.5.1 Basics about Fuel System 60
3.5.2 Two General Types of Fuel System 60
3.5.3 Fuel Primer,Fuel Tanks and Carburetor 61
3.5.4 Fuel Gauges 62
3.6 Oil System 64
3.6.1 Functions of Oil System 64
3.6.2 Oil System Gauges 64
3.6.3 Types of Oil System 66
3.6.4 Types of Aircraft Oil 66
3.7 Powerplant System 68
3.7.1 Main Components of Piston Engine 68
3.7.2 Basic Working Principles of Piston Engine 68
3.7.3 Four Strokes of Piston Engine 69
3.7.4 Jet Engine 70
3.7.5 Main Types of Jet Engine 70
3.7.6 Working Theory of Jet Engine 73
3.8 Air Navigation 75
3.8.1 Introduction to Air Navigation 75
3.8.2 Pilotage 75
3.8.3 Dead Reckoning 76
3.8.4 Radio Navigation 77
3.8.5 Flight Navigator 79
3.9 Analogue Flight Instruments 81
3.9.1 Analogue Flight Instruments 81
3.9.2 T-arrangement on Instrument Panel 83
3.10 Electronic Flight Instrument System 85
3.10.1 Basic Information about Electronic Flight Instrument System 85
3.10.2 Primary Flight Display(PFD) 85
3.10.3 Multi-function Display(MFD) 86
3.10.4 EICAS and ECAM 86
3.10.5 Advantages of EFIS 87
Chapter Four Terminal Issues 89
4.1 Airport 89
4.1.1 Infrastructure and Naming 89
4.1.2 Airport Conceming Issues 90
4.1.3 Airport Facilities 91
4.1.4Airport Safety Management 92
4.2 Runway 94
4.2.1 Runway Naming and Designation 94
4.2.2 Dimensions and Declared Distances 95
4.2.3 Sections and Markings of Runway 96
4.2.4 Types of Runway 97
4.2.5 Active Runway and Airport Lighting 97
4.3 Takeoff 99
4.3.1 Three Phases of Takeoff 99
4.3.2 Consideration Prior to Takeoff 100
4.3.3 Power Settings for Takeoff 100
4.3.4 Required Takeoff Speed 101
4.4 Landing 103
4.4.1 Landing Sequence and Traffic Pattern 103
4.4.2 Favorable Conditions and Affecting Factors for Landing Performance 104
4.4.3 Go Around 105
4.4.4 Types of Emergency Landing 105
4.5 Air Traffic Control 108
4.5.1 Primary Functions of ATC 108
4.5.2 Language and Operation Process of ATC 109
4.5.3 Main Factors Affecting ATC 110
Chapter Five Aviation Safety 112
5.1 Air Safety 112
5.1.1 Causes of Air Accidents 112
5.1.2 Efforts Made to Ensure Air Safety 113
5.1.3 Concerning Air Laws 114
5.2 Foreign Object Damage 115
5.2.1 FOD Basics 115
5.2.2 Reasons for Causing FOD 116
5.2.3 Measures Countering FOD 117
5.2.4 Specific Examples 117
5.3 Bird Strike 119
5.3.1 General Remarks 119
5.3.2 Event and Impact Description 119
5.3.3 Countermeasures 121
5.3.4 Incidents 122
5.4 Runway Incursion 123
5.4.1 Runway Incursion Overview 123
5.4.2 Causal Factors of Runway Incursions 124
5.4.3 Runway Confusion and Causal Factors 125
5.4.4 Notable Examples 125
5.5 Meteorology 128
5.5.1 Wind-shear 128
5.5.2 Turbulence 128
5.5.3 Icing 129
5.5.4 Visibility 130
5.5.5 Lightning 130
5.6 Collision and Near Miss 132
5.6.1 Mid-air Collision 132
5.6.2 Ground Collision 133
5.6.3 Traffic Collision Avoidance System 134
5.6.4 Near Miss 134
5.6.5 Possible Reasons for Collision 135
Chapter Six Modern Aircraft 137
6.1 Boeing 787 Dreamliner 137
6.1.1 Production and Marketing 137
6.1.2 Flight Systems and Engines of Boeing 787 138
6.1.3 Variants of Boeing 787 139
6.1.4 Boeing 787 Incidents and Operational Problems 141
6.2 Airbus A380 143
6.2.1 Production and Marketing 143
6.2.2 Design of A380 143
6.2.3 Variants of A380 145
6.2.4 Incidents and Accidents 146
Chapter Seven Numbers,Letters and Call Signs 148
7.1 Numbers 148
7.2 Letters 150
7.3 Call Sign 152
7.4 ATIS 155
7.5 Radio Check 157
7.6 Ground Control 160
7.7 Control Tower 162
7.8 Communication Techniques 164
Chapter Eight Radio Communication on Normal Flight 166
8.1 Pushback 166
8.2 Startup 171
8.3 Taxi 174
8.4 Departure 178
8.5 Climb 183
8.6 Cruise 186
8.7 En Route 190
8.8 Descent 194
8.9 Arrival 198
Chapter Nine Abnormal Flight:Operational Failure 202
9.1 Undercarriage Malfunction 202
9.1.1 Accidents Interpretation:JetBlue Airways Flight 292 202
9.1.2 Simulated Dialogue on Undercarriage Malfunction 203
9.2 Improper Wing Configuration 206
9.2.1 Accidents Interpretation:Spanair Flight 5022 206
9.2.2 Simulated Dialogue on Improper Wing Configuration 207
9.3 Fuel Exhaustion 210
9.3.1 Accidents Interpretation:United Airlines Flight 173 210
9.3.2 Simulated Dialogue on Fuel Exhaustion 211
9.4 Loss of Control 213
9.4.1 Accidents Interpretation:American Eagle Flight 4184 213
9.4.2 Simulated Dialogue on Loss of Control 215
Chapter Ten Abnormal Flight:Unexpected Events 218
10.1 Bird Strike 218
10.1.1 Accidents Interpretation:US Airways Flight 1549 218
10.1.2 Simulated Dialogue on Bird Strike 219
10.2 In-flight Fire 222
10.2.1 Accidents Interpretation:Saudia Flight 163 222
10.2.2 Simulated Dialogue on In-flight Fire 223
10.3 Depressurization 225
10.3.1 Accidents Interpretation:BOAC Flight 781 225
10.3.2 Simulated Dialogue on Depressurization 227
10.4 Foreign Object Damage 229
10.4.1 Air Accidents Interpretation:Air France Flight 4590 229
10.4.2 Simulated Dialogue on Foreign Object Damage 230
Chapter Eleven Abnormal Flight:Adverse Weather 233
11.1 Wind and Poor Visibility 233
11.1.1 Accidents Interpretation:Air France Flight 358 233
11.1.2 Simulated Dialogue on Wind Depressurization and Poor Visibility 234
11.2 Turbulence 237
11.2.1 Accidents Interpretation:United Airlines Flight 826 237
11.2.2 Simulated Dialogue on Turbulence 238
11.3 Atmospheric Icing 240
11.3.1 Accidents Interpretation:Arrow Air Flight 1285 240
11.3.2 Simulated Dialogue on Icing 241
11.4 Lightning Strike 243
11.4.1 Air Accidents Interpretation:Pan Am Flight 214 243
11.4.2 Simulated Dialogue on Lightning Strike 245
Chapter Twelve Abnormal Flight:System Malfunction 247
12.1 Hydraulic System Failure 247
12.1.1 Accidents Interpretation:LOT Polish Airlines Flight 16 247
12.1.2 Simulation Dialogue on Hydraulic System Failure 248
12.2 Communication Failure 250
12.2.1 Air Accidents Interpretation:Tenerife Airport Disaster 250
12.2.2 Simulation Dialogue on Communication Failure 251
12.3 Electrical Failure 253
12.3.1 Air Accidents Interpretation:Kenya Airways Flight 431 253
12.3.2 Simulated Dialogue on Elecytical Failure 255
12.4 Engine Failure 257
12.4.1 Accidents Interpretation:Qantas Flight 32 257
12.4.2 Simulated Dialogue on Engine Failure 258
Bibliography 260
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