肿瘤靶向诊治纳米材料 前瞻性临床展望 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:谭明乾,吴爱国主编
- 出 版 社:北京:高等教育出版社
- 出版年份:2015
- ISBN:7040429244
- 页数:412 页
Chapter 1 Nanomaterials as Therapeutic/Imaging Agent Delivery Vehicles for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Mingqian Tan,Yanfang Wang,Xiaojie Song,and Yaqi Wu 1
1.1 Introduction 1
1.2 Strategies for Nanomaterials as Delivery Vehicles for Tumor Theranostics 4
1.3 Targeting Effects of Nanomaterials 6
1.3.1 Passive Targeting 6
1.3.2 Active Targeting 6
1.4 Multifunctional Theranostic Systems 9
1.4.1 Medical Imaging Modalities 9
1.4.2 Magnetic Nanomaterials 10
1.4.3 Quantum Dots 13
1.4.4 Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles 14
1.4.5 SERS Gold/Silver Nanomaterials 15
1.4.6 Polymeric Nanosystems 19
1.4.7 Carbon Nanomaterials 22
1.4.8 Lipopolyplex Nanoparticles 23
1.4.9 Nano/Microbubbles 24
1.4.10 Upconversion Nanomaterials 25
1.4.11 Protein Nanomaterials 26
1.5 Conclusions and Future Perspective 28
Acknowledgments 29
References 29
Chapter 2 Basics of Theranostics in Tumor&Huichao Zou,Yaohua Liu,and Shiguang Zhao 43
2.1 Introduction 43
2.2 Nanoplatforms 45
2.3 Nanoprobes 46
2.4 Nanocarriers 47
2.5 Nanodiagnostics 49
2.6 Safety Issues and Future Direction 49
References 50
Chapter 3 Magnetic Nanomaterials for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Leyong Zeng,Zheyu Shen,and Aiguo Wu 55
3.1 Introduction 55
3.2 Paramagnetic Nanomaterials for Theranostics 56
3.2.1 Introduction to Magnetic Resonance Imaging and Paramagnetic Nanomaterials 56
3.2.2 Synthesis of Paramagnetic Nanomaterials 57
3.2.3 Paramagnetic Nanomaterials for Tumor Targeting Diagnosis 58
3.2.4 Paramagnetic Nanomaterials for Tumor Targeting Theranostics 63
3.2.5 Overview 65
3.3 Superparamagnetic Nanomaterials for Theranostics 65
3.3.1 Introduction to Superparamagnetic Nanomaterials 65
3.3.2 Synthesis of Superparamagnetic Nanomaterials 65
3.3.3 Superparamagnetic Nanomaterials for Bioimaging 67
3.3.4 Superparamagnetic Nanomaterials for Theranostics 70
3.3.5 Overview 72
3.4 Outlook 73
Acknowledgments 73
References 73
Chapter 4 Quantum Dots(QDs)for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Yufei Ma,He Shen,Mengxin Zhang,and Zhijun Zhang 85
4.1 Introduction 85
4.1.1 Fluorescence of QDs 86
4.1.2 History of QDs and Their Biomedical Applications 88
4.2 Synthesis,Modification and Functionalization of QDs 91
4.2.1 Synthesis of QDs 91
4.2.2 Surface Modification 93
4.2.3 Functionalization 95
4.3 QDs for Bioimaging 96
4.3.1 In Vitro Imaging 97
4.3.2 In Vivo Imaging 101
4.3.3 Cancer Imaging 105
4.4 QDs for Theranostics 107
4.4.1 QDs for Gene Delivery 107
4.4.2 QDs for Drug Delivery 110
4.4.3 QDs for Photodynamic Therapy 114
4.5 Biosafety of QDs 115
4.5.1 Cellular Uptake Mechanisms of QDs 116
4.5.2 Cytotoxicity of QDs 118
4.5.3 In Vivo Fate and Toxicity of QDs 119
4.6 Outlook 126
References 127
Chapter 5 Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles(MSNs)for Cancer Theranostics&Yu Hsia,Maharajan Sivasubramanian,Nai-Tzu Chen,and Leu-Wei Lo 143
5.1 Traditional Nanocarriers and Current Challenges 143
5.2 Design of MSNs 144
5.2.1 Why Use MSNs? 144
5.2.2 Synthesis 145
5.2.3 Surface Modification 145
5.2.4 Cellular Uptake/Exocytosis/Biocompatibility/Biodistribution 146
5.3 MSNs as a Drug Carrier 148
5.3.1 Anticancer Drugs Delivery 148
5.3.2 Cargo Release 149
5.4 MSNs as Theranostic Agents 154
5.4.1 Diagnostic Applications of MSNs 154
5.4.2 Therapeutic Applications of MSNs 157
5.4.3 Gene Delivery System 162
5.5 Multifunctional Design of MSNs 162
5.5.1 Hybrid Materials 162
5.5.2 Core-shell Particles 163
5.5.3 Multifunctional MSNs 163
5.6 Future Perspective 166
References 167
Chapter 6 Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering(SERS)Nanoprobes as Cancer Theranostics&Meikun Fan 177
6.1 Introduction 177
6.1.1 Raman Scattering 177
6.1.2 Resonance Raman Scattering 178
6.1.3 Localized Surface Plasmons and SERS 179
6.2 Development of NPs Based SERS Probe 182
6.2.1 SERS NPs Made of Single Pure Plasmon Supporting Metals 182
6.2.2 Bimetallic SERS NPs 184
6.2.3 Dielectric-metal Complex SERS NPs 184
6.2.4 NPs Decorated Carbon Material as SERS Probe 185
6.2.5 Other SERS Probes 185
6.3 SERS Theranostics 187
6.3.1 Advantages of SERS Theranostics 187
6.3.2 Encoding of SERS Nanoprobes and Modification for Targeting Bio-analytes 188
6.3.3 SERS Theranostics:Current State 190
6.4 Limitation and Future Development 193
References 195
Chapter 7 Polymeric Nanosystems for Targeted Theranostics&Yongyong Li,Huiyun Wen,Haiqing Dong,Aijun Shen,Tianbin Ren,and Donglu Shi 205
7.1 Introduction 205
7.2 Merits of Polymeric Nanosystem 207
7.2.1 Potential Biocompatibility 208
7.2.2 Easy Functionality 208
7.2.3 Passive and Active Targeting 209
7.3 Polymer Entities for Nanosystem Design 210
7.3.1 PEG Derivatives 210
7.3.2 Polypeptide 211
7.3.3 Biopolymer 212
7.4 Polymeric Nanosystems for Theranostics 214
7.4.1 Polymeric Theranostics for MRI and Drug Delivery 214
7.4.2 Polymeric Theranostics for US Imaging and Drug Delivery 216
7.4.3 Polymeric Theranostics for Optical Imaging and Drug Delivery 218
7.4.4 Polymeric Theranostics for Dual-imaging and Drug Delivery 219
7.5 Perspectives and Concluding Remarks 220
References 221
Chapter 8 Carbon Nanomaterials for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Jo?o M.M.Leit?o,Eliana F.C.Sim?es,and Joaquim C.G.Esteves da Silva 229
8.1 Introduction 229
8.2 Tumor Theranostic Applications of Carbon Nanomaterials 232
8.2.1 Tumor Theranostics Applications of Carbon Nanotubes 232
8.2.2 Tumor Theranostics Applications of Graphene 235
8.2.3 Tumor Theranostics Applications of Carbon Dots 237
8.2.4 Tumor Theranostics Applications of Fullerene 238
8.2.5 Tumor Theranostics Applications of Nanodiamonds 240
8.3 Future Perspectives 242
Acknowledgments 242
References 242
Chapter 9 Lipopolyplex Nanoparticles for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Fengying Dai and Xin Zhang 251
9.1 Introduction 251
9.2 Nonviral Gene Vectors 252
9.2.1 Cationic Liposomes 252
9.2.2 Cationic Polymers 253
9.2.3 In Vivo Barriers to Cationic Nonviral Gene Delivery 258
9.3 Tumor Targeting Nonviral Gene Therapeutic 258
9.3.1 Inactive Target 259
9.3.2 Specific Target Gene Delivery 261
9.3.3 Stimuli-sensitive Gene Delivery 262
9.4 Agents Combined Imaging and Gene Delivery 266
9.4.1 Optical Imaging 267
9.4.2 Magnetic Resonance Imaging(MRI) 269
9.4.3 Positron Emission Tomography(PET) 271
9.5 Summary 271
References 272
Chapter 10 Microbubbles for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Daming Yong,Xuejing Wang,Lei Wang,and Xiaojun Han 277
10.1 Introduction 277
10.2 The Preparation of Microbubbles 279
10.2.1 Shell Materials 279
10.2.2 Microbubble Fabrication 281
10.2.3 Methods of Loading the Therapeutic Agent 284
10.3 Application of Microbubbles for Tumor Targeting Theranostics 285
10.3.1 Microbubble-based Molecular Ultrasound Imaging of Tumor 285
10.3.2 Microbubbles for Drug Delivery 288
10.3.3 Microbubbles for Gene Delivery 289
10.4 Future Aspects 291
References 291
Chapter 11 Upconversion Nanomaterials for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Wei Wang 299
11.1 Introduction 299
11.2 Upconversion Nanomaterials for Tumor Imaging 301
11.2.1 Upconversion Fluorescent Imaging 301
11.2.2 Fluorescent-MRI/CT/PET Multi-model Imaging 306
11.3 Tumor Photodynamic Therapy 310
11.3.1 Mechanism of Photodynamic Therapy 310
11.3.2 Applications of Upconverting Nanoparticles in Photodynamic Therapy 310
11.4 Drug/Gene Delivery 316
11.5 Dye Sensitized Efficiency of UC 317
11.6 Conclusions 319
References 319
Chapter 12 Functional Dendrimers as Nanoscale Theranostic Vehicles for Cancer Treatment&Kui Luo and Zhongwei Gu 327
12.1 Introduction 327
12.2 Dendrimers for Cancer Diagnosis and Therapy 330
12.3 Functional Dendrimers as Theranostic Nanoscale Vehicles for Cancer Treatment 335
12.3.1 Dendrimer Based Photodynamic Therapy 335
12.3.2 Dendrimer/Magnetic Nanoparticle Hybrid Nanoparticles 338
12.3.3 Gadolinium(Ⅲ)-labeled Dendrimers Based Drug Delivery Vehicles 341
12.4 Functional Dendrimers Labeled with Optical Probes as Drug Delivery Vehicles 343
12.5 Conclusions 345
References 345
Chapter 13 Protein-based Nanoparticles for Tumor Targeting Theranostics&Yang Liu,Hao Wu,and Huihui Wang 355
13.1 Introduction 355
13.2 Albumin Nanoparticles for Tumor Targeting Theranostics 356
13.2.1 Albumin Nanoparticles 356
13.2.2 Preparation Techniques for Albumin Nanoparticles 357
13.2.3 Albumin Nanoparticles for Anti-tumor Drug Targeted Delivery 363
13.2.4 Albumin Nanoparticles for Targeted Tumor Imaging 369
13.2.5 Albumin Nanoparticles for Photodynamic Therapy 372
13.3 Outlook 372
Acknowledgments 373
References 373
Chapter 14 Conclusions and Future Perspectives&Shanmin Gao and Narayan S.Hosmane 379
14.1 Topical Background and Conclusions 379
14.1.1 Magnetic Nanomaterials 380
14.1.2 Semiconductor Quantum Dots(QDs) 380
14.1.3 Mesoporous Silica Nanoparticles (MSNs) 381
14.1.4 Surface Enhanced Raman Scattering(SERS) 381
14.1.5 Polymeric Nanostructures 381
14.1.6 Carbon Nanomaterials 382
14.1.7 Lipoplexes and Polyplexes Nanoparticles 382
14.1.8 Nano/Microbubbles Technology 382
14.1.9 Upconversion Nanomaterials 383
14.1.10 Functional Polymeric Dendrimers 383
14.1.11 Protein-based Nanoparticles 383
14.2 Future Perspectives of Theranostics 383
Abbreviation Index 387
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