一带一路公共外交报告 2016版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:孙治国主编
- 出 版 社:北京:海洋出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787502795146
- 页数:465 页
“一带一路”建设将为中国和沿线国家共同发展带来巨大机遇 1
在澜沧江—湄公河合作首次领导人会议上的讲话 2
坚持外交理论与实践创新 不断开创中国外交新局面 6
在“首届中日韩公共外交论坛暨2016年中日韩合作国际论坛”上的致辞 11
“一带一路”,世界经济贸易发展新模式 14
要正视公共外交的重要意义 15
公共外交推动“一带一路”发展 16
“一带一路”中国将怎样调整自己的战略 18
“一带一路”构想,开放新的生机和活力 20
公共外交到底要做什么 22
公共外交与“一带一路” 24
通过公共外交实现“一带一路”倡议:一个印度尼西亚人的观点 25
埃及对中国的“一带一路”及2016国家公共外交策略的贡献 29
中国同中东国家共建“一带一路”面临的机遇与挑战 32
海南省开展公共外交的探索与实践 36
民间外交开史篇,人文交流结硕果——庆贺“中拉文化年”开幕 44
“一带一路”建设与国际交往礼仪 50
“一带一路”加快我国融入世界 56
彰显中华文化,构建共赢平台,优化全球治理——“一带一路”战略的价值取向 58
“一带一路”与公共外交 63
全面构建与深化中美新型大国关系 65
加强社会组织在总体外交中的作用 73
美国的南海战略与我国“一带一路”之实施 75
“一带一路”,人才是关键 87
“一带一路”——划时代的公共外交 88
从丝绸之路战略谈起 91
“一带一路”是“共同现代化”的创新实践 92
“一带一路”需要什么样的公共外交 96
“一带一路”建设应该注意的几个问题 97
公共外交,首先要了解世界 98
弘扬郑和精神,普及“一带一路”相关知识 99
“一带一路”背景下的海南对外货物贸易:机遇与挑战 100
“一带一路”对我国军事外交提出新要求 107
海上丝绸之路与文明对话研究——以郑和下西洋为例 112
“一带一路”如何对接世界 119
“一带一路”倡议与新时期中国丝路人文外交 122
2013年以来“一带一路”研究述评 129
把握南海安全博弈特征 稳固“海上丝路”前行根基 139
“一带一路”视阈下我在东盟综合软实力检讨与反思——兼谈应对东南亚小国嬗变的对策思考 148
从龙江船厂遗址,话海上丝绸之路 157
从“一带一路”到亚投行,中国与新加坡怎样合作 166
后制裁时代中国企业在伊朗的机遇与挑战 169
加强对东盟海洋公共外交的若干思考 179
建设21世纪海上丝绸之路面临的安全形势与对策思考 189
李克强偕夫人到访马六甲,为何专程拜访郑和文化馆 195
妈祖对“海上丝绸之路”的影响 199
基于中巴经济走廊建设的产业转移路径分析 208
丝绸之路两千年 222
中国—东盟携手打造海上“新丝路” 232
提升民营企业在“一带一路”中的作为 238
寻找推进“21世纪海上丝绸之路”的突破口 244
郑和下西洋拓展“海上丝绸之路”的做法对现今启示 250
郑和航海精神与当代“海上丝绸之路” 255
注重“一带一路”战略中的军事外交 262
“一带一路”与中国创客文化走出去 268
“一带一路”与中国对中东国家的公共外交 271
Foreword 279
Congratulations 280
Vision and Actions on Jointly Building Silk Road Economic Belt and 21st-Century Maritime Silk Road 281
The"Belt and Road"construction will bring huge opportunities for common development of China and countries along the ancient routes 295
Li Keqiang Chairs 1st Lancang-Mekong Cooperation Leaders'Meeting,Stressing to Jointly Forge Lancang-Mekong Community of Shared Destiny 296
"Belt and Road",the new model of world's economic and trade development 301
To face up to the importance of public diplomacy 303
Public diplomacy to promote"Belt and Road"development 304
"Belt and Road"China how to adjust their strategies 307
"Belt and Road"ideas,open new vigor and vitality 310
Public diplomacy in the end what to do 313
Public diplomacy and"Belt and Road" 315
Opportunities and Challenges faced by China in building"Belt and Road"together with the Middle East countries 317
Explorative Practices of Public Diplomacy by Hainan Province 323
Implementing"Belt and Road"Initiative Through Public Diplomacy:An Indonesian Perspective by Soegeng Rahardjo 324
Embassy of the Arab Republic of Egypt in Beijing Contribution to the Report on"Belt and Road"National Public Diplomacy in 2016 329
"Belt and Road"and Public Diplomacy 333
To comprehensively build and deepen a new big-power relations between China and US 336
"Belt and Road",only people are the key 348
"Belt and Road"speeding up our integration into the world 349
Starting from the Silk Road Strategy 351
"Belt and Road"What kind of public diplomacy 353
Some notes about"Belt and Road"construction 354
Public diplomacy,we must first understand the world 356
Carry forward the spirit of Zheng He and popularize the knowledge of"Belt and Road" 358
Highlighting Chinese culture,building a win-win platform,optimizing global governance on"Belt and Road" 360
Why Li Keqiang and his wife made a special trip to visit Zheng He museum when visited Malacca 366
China-ASEAN to build"maritime silk road"hand in hand 371
"Belt and Road"initiative and Silk Road Cultural Diplomacy in the new period of China 380
"Belt and Road"put forward new requirements on China's military diplomacy 389
Study on dialogue of Maritime Silk Road and civilization——The voyages of Zheng He as an example 396
"Belt and Road"initiative and the new period China Silk Road Cultural Diplomacy 406
Since 2013"Belt and Road"research commentary 415
Grasp game features of the South China Sea security A solid foundation on the"maritime Silk Road" 429
Review and reflection From the perspective of"Belt and Road"Initiative in the ASEAN comprehensive strength——Countermeasures Responding to the evolution of the small country in Southeast Asia ……………………(441 )Al Jazeera and Qatar's Public Diplomacy 453
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