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  • 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:黄锦华总主编;胡春华,刘甜甜主编;董月琳,王芳芳,韦艳艳,陈士芳,陆梅华,赵丹,盛捷柯,邝江红,韦俊,杜卉,孙远用,宋琳琳,朱芬芬副主编
  • 出 版 社:苏州:苏州大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2016
  • ISBN:9787567217584
  • 页数:169 页

阅读基础篇 3

Unit 1 Linguistics 3

Text A The Language Fossils Buried in Every Cell of Your Body 3

Text B Decoding Human Languages by Chimpanzees 7

Unit 2 Astronomy 12

Text A This Database Gives Us the Fi rst Glimpse at What Diverse Worlds Out There Could Look Like 12

Text B Astronomers May Have Found Most Powerful Supernova 17

Unit 3 Psychology 21

Text A Empathy:An Essential Element for a Successful Marriage 21

Text B Psychology of Eye Contact:Etiquette Ru les You Shou ld Know 25

Unit 4 Culture 29

Text A Why Do the B ritish Say"Sorry"So Much? 29

Text B Town Hopes Art Will Heal Trauma,and Raise Funds to Repair Flood Damage 33

阅读专业篇 39

Unit 1 Mechanical Engineering 39

Text A Dutch Scientists Invent B icycle That Warns You if You Are about to Crash 39

Text B Roboy:Switzerland's First Robotic Child! 43

Unit 2 Automotive Engineering 47

Text A Five Facts on Electric Cars 47

Text B HOV Access Is Key for California Plug-in Car Purchases 51

Unit 3 Civil Engineering 55

Text A What Is Civil Engneerng? 55

Text B The Villa Savoye 59

Unit 4 Electrical and Computer Engineering 63

Text A China's Tianhe-2 Supercomputer Rated No.1 on the Top500 63

Text B NFC Tags 67

Unit 5 Economics and Management 71

Text A China's Money Outflow Not Investment Withdrawal:Authority 71

Text B How Mounting Job Cuts Could Threaten the UK's Economic Recovery 75

Unit 6 Food and Chemical Engineering 80

Text A Secret Air Pollutants in Our Homes Claim Thousands of Lives 80

Text B Norwegian Confectioner Improves Safety and Efficiency 84

Unit 7 Art and Design 88

Text A Michelangelo 88

Text B Chanel 92

应用文写作 99

Unit 1 Manual 99

Unit 2 Resume 104

Unit 3 Notice 113

Unit 4 Type of Letters 118

Unit 5 Abstract 124

Unit 6 Reference 130

Appendix 133

1.常见院系名称双语对照 133

2.常见大学专业学科双语对照 134

3.常见专业技术职称名称双语对照 136

4.常见公司企业各部门名称双语对照 138

参考答案及解析 139

Glossary 158
