美国历史文化概况 英文版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:董晓波主编;于银磊,陈红副主编
- 出 版 社:北京:对外经济贸易大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787566315618
- 页数:295 页
Unit 1 Colonization and Independence 1
Text A British Colonization(1607-1776) 1
Text B The Road to Independence(1763-1783) 9
Supplementary Reading The Issue of Representation 15
Unit 2 Territory and Environment 19
Text A Introduction to Territory and Environment of the United States 19
Text B Extremes and Natural Disasters in the U.S.A. 24
Supplementary Reading The Mississippi River 28
Unit 3 Westward Expansion 33
Text A Territorial Expansion 33
Text B Life on the Frontier 41
Supplementary Reading The Underground Railroad 48
Unit 4 Civil War and Abraham Lincoln 53
Text A American Civil War 53
Text B Abraham Lincoln and His Speech 59
Supplementary Reading O Captain!My Captain! 65
Unit 5 Two World Wars 69
Text A America during and after World War Ⅰ 69
Text B America during and after World War Ⅱ 75
Supplementary Reading Pearl Harbor Speech 82
Unit 6 The Great Depression and the New Deal 85
Text A Introduction to the Great Depression 85
Text B Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Inaugural Address 91
Supplementary Reading Franklin Delano Roosevelt's First Fireside Chat—"The Banking Crisis" 98
Unit 7 Laws and Rules 103
Text A The Law of the United States 103
Text B Declaration of Independence 107
Supplementary Reading The Constitution of the United States of America 112
Unit 8 Sports and Figures 117
Text A The National Basketball Association 117
Text B Michael Jeffrey Jordan 125
Supplementary Reading Sports in the United States 130
Unit 9 Art,Literature,and Architecture 135
Text A Visual Arts and Architecture of the U.S.A. 135
Text B Mark Twain 140
Supplementary Reading Pearl S.Buck 145
Unit 10 Music,Dance and Film 149
Text A Michael Joseph Jackson:A Super Star 149
Text B The Oscars 156
Supplementary Reading "Take Me Home,Country Roads" 164
Unit 11 Science and Technology 169
Text A Lyndon B.Johnson Space Center 169
Text B Endeavour 176
Supplementary Reading Unmanned Military Space Planes Ushering in New Weaponry Era 183
Unit 12 Holidays and Celebrations 187
Text A Thanksgiving Day 187
Text B Independence Day 195
Supplementary Reading Christmas Day 200
Unit 13 Famous Cities and Sightseeing 209
Text A Washington,D.C. 209
Text B New York City 220
Supplementary Reading Yellowstone National Park 230
Unit 14 American Black 233
Text A African Americans 233
Text B Martin Luther King,Jr. 242
Supplementary Reading Barack Obama 246
Unit 15 Religions and Faith 255
Text A Puritans in the North America 255
Text B Nathaniel Hawthorne and The Scarlet Letter 261
Supplementary Reading The Revelation of The Scarlet Letter 270
Unit 16 Foreign Relations 279
Text A Foreign Policy of the United States 279
Text B America's Pacific Century 285
Supplementary Reading New Aspects in U.S.Asia-Pacific Strategy 292
References 295
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