新编课时精练 初中英语 九年级 全PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈波
- 出 版 社:杭州:浙江大学出版社
- 出版年份:2016
- ISBN:9787308158763
- 页数:196 页
上册 1
Module1 Wonders of the world 1
Unit1 It's more than 2,000 years old 1
Unit2 The Grand Canyon was not just big 3
Unit3 Language in use 4
Module2 Public holidays 8
Unit1 My family always go somewhere interesting as soon as the holiday begins 9
Unit2 We have celebrated the festival since the first pioneers arrived in America 11
Unit3 Language in use 13
Module3 Heroes 16
Unit1 She trained hard,so she became a great player later 16
Unit2 There were few doctors,so he had to work very hard on his own 18
Unit3 Language in use 19
Module4 Home alone 23
Unit1 I can look after myself,although it won't be easy for me 24
Unit2 I became so bored with their orders that I wished they would leave me alone 26
Unit3 Languange in use 28
Module5 Museums 36
Unit1 Don't cross that rope! 37
Unit2 If you ever go to London,make sure you visit the Science Museum 39
Unit3 Language in use 42
Module6 Problems 49
Unit1 If I start after dinner,I'll finish it before I go to bed 50
Unit2 If you tell him the truth now,you will show that you are honest 52
Unit3 Language in use 54
期中测试 61
Module7 G reat books 69
Unit1 We're still influenced by Confucius'sideas 70
Unit2 It is still read and loved 72
Unit3 Language in use 73
Module8 Spo rts life 78
Unit 1 Daming wasn’t chosen for the team last time 78
Unit2 He was invited to competitions around the wo rld 80
Unit3 Language in use 82
Module9 Great inventions 87
Unit1 Will computers be used more than books in the future? 88
Unit2 Will books be replaced by the Internet? 89
Unit3 Language in use 91
Module10 Australia 95
Unit1 I have some photos that I took in Australia last year 95
Unit2 The game that they like most is Australian football 97
Unit3 Language in use 99
Module11 Photos 103
Unit1 He's the boy who won the photo competition last year! 103
Unit2 The photo which we liked best was taken by Zhao Min 105
Unit3 Language in use 107
Module12 Save our world 111
Unit1 If everyone starts to do something,the world will be saved 111
Unit2 Repeat these three words daily:reduce,reuse and recycle 112
Unit3 Language in use 114
期末测试 117
下册 124
Module1 Travel 124
Unit1 We toured the eity by bus and by taxi 124
Unit2 It's a long story 126
Unit3 Language in use 128
Module2 Education 131
Unit1 They don’t sit in rows 131
Unit2 What do I like best about school? 134
Unit3 Language in use 136
Module3 Life now and then 139
Unit1 They sometimes work harder 139
Unit2 I think life is better today 141
Unit3 Language in use 143
Module4 Rules and suggestions 146
Unit1 You must be careful of falling stones 146
Unit2 We must keep the camp clean 148
Unit3 Language in use 150
期中测试 154
Module5 Look after yourself 158
Unit1 We'd better get you to hospital 158
Unit2 Get off the sofa! 160
Unit3 Language in use 162
Module6 Eating together 165
Unit1 When is the school-leavers’party? 165
Unit2 Knives and forks are used for most Western food 167
Unit 3 Language in use 169
Module7 English for you and me 173
Unit1 Have you ever been to an English corner? 173
Unit2 We all own English 175
Unit3 Language in use 178
Module8 My future life 183
Unit1 Here's to ourfriendship! 183
Unit 2 I know that you will be better at maths 185
Unit 3 Language in use 187
期末测试 191
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