Anti-mimesis from plato to hitchcock = 反摹仿论: 从柏拉图到希区柯克PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:汤姆·科恩
- 出 版 社:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2018
- ISBN:7521301083
- 页数:266 页
Introduction:The legs of sense 1
Part Ⅰ Dialogue and inscription 11
1.Othello,Bakhtin and the death(s) of dialogue 11
2.P.s.:Plato’s scene of reading in the Protagoras 45
Part Ⅱ Parables of exteriority:materiality in “classic”American texts 89
3.Too legit to quit:the dubious genealogies of pragmatism 89
4.Poe’s Foot d’Or:ruinous rhyme and Nietzschean recurrence (sound) 105
5.Only the dead know Brooklyn ferry (voice) 127
6.The letters of the law:“Bartleby” as hypogrammatic romance (letters) 152
Part Ⅲ Pre-posterous modernisms 181
7.Conrad’s fault (signature) 181
8.Miss Emily,c’est moi :the defacement of modernism in Faulkner (inscription and social form) 208
9.Hitchcock and the death of (Mr.) Memory(technology of the visible) 227
Coda Post-humanist reading 260
Index 265
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