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微课实录丛书  小学英语卷
微课实录丛书  小学英语卷

微课实录丛书 小学英语卷PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:乐伟国主编
  • 出 版 社:宁波:宁波出版社
  • 出版年份:2017
  • ISBN:9787552628616
  • 页数:271 页
《微课实录丛书 小学英语卷》目录

总序 1

序 3

小学英语微课研究 3

小学英语微课研究&乐加颖 3

三年级 19

Green Earth,Green Life&何宁 19

Magic Colours&黄晓玲 23

A BedforPets&吴玲红 27

What do You See?&陈迪莎 31

Colourful Food&魏弘 35

Where is My Car?&高丹丹 39

Rescue&许雁 44

Pop!Pop!Pop!&张苗 48

The Very Hungry Snake&曹岑 53

The Very Hungry Caterpillar&陈燕 58

DoYou Like Pears?&洪燕萍 63

Sounds of a,e,i,o,u&黄勤 68

Happy Birthday!&徐如益 72

四年级 79

Three Rats and a Snake&韩俊女 79

My Classroom&方静 84

Vic's New Classroom&鲍淑琴 88

What Is in It?&黄英 92

My Home&叶礼文 95

Make a Salad&童洋洋 99

Dinner's Ready&华洁 103

Meet My Family&陈蓉 107

The Jobs&王琼 110

You Try,You Can Fly!&陈明 114

York's Horns&蒋杨 119

At the Farm&汪海波 123

Animals on the Farm&赵含芳 126

Can I Try It/Them On?&王敏 130

They are Just Right&沈一琼 135

My New Friends&钱欣 140

五年级 147

The Sound of"Y"&陈琳 147

A Story About Lee&石媛媛 151

Design Your Schedule&陈雪琴 155

The Sounds of"ow"——Season&林秋桢 159

Having Lunch&邹淑燕 163

Enjoy Food,Don't Waste&杨婉茹 167

The Sounds of"oo"&张盈 171

阅读方法指导&邓琦 175

Zoom,Look!&吴超群 179

The Village Mouse and the City Mouse&陈剑艳 182

What Can You Do?&张曲波 186

go,play,have,do用法指导&陈燕 190

always,usually,often,sometimes的用法&俞林 194

Robinson Crusoe&石敏颖 198

Mother's Day&王颖敏 202

in,on,at的用法&任洁 206

A Charity Party&李萍 210

Peter and Robot&孙徐清 214

Peter's School Day&严文梅 217

“Wh-”读音&方雅明 221

六年级 227

Asking the Way&孙雅飞 227

Traffic Rules&钱超琳 231

Make a Plan&王娟 235

My Hobbies&张芸 239

Talk About Jobs&丁蓉蓉 243

My Feelings&叶璐 246

I Am Taller than You&厉婷 250

Which One is Better?&杨跃灿 254

How Was Your Weekend?&朱瑾萍 260

I Took Pictures Last Summer Holiday&胡炯妍 265

A Bad Day but Also a Good Day&郑丹飞 268
