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Cultural theory and popular culture an introduction Sixth Edition
Cultural theory and popular culture an introduction Sixth Edition

Cultural theory and popular culture an introduction Sixth EditionPDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:John Storey
  • 出 版 社:Pearson
  • 出版年份:2012
  • ISBN:1408285275
  • 页数:276 页
《Cultural theory and popular culture an introduction Sixth Edition》目录

1 What is popular culture? 1

Culture 1

Ideology 2

Popular culture 5

Popular culture as other 13

Further reading 14

2 The ‘culture and civilization’ tradition 17

Matthew Arnold 18

Leavisism 22

Mass culture in America:the post-war debate 28

The culture of other people 33

Further reading 35

3 Culturalism 37

Richard Hoggart:The Uses of Literacy 38

Raymond Williams:‘The analysis of culture’ 44

E.P.Thompson:The Making of the English Working Class 49

Stuart Hall and Paddy Whannel:The Popular Arts 51

The Centre for Contemporary Cultural Studies 57

Further reading 58

4 Marxisms 59

Classical Marxism 59

The English Marxism of William Morris 62

The Frankfurt School 64

Althusserianism 72

Hegemony 82

Post-Marxism and cultural studies 84

Further reading 91

5 Psychoanalysis 93

Freudian psychoanalysis 93

Lacanian psychoanalysis 103

Cine-psychoanalysis 106

Slavoj Zizek and Lacanian fantasy 109

Further reading 111

6 Structuralism and post-structuralism 113

Ferdinand de Saussure 113

Claude Levi-Strauss,Will Wright and the American Western 116

Roland Barthes:Mythologies 120

Post-structuralism 128

Jacques Derrida 128

Discourse and power:Michel Foucault 130

The panoptic machine 132

Further reading 135

7 Gender and sexuality 137

Feminisms 137

Women at the cinema 138

Reading romance 142

Watching Dallas 149

Reading women’s magazines 155

Post-feminism 160

Men’s studies and masculinities 163

Queer theory 164

Further reading 168

8 ‘Race’,racism and representation 171

‘Race’ and racism 171

The ideology of racism:its historical emergence 173

Orientalism 176

Whiteness 183

Anti-racism and cultural studies 184

Further reading 185

9 Postmodernism 187

The postmodern condition 187

Postmodernism in the 1960s 188

Jean-Francois Lyotard 190

Jean Baudrillard 192

Fredric Jameson 197

Postmodern pop music 203

Postmodern television 204

Postmodernism and the pluralism of value 207

The global postmodern 210

Convergence culture 216

AfteRWord 217

Further reading 217

10 The politics of the popular 219

The cultural fiield 221

The economic fiield 232

Post-Marxist cultural studies:hegemony revisited 238

The ideology of mass culture 239

Further reading 241

Notes 243

Bibliography 247

Index 261
