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1994中国青年学者神经生物学讨论会  论文摘要
1994中国青年学者神经生物学讨论会  论文摘要

1994中国青年学者神经生物学讨论会 论文摘要PDF电子书下载


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  • 出版年份:2222
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  • 页数:99 页
《1994中国青年学者神经生物学讨论会 论文摘要》目录

目录 2

感觉系统神经生物学 2

GABAc receptors and its neuromodulation in the vertebrate retina.by C.J.Dong(董存建)and F.S.Werblin 2

一种测量视网膜锥体闪烁光ERG的改良方法——闪烁指数分析法.吴星伟 3

视网膜内NO的测量. 刘小平,张宁,杨雄里 4

Non-Fourier responses of neurons in early visual cortex.by Y.X.Zhou(周一雄) 5

Functional circuitry of the monkey striate cortex.by Z.Liu(刘正) 6

Quantification of directional and orientational selectivities of visual neurons to moving stimuli.by B.Li(李兵),Y.Wang and Y.C.Diao 7

H?O PET study of activation of human visual motion regions with large field stimulation. by K.Cheng(程康) 9

The amygdaloid influence on spatial response characteristics of LGB neurons in rabbit. by J-Y.Sun(孙坚原),C-L.Fu,S-C.Zhou 10

Glutamate and GABA may play neurotransmitter roles in the pigeon nucleus rotundus.by H-F.Gao(高洪峰),G-Y.Wu,B.J.Frost S-R.Wang 11

猫后内侧上雪氏区细胞视反应的振荡特性分析.王磊,王毅,李兵,刁云程 12

Orientation selectivity of neurons in posteromedial lateral suprasylvian visual cortex(PMLS)of the cat.by Y.Wang(王毅),L.Wang,B.Li,L.H.Wang Y.C.Diao 13

Single neuron response and sensori-motor processing.by J.Zhang(张俊),A.Riehle, J.Requin 14

Rivalry is more important than vergence cue in reading random-dot stereogram visual evoked potential evidence. by A.H.Wang(王蔼侯) 15

周期性随机点立体图.张景芝,金贵昌,周桂荣 16

关于“E”形颜色刺激的反应时研究.傅玉川,万海峰,王植恒 17

早期听觉系统与其中的频率性质和时间结构的分析.章惠明,顾凡及 18

Auditory evoked magnetic field recorded from the human scalp.by L.C.Liu(刘丽婵) 20

How do auditory neurons of echolocating bats respond to repetition rate?by M.Wu(吴敏) 21

Temporal summation processing in auditory cortex.by J.F.He(贺菊芳) 22

螽斯紧张型神经元的声反映特性及药物作用的研究.于琦,沈钧贤 23

电刺激小脑对蝙蝠皮层神经元听反应的影响.尹萍波,孙心德 24

Morpho-functional relationship of output neurons of the olfactory bulb in the frog.The localization ability of the olfactory system in human subjects.by T.Jiang(江滔) 25

Differential effects of NMDA and non-NMDA receptor blockers on spinal cutaneous,muscular and visceral nociception in the cats.by X.J.Song(宋学军),Z-Q.Zhao 26

Local cerebral blood flow responses in rat somatosensory cortex during whisker stimulation.by D.Q.Liu(刘大千),J.Dowling,T.Woolsey 27

微电泳锂盐对大鼠尾壳核痛反应神经元电活动的影响.杨锋,林瑞锦,周保和,李鹏 28

脊髓蛛网膜下腔注射锂盐和5-HT对家兔痛反应影响.杨锋,林瑞锦,周保和,李鹏 29

Cholecystokinin reverses the inhibitory effect of k-opioid receptor on calcium current in rat dorsal root ganglion.by T.Xu(徐涛),N-J.Liu,C-Q.Li,S.G.Yu,Y-X.Yu,H-G.Kang J-S.Han 30

Cholecystokinin reverses the inhibitory effect of μ-opioid receptor on calcium current in rat dorsal root ganglion.by N-J.Liu(刘乃江),T.Xu,C-Q.Li,S.G.Yu,Y-X.Yu,H-G.Kang J-S.Han 31

蝉变音调鸣声产生的神经控制基础.杨新宇,蒋锦昌,陈浩,徐慕玲,唐欢 32

The synaptic organization of the spino-cervico-thalamic pathway in the lateral cervical nucleus of the cat.by M.L.Zhang(张孟良) S-q.Zhang 33

The synaptic relationship between the medial lemniscal terminals and thalamo-cortical projecting neurons in the ventroposterolateral thalamic nucleus of the cat.by M.L.Zhang(张孟良) S-q.Zhang 34

猫后索核内脊神经初级传入终末与后索核丘脑投射神经元间的突触联系.王滨,张书琴 35

神经系统的发育和再生Expression of a new type of vertebrate homeobox gene,QUOX-1,in the developing central and peripheral nervous system.by Z-G.Xue(薛志刚) X.Xue 37

Functional coexpression of the term-1 and fasciclinⅡ recognition molecules during axonal guidance of an identified brain interneuron.by F.K.Xie(谢富康),T.Meier H.Reichert 38

蛋白质合成抑制剂放线菌素酮对快速点燃的阻断.梁东,周保和 39

NMDA Receptor:regulation of its gene expression and NMDA-induced toxicity in developing cerebellar granule cells.by Y.Xia(夏月),K.Kumar, and E.K.Michaelis 40

Cl-HCO3 exchange regulates intracellular pH.by P.Xu(徐平) K.W.Spitzer 41

Constitutively active CAMKII expressed by Vaccinia virus in the tectal cells modifies the retinal ganglion cell axon branching pattern in living Xenopus Tadpoles observed with confocal microscopy.by D.J.Zou(邹东劲),D.Pettit,R.Malinow H.T.Cl 42

Molecular cloning and structure of the mouse GABA transporter gene.by J.Fei(费俭)and L.H.Guo 43

Conversion of a mesodermalizing molecule,the Xenopus Brachyury gene,into a neuralizing factor.by Y.Rao(饶毅) 44

The stimulatory effect of BDNF on dopaminergic phenotype expression of embryonic rat cortical neurons in vitro.by J.W.Zhou(周嘉伟),H.F.Bradford and G.M.Stern 45

中枢神经系统中白介素11的基因表达.范明,杜芳勇,苗继红,由英,王嘉玺,甘思德 46

癫痫形成过程中海马结构内α及β管蛋白基因表达变化的研究.郭庆,匡培根,范明,甘思德 47

钾离子对体外培养中枢神经髓鞘形成的影响—一种新的体外培养中枢神经脱髓鞘模型的建立.姜文跃,沈馨亚,苏清芬,彭裕文,郑思竞,张素春,汪洋,王之美 48

中枢神经髓鞘形成的体外培养和电生理研究.姜文跃,沈馨亚,苏清芬,彭裕文,郑思竞,张素春,汪洋,王之美 49

间接ELISA检测脑损伤组织提取液中bFGF含量变化.汪春风,黄连碧 50

吗啡对大鼠脊髓可塑性影响的形态学研究.曾园山,吴良芳 51

Inhibition of neurite growth by the NG2 proteoglycan and glycosaminoglycans.by C.L.Dou(窦昌林)and J.M.Levine 52

针刺备用背根猫脊髓背核组织对鸡胚背根节神经突起生长的促进作用.薛庆善,吴良芳,保天然 53

鸡胚脊髓背、腹角组织的促神经突起生长作用初探.肖渝平,薛庆善 54

Neurotransmitter transporters.by F.Huang(黄芳) L.H.Guo 55

Morphologic study of GABAergic neurons in dissociated cell culture of spinal cord and dorsal root ganglion.by X.M.Zha(查向明),Z.J.Tao,X.Pao 56

IL-1、阿片肽、即刻早期基因的相互作用及其与神经细胞兴奋性关系的研究.王朝晖,单巍松,吴希如 57

不同发育阶段鼠视皮层细胞组构的研究.刘力,冯春华,孙昊 58

Functional neural regeneration in the feeding system of Aplysia californica by Y.S.Li(李永胜),M.L.Scott and M.D.Kirk 59

Isolation and characterization of mouse neural precursor cells in primary culture.by N.H.Jing(景乃禾),H.Kitani,T.Sakakura and Y.Tomooka 60

生长抑制素mRNA神经元在移植视网膜发育中的表达.朱永红,杨淑珍 61

神经系统的理论和模型 其它 63

Towards understanding of human stereopsis.by J.S.Jin(金声) 63

Solving aperture problem by Ⅵ mechanism.by J.Zhang(张俊) 64

A computational theory for the adaptation of neural system.by Yifa Cai(蔡义发) 65

平滑跟踪眼动的神经网络计算模型.刘林,郭爱克 66

猫视网膜神经节细胞空间信息处理的网络模型.邱芳土,李朝义 67

颜色感受野的自组织生成.孙昊,郭爱克 68

三层神经网络系统的动力行为分析和仿真.潘晓川,汪云九,齐翔林 69

视皮层功能柱的某些动态特性.曾晓东等 70

Neural networks with competing dynamics.by D-M.Chen(陈丹梅) A.K.Guo 71

心理旋转的神经网络模型.李玉鉴 72

脑海马神经元的自组织临界性与联想记忆.孙海坚 73

忍痛过程的神经机制与针刺.张维波 74

计算机自动分析识别神经元系统的研究.万志红,郑德枢 75

The variability of place fields of the rat's hippocampal field cells.by Y.L.Qin(秦裕林) 76

APV-sensitive and APV-resistant long-term potentiation in cat motor cortexin vitro.by W.Chen,G-Y.Hu,Y-D.Zhou(周煜东) J-P.Wu 78

前额叶皮层与短时工作记忆.李葆明,梅镇彤 79

Mecbanism of spike broadening of R20 cells in abdominal ganglion of Aplysia.by M.H.Ma(马明红)and J.Koester 80

Neurotransmitter control of firing mode and excitability of cortical and thalamic neurons in vitro.by Z.Wang(王中) 82

Gating mechanism of calcium channels in cultured embryo chicken myotube.by J.Wu(吴钧) 83

Distribution of motoneurons for ovipositor retractor muscule in female cricket,Teleogryllus commodus. by J.Na(那杰) 84

Distribution of dendrites in motor neuron pools of trigeminal nerve in the rabbit—CB-HRP retrograde labeling study.by Y.Li(李岩),Z-w.Tang and W.Zhao 85

Divergent axon collaterals to cerebellum and hypothalamus from locus coeruleus and parabrachial nucleus neurons—a fluorescent double labeling study.by Y.Li(李岩), Z-w.Tang 86

A study on the role of rostral ventrolateral medulla in compensation and thyrotropin-releasing hormone treatment of hemorhagic shock.by Y.F.Zhang(张云风),J.Yan,H-S.Chen,M-S.Lu.and S-Q.Guo 87

慢性给锂盐对大鼠脑内cAMP和cGMP含量的影响.杨谊,周保和 88

慢性给锂盐对大鼠脑内钙调素活性的影响.杨谊,周保和 89

脑缺血对体感诱发电位的影响及针刺改善脑缺血的机理探讨.罗勇,周保和,黄仲荪 90

拟除虫菊脂对神经元内游离Ca影响的动态观察.赵西龙,石年,刘毓谷 91

基于小波变换的视觉运动检侧.刘芳,陆惠民 92
