9月8日(星期四) 1
狼疮性肾炎治疗的新思维 黎磊石 1
《2005年肾小球疾病学术论坛》课程安排 1
新月体性肾炎的诊断和治疗 唐政 12
ANCA相关血管炎的治疗进展 胡伟新 26
FSGS的治疗 杨念生 33
特发性FSGS与FSGS样病变 陈惠萍 42
肾脏疾病与足细胞相关蛋白基因的研究进展 陈楠 50
9月9日(星期五) 58
膜性肾病分子病理学特征 刘志红 58
足细胞病的诊断与治疗 丁国华 70
马兜铃酸肾病的临床表现及诊断 尹广 75
脂蛋白肾病 曾彩虹 88
血管炎性病变——IgAN一种独特类型 俞雨生 96
Pathogenesis and treatment of rapidly progressive glomerulonephritis William Couser 106
9月10日(星期六) 106
Pathomechanisms of membranous nephropathy:of rats and men Pierre Ronco 118
Podocyte injury in proteinuric kidney diseases David Salant 124
Prognostic and Immunogenetic factors of IgAN Philip Li 132
Statin treatment of lipid abnormalities in glomerular diseases Giuseppe D'Amico 142
Mechanisms of podocyte effacement and proteinuria Stuart Shankland 150
9月11日(星期日) 156
Factors of risk for progression in IgA nephropathy Giuseppe D'Amico 156
The role of complement in immune renal injury William Couser 164
Role of podocyte number in proteinuria and glomerulosclerosis Stuart Shankland 178
IgA nephropathy:causes,prognosis and treatment Francesco Paolo Schena 185
Treatment of Amyloidosis:The Boston University Experience David Salant 197
The Role of the VHL-HIF-VEGF Pathway in Glomeular Development and Disease Susan Quaggin 206
New insights into the pathogenesis of lupus nephritis Francesco Paolo Schena 215
参加肾小球疾病学术论坛会议代表名录 226
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