第26届中国控制会议论文集 第5册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程代展,吴敏主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787811240559
- 页数:807 页
运动控制 1
Position Accuracy Improvement of PMLSM System Using Articial Immune Algorithm&Liu Yang, Tan Boxue, Zhang Xue 2
A Linear Motor Position Control Based on the Articial Immune Clustering Methodology&Liu Yang, Liu Ying 6
基于扩展卡尔曼滤波器的无速度传感器异步电动机直接转矩控制Speed-sensorless Direct Torque Control for Asynchronous Machine Based on Extended Kalman Filter&刘贤兴,乔薇,周旭,胡育文 10
高性能直线/圆弧插补的设计与对比Comparison and Design of High Performance Straight-Line and Circular Arc Interpolations&刘宜,丛爽 14
无轴承异步电机转子磁场定向控制研究Rotor Magnetic Field Oriented Control for Bearingless Induction Motors&朱熀秋,李烽,潘伟,孙晓东 19
巨型水压机液压位置保持系统迭代控制的仿真研究Simulating of Hydraulic Holding System of Large-Scale Forging Press Based on Iterative Learning Control&周育才,刘少军,刘忠伟,邓奕,黄明辉 23
A Direct Torque Controlled Permanent Magnetic Synchronous Motor System Based on the New Rotor PositionEstimation&Chen Yongjun, Huang Shenghua, Wan Shanming, Wu Fang 27
多电平直流环节逆变器宽调制度均衡控制策略研究On Balance Control Strategy with a Wide Range of Modulation Indexes for Multilevel DC-link Inverter&陈金平,贺昱曜,茹锋,林继鹏,吴婷婷 32
永磁同步电机控制系统仿真建模研究Simulation Modeling Research of Permanent Magnet Synchronous Motor Control System&孙子文,杨国超,纪志成 36
开关磁阻电机的模糊自适应PID控制Fuzzy Logic Based Adaptive PID Control of Switched Reluctance Motor Drive&修杰,夏长亮 41
An Adaptive Localization Method for Autonomous Digging Robot&Sun Yi, Lu Haijun 46
An Application of Fuzzy Logic Controller for Switched Reluctance Motor Drive&Xiu Jie, Xia Changliang 50
基于ARM的机器人运动控制系统A Robot Motion Control System Based on ARM&田景文,高美娟,李瑾,李凯 54
Wave Variable Sliding Mode Control Design for Bilateral Tele-Operation Systems Using Haptic Interfaces&Dong Ling Fang, Khorasani Khashayar 58
Group Motion Control of Multi-agent Systems Based on Complex Network&Wu Zhengping, Guan Zhihoug, Li Tao 63
永磁同步电机的二阶自抗扰控制算法A Two-order Active Disturbance Rejection Control Algorithm for Permanent Magnetic Synchronus Motor&刘志刚,李世华 68
永磁同步电动机非线性负载的神经网络自适应控制The Neural Network Adaptive Control forthe Nonnear Load ofthe Permanant Magnet Synchronous Motor&李诺,王江,张荣华 72
交叉耦合控制在目标稳定跟踪平台中的应用Cross-Coupled Control for Three-Axis Turntable Target Tracking System&刘治钢,王军政,赵江波 77
H∞Adaptive Variable Universe Fuzzy Control for Autonomous Vehicles&Chen Lisong, Wang Jiang, Li Nuo 82
大气隙直线感应电机矢量控制系统建模与仿真Modeling and Simulation of Field Oriented Controed Large Air-gap Linear Induction Motor&王立强,雷美珍,卢琴芬,叶云岳 87
智能机器人 92
欠驱动两足步行机器人3D动态行走控制方法研究Dynamic Walking Control of Underactuated 3D Biped Robot&绳涛,王建,蔡文澜,马宏绪 93
Cooperative Control for Target Search, Classication and Attack for AUAVs(Attack Uninhabited Air Vehicles)&Shen Yanhang, Zhou Zhou 99
基于导航评价函数的非完整轮式移动机器人路径规划Path Planner of Nonholonomic Wheeled Mobile Robots Based on Navigation Evaluation Function&郑效光,庄严,王伟 103
基于贝叶斯理论的移动机器人相对定位Relative Locazation of Mobile Robots Based on Bayesian Theory&陈余庆,胡英,马孜 108
一种基于2D单应矩阵的摄像机标定方法A Camera Calibration Method Based on 2D Homography&张雪波,方勇纯,马博军 113
具有冗余自由度的移动操作臂逆运动学分析Inverse Kinematics Analysis for a Mobile Manipulator with Redundant DOFs&马博军,方勇纯,张雪波 118
Constraints Analysis in the Motion Control Process of Parallel Robots&Guo Sheng, Fang Yuefa, Huai Chuangfeng 123
基于SPF模型的闭链机构自适应控制Adaptive Control of Closed Kinematics Chains Based on Singularly Perturbed Formulation&吴爱玲,王中华,周志群 128
凿岩机器人液压系统ADRC控制器设计与仿真Study on ADRC Controer Design and Simulation of Rock Drill Robot Joint Hydraulic Drive System&阮久宏,荣学文,吴三友 133
多传感道路检测及目标跟踪的新型融合方法Multi-sensor based Lane Detection and ObjectTracking Method&陈莹,吴定会 137
无标定手眼协调跟踪系统性能分析与改进Performance Investigation and Improvement for the Uncabrated Hand-Eye Coordination System&苏剑波 141
基于地标信息融合的家庭环境机器人组合导航Robot Integrated Navigation Based on Landmark Information Fusion in Home Environment&王红霞,田国会,李晓磊,卜范骞 145
轮腿复合式爬壁机器人设计及运动特性分析Design and Motion Analysis of Wheel-Legged Climbing Robot&刘万里,曲兴华,闫勇刚 149
寻迹竞速机器人的设计与实现Design and Application for Cruising and Contesting Robot&王明顺,沈谋全 154
医用微型机器人动力学建模和螺旋槽参数优化研究Kinetic Modeling and Spiral Groove Optimization of Medical Micro-Robot&梁亮,彭辉,甘敏 160
一种新型直线驱动器的数学模型及控制策略The Mathematical Model of A Novel Linear Actuator and its Control Strategy&张庆新,张红梅,王凤翔 165
Gait Design and Balance Control for the Biped Robot Based on Reaction Null-space Method&Huai Chuangfeng, Fang Yuefa, Guo Sheng 169
靶定位并联机器人控制研究On TargetPositioning Parallel Robot Control&孙立宁,刘彦武,曲东升,李长峰 174
A Study of Autonomous Parking for a 4-Wheel Driven Mobile Robot&Zang Joung Ill, Xuan Dong Ji, Kim Jin Wan, Kim Young Bae 179
A Novel Path Planning Method Based on Certainty Grids Map for Mobile Robot&Li Jigong, Feng Yiwei, Zhu Chaoqun 185
一种新型排水管道检测机器人研究On a New Detecting Robot in Sewer Pipe&杨清梅,孙建民 189
基于单目视觉的机器人动态目标识别与跟踪Robotic Dynamic Target Recognition and Tracking based on the Monocular Vision&刘磊,王永骥 193
移动机器人航迹跟踪控制律设计与仿真平台开发Control Law Design of Mobile Robot Trajectory Tracking and Development of Simulation Platform&杨毅,付梦印,孙常胜,王美玲,赵诚 198
Research on the Eiciency of Robot Fish&Yu Jinghu, Qiu Yuming 203
非完整性约束下移动机器人带虚拟障碍物的路径规划Virtual Obstacle Based Approach to Path Planning of Mobile Robot with Nonholonomic Constraints&雷兆明,孙鹤旭,刘作军,林涛,杨鹏 207
手眼视觉系统的自标定技术Self-Cabration Technique Based on Hand-Eye Vision Systems&王海霞,王春艳,卢晓 212
并发定位与建图的多目标免疫进化算法Multi-objective Immune Evolutionary Algorithms for SLAM&李枚毅 216
Loop-closingbyUsing SIFT Features for Mobile Robots&Zhao Fengda, Kong Lingfu, Li Xianshan 221
ICF精密并联机器人系统的研制Development of Precision Parallel Robot in ICF Research&孙立宁,李长峰,曲东升,彦武 225
The Control of Search and Rescue Robots with the General Suppression Control Framework&Lau Henry Y.K., Ko Albert W.Y 229
分布式控制系统 234
MIMO网络化控制系统的分析和建模Analysis and Modeling of MIMO Networked Control Systems&武翠琴,李艾华,张振仁 235
具有静态非线性互联结构的分布式异构系统的稳定性Stabity of Distributed Heterogenous Systems with Static Nonnear Interconnections&耿志勇 239
MAS网络测控系统中联盟求解算法的研究On Coalition Generation Algorithm in MAS Control System&曹小华,艾丽斯佳 244
群机器人网格分布控制研究On Grid Distribution Control of Swarm Robots&熊举峰,谭冠政 248
Water Level Control of Boiler Drum Using One IEC61131-3-Based DCS&Yang Qiliang, Xing Jianchun, Wang Ping 252
GDCS任务调度的SPN模型研究SPN Modeling for GDCS Task Scheduling&杨舰,黄道平,李小亚 256
DCS-Based Process Control Simulating System&Li Lanjun, Yu Shouyi, Luo Wu, Gao Song 261
A Novel Least Slack First Scheduling Algorithm OptimizedbyThreshold&Ba Wei, Zhang Dabo 264
Output Feedback of Model-based Networked Control Systems with Multi-rate Input Sampling&Wang Zhiwen, Guo Ge, Hong Yi, Luo Dongsong 269
DCS内嵌式先进控制与优化软件的开发与应用Development of DCS-Embedded Advanced Control and Optimization Software&弓岱伟,孙德敏 273
多移动机器人的分布式编队与避障控制Distributed Formation Control of Multiple Nonholonomic Mobile Robots&陈杨杨,田玉平 278
铝电磁场快速铸轧过程的分布式实时控制系统A Distributed Real-time Control System of Aluminum Electromagnetic Rapid Roll-casting&田照耀,廖力清,刘建良 283
基于令牌总线的网络控制系统中信息的优化调度Optimal Scheduling Algorithm for Messages in Networked Control Systems Based on Token-Bus&刘怀,黄建新,曹弋 288
Design of History Database for Networked Control Systems&Zhu Youzhi, Peng Peng, Zheng Geng 292
信息处理系统 297
基于增益失调因子的H-innity滤波鲁棒机理研究On the Robustness Mechanism of H-innity Filter Based on Gain Maladjustment Gene&李金梁,郝顺义,吴高龙 298
自校正分量解耦信息融合Kalman平滑器Self-tuning Decoupled Component Information Fusion Kalman Smoother&高媛,张鹏,贾文静,邓自立 303
一种自适应模糊的局部区域图像增强算法An Adaptive Fuzzy Image Enhancement Algorithm for Local Regions&闫茂德,伯绍波,李雪,贺昱 308
基于信息熵的改进TFIDF特征选择算法An Improved TFIDF Feature Selection Algorithm Based On Information Entropy&周炎涛,唐剑波,王家琴 312
Inner Mechanism-Based Real Time Data Fusion of the Multisensors of Magnetic Bearings&Ku Shaoping, Hu Yefa 316
战术任务规划决策支持技术研究On Decision Making Support Technology for Tactical Mission Planning&任敏,胡红娟,沈林成 320
Signal Analysing of Failure Monitoring System for Gear Chain&Zheng Lijun, Yu Lixin 324
A Bayesian Framework for Target Tracking in Sensor Networks&Cheng Yuanguo, Li Guohui 328
车用氧传感器性能参数检测系统开发Development of Measurement System Applied to Detecting the Parameters of Oxygen Sensor&冯国胜,王海花,李军,薛淑发 332
Create Multi-dimension Linked Lists on Recursive Algorithm and the Appcation&Chen Guangyi, He Zhaoyong 336
结合图像信息的污染企业选址研究On Location Selection for Contaminative Factory Based on Image Processing&张航,王一军,罗大庸,王潇 340
A Semantics-Reconstruction Based Model-Driven Development Approach for Web Information Systems&Hou Jinkui, Wan Jiancheng, Yu Yongtang 344
一类企业级信息系统的关键业务过程的网格服务封装Grid Services Encapsulation of the Key Work Flow in a Type of Enterprise Information System&郝卫东,杨扬 349
消除采样通道差异的移相算法研究On Phase-shifting Algorithm to Eminate Dierence between Sampng Channels&张涛,薛鹏骞,蒋静坪 354
基于向量空间模型的信息安全审计系统Information Audit System Based on Vector Space Model&喻飞,夏晓燕,吴蓉晖,徐成 359
模糊证据理论的深入研究A Further Study on Fuzzy Evidence Theory&马小平,汪永东,樊阳 363
Measurement for Water Content in Oil-Water Two Phase Flow Based on Novel Hybrid Intelligent PredictionModel&Zhang Dongzhi, Xia Bokai, Fu Tao 367
扩充的基于集对联系度的粗糙集模型Generalized Rough Set Model Based on Set Pair Connection Degree&徐怡,李龙澍,李学俊 372
An Improved PSNR Algorithm for Objective Video Quality Evaluation&Yuan Fei, Huang Lianfen, Yao Yan 376
模糊路径查询系统及其在PX吸附分离过程中的应用Fuzzy Path-Query Algorithm and its Application in PX Absorption and Separation Process&任佳,雷美珍,张益波 381
Optimization Design on Sensing Field of Electromagnetic Tomography&Xue Yixuan, Zhao Shu, Dong Feng 386
多截面电阻层析成像系统并行数据采集的设计Multi-Plane Electrical Resistance Tomography System Based on Parael Data Acquisition Strategy&谭超,董峰,王斌斌 391
A New Multi-scale Estimation Scheme for Dynamic System&Zhou Funa, Tang Tianhao, Wen Chenglin 396
车载SINS/GPS紧组合导航算法研究与实现SINS/GPS Tightly Integrated Navigation Algorithm for Land Vehicle Applications&何晓峰,胡小平,吴美平,秦海力 400
基于压电扫描管动态特性分析的AFM成像方法研究AFM Imaging Method Based on the Analysis of PiezScanner Dynamic Characteristic&董晓坤,方勇纯,周娴玮,张玉东 404
Intelligent Data Pretreatment Based on Principal Component Analysis and Fuzzy C-means Clustering inFlotation Process&Wang Jiesheng 409
Data-Fusion Techniques in Hard Shoulder Monitoring System&Dong Hairong, Wallace Michael, Evans David 413
基于Rough集理论的战场侦察情报处理Battlefield Reconnaissance Intelligence Processing Based on Rough Sets Theory&李雄,党生 417
故障诊断 421
An Active Fault Tolerant Controller Design Method for Time-delay Systems&Wu Junsheng, Weng Zhengxin, Tian Zuohua, Shi SongJiao 422
计算机巡回检测控制系统的容错设计Fault-tolerant Design of Computer Cyclic Check and Control System&胡绍林,Karl Meinke,陈如山 426
基于尺度-小波能量谱、粗糙集和神经网络集成的内燃机故障诊断方法Fault Diagnosis Method to Internal-combustion Engine Based on Integration of Scale-wavelet Power Spectrum,Rough Set and Neural Network&陈保家,李力,赵新泽 431
基于元流程的Web服务组合例外处理模型Exception Handling Model for Web Service Composition Using Meta-Process&付晓东,邹平 436
An FDI Approach for Aircraft Actuator Partial Failure&Wang Dan, Wu Zhiliang, Yao Yubin, Niu Xiaobing 440
基于Lyapunov指数的一类轴承故障检测研究One-class Bearings Fault Detection Model based on Lyapunov Exponent Spectrum&陶新民,杜宝祥,徐勇 445
Rolling Bearing Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet Packet and RBF Neural Network&Sun Fang, Wei Zijie 451
A Strategy About Hoist Control and Fault Diagnosis Based on Neural Network&Dai Yueming, Li Yunfang, Zhang Rui, Sheng Weiwei 456
基于支持向量机的旋转机械多类故障识别研究On Rotary Machine's Multi-Class Fault Recognition Based on SVM&顾小军,杨世锡,钱苏翔 460
电子设备机柜结构的模态分析The Modal Analysis of the Electronic Equipment Cabinet Structure&刘衍平,张刘斗 464
Fault Diagnosis of HydrGenerator Unit via GA-Nonnear Principal Component Analysis Neural Network&Ji Qiaofing, Qi Weimin, Cai Weiyou 468
基于CGHMM的轴承故障音频信号诊断方法A Continuous Gaussian Mixture HMM Based Acoustic Fault Diagnosis Scheme for Bearings&陆汝华,杨胜跃,樊晓平 473
劣化系统的故障诊断和检测策略的综合研究On Fault Diagnosis and Inspection Policy for Deteriorating System&王丽英,方攸同,苏丽颖,刘宝友 477
Transformer Dissolved Gas Analysis Using Least Square Support Vector Machine and Bootstrap&Tang Wenhu, Shintemirov Almas, Wu Q.H. 482
Modeling and Simulation of Complex Maintenance System Dynamics&Yin Xiaohu, Wen Xisen, Qian Yanling, Yang Yongmin 487
基于观测器的Delta算子系统故障检测Observer-Based FaultDetection for Delta Operator Systems&张端金,张爱玲 492
支持向量机在齿轮智能故障诊断中的应用研究Gear Fault Inteigent Diagnosis Based on Support Vector Machines&吕蓬,柳亦兵,马强,魏于凡 496
A Multi-sensor Fusion Method for the Detection of Cavitations in the Hydropower Turbine&Liu Suyi, Wang Shuqing 501
Modeling of a Power Transformer Winding for Deformation Detection Based on Frequency Response Analysis&Shintemirov Almas, Tang Wenhu, Wu Q.H. 506
基于核函数和概率神经网络的TE过程监控研究Nonlinear Process Monitors Method Based on Kernel Function and PNN&薄翠梅,李俊,陆爱晶,张广明 511
基于模糊概率SDG模型的复杂系统故障诊断研究Research on Fault Diagnosis Based on Fuzzy Probability SDG in Complex System&朱琳,陈杰,陈文颉,邓方 516
Vibration Fault Detection and Diagnosis Method of Power System Generator Based on Wavelet FractalNetwork&Kang Shanlin, Liang Baoshe, Fan Feng, Shen Songhua 520
基于改进小波神经网络的航空滚动轴承的故障检测Fault Diagnosis of Aerospace Rolng Bearings Based on Improved Wavelet-Neural Network&金向阳,张莉,于广滨 525
The Research and Application on Wavelet Energy Eigenvalues of a Faulty Generator Set&Hou Rongtao 530
基于支持向量机的电力电子电路故障诊断Fault Diagnosis of Power Electronic Circuits Based on Support Vector Machine&梁禹,王义刚,王娜 535
基于强跟踪粒子滤波器的非线性系统故障诊断Strong Tracking Particle Filter Based Fault Diagnosis for Nonlinear Systems&刘士荣,何文波 539
通讯网络系统 544
On Remote Real-time Communication Between MATLAB and PLC Based on OPC Technology&Zhang Lieping, Zeng Aiqun, Zhang Yunsheng 545
网络化控制系统的转换控制Switched control of networked control systems&马长林,姜红 549
UMTS中WWW无线业务建模On Modeling of WWW Wireless Trafc in UMTS&张有志,裴廷睿,王亚兰,郭德智 553
Global Behavior of Dynamical Agents in Directed Network&Yu Hongwang, Zheng Yufan, Leng Cuiping 557
网络化控制系统传输迟延与数据丢包综合补偿C0-Compensation for Transmission Delay and Packet Dropout in Networked Control System&王天堃,周黎辉,韩璞,徐大平 562
网络控制系统采样速率和时延抖动稳定性分析Stability Analysis of Network-Based Control Systems subject to Jitter of Sampling Rates and Time Delays&沈青,桂卫华,阳春华,熊英 567
无线传感器网络的滚动时域状态估计方法Moving Horizon State Estimation for Wireless Sensor Networks&骆吉安,柴利 571
基于子集划分与动态匹配机制的智能标签防冲突算法An Anti-Collision Algorithm Based on Subset-division and Dynamic Matching Mechanism for Intelligent Tags&曹小华,周强 576
基于RBAC的无线传感器轻量安全模型研究Light-weight Secured Model for Wireless Sensor Network Based on RBAC&杜瑞颖,徐明頔,李波,张焕国 580
存在数据包的NCS状态预估控制设计与稳定性分析Stability Analysis and State Predictor Design of the NCS with data packet dropout&梁涛,孙鹤旭,林涛,雷兆明 584
Energy Eicient Routing Protocol Based on Residual Energy and Energy Consumption Rate for HeterogeneousWireless Sensor Networks&Li Xiaoya, Huang Daoping, Yang Jian 587
The Embedded Gateway Based on P2P Protocol&Zhou Shumin, Tang Bin, Sun Yamin, Hu Lei 591
网络拥塞控制算法的动态分析Analysis on Dynamics of Congestion Control Algorithm&杨洪勇,闫孝泉,张嗣瀛 595
一种基于P2P技术的Gnutella网络的资源定位搜索算法的研究Improved Resource Discovery Algorithm on Gnutella Based on P2P Networks&郭玉堂,吕皖丽,罗斌 599
SCTP流量的混沌控制研究On SCTP Traffiic Chaotic Control&刘润杰,申金媛,穆维新 603
NBTRL: A Software Platform for Network Background Trafc Replay Based on Log&Zhao Kuo, Tang Kuo, Chu Jianfeng, Hu Liang 607
Adaptive Control for Real-time Computing System&Chen Yi, Gao Ge, Liu Hao 612
动态规划在传感器网络路由协议中的应用The Application of Dynamic Programming Algorithm In Route Protocol of Wireless Sensor Network (WSN)&石为人,邓鹏程,张阳 615
A Novel Management Method Based on SNMP&Cheng Chuanqing, Wang Li 619
Study of QoS Based on Flow Classication in Multi-Layer Switch&Cheng Chuanqing, Wang Li 622
VHF空地数据链通信协议架构及转换流程研究On VHF Air-Ground Datalink Communication Protocols Famework and Transformation Flow&耿宏,张晓瑜,陈玖圣,董健康 626
Fair Congestion Control for FAST TCP&Lu Quan, Qiu Junping 630
基于IEEE802.15.4的一种分簇算法研究A Clustering Algorithm based on IEEE802.15.4&张维勇,张芬,马学森 634
网络控制系统的动态调度与鲁棒控制协同设计Dynamic Scheduling and Robust Control Co-Design for Networked Control Systems&王艳,纪志成,谢林柏,胡维礼 639
AODV协议一种高效的安全性改进An Effiicient Security Enhancement of AODV Protocol&张国庆,慕德俊,许钟,杨卫莉 644
自适应Internet主动队列管理算法Internet Adaptive Active Queue Management Algorithm&赵永升,张福增,杨洪勇 648
传感器网络局部时间同步协议研究Time Synchronization For Wireless Sensor Networks Based On Local Level Structure&石为人,张阳,邓鹏程 652
基于3G的实时通信系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Instant Message System Based on 3G&熊永华,吴敏,贾维嘉,张历卓 656
基于MATLAB的车载CAN网络模拟技术Simulation Technique of In-vehicle CAN Network Based on MATLAB&徐小娟,刘志远 661
端对端网络时钟漂移补偿算法研究及其实现On End-tEnd Network Clock Offset Compensation Algorithm and Its Implementation&贾允毅,胥布工,王世华,刘步春 666
NEMO网络中基于NSIS的资源预留NSIS-based Resource Reservation for NEMO&严旭影,彭军,张伟,李春明,童海涛 671
一种自适应非同步的无线传感器网络MAC协议An Adaptive and Asynchronous MAC Protocol for Wireless Sensor Network&杨玺,樊晓平,刘少强,瞿志华 676
Colsion and Priority of Packet Based Adaptive Enhanced Distributed Coordination Function&Wang Yan, Jin Shunfu 681
Throughput Capacity of Interference-Limited Hybrid Wireless Networks&Chen Lin, Jiang Changjun, Chen Hongzhong 686
Fair Bandwidth Allocation for Wireless Ad-hoc Networks&Guan Xinping, Ma Kai, Long Chengnian 691
Modeing and Control of Networked Control Systems with Random Packet Losses&Zhang Wen'an, Yu Li, Song Hongbo 695
遗传算法与演化计算 700
蚁群算法与遗传算法的混合算法Hybrid Algorithm Combining Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm with Genetic Algorithm&高尚,江新姿,汤可宗 701
免疫连续蚁群算法Immunized Continuous Ant Colony Algorithm&高玮 705
一种新的克隆混沌调节算法研究On A Novel Clonal Chaos Adjustment Algorithm&洪露,穆志纯 710
Large-scale Hydropower Station Economic Dispatch Based on Immune Algorithm&Xu Chenguang, Zhao Maihuan 715
粒子群算法在高速公路多路径费用拆分方法研究A Particle Swarm Optimal Algorithm for Multiple Path Toll Problems on Freeway Networks&李曙光 718
Using Good Nodes Set Principle to Evolution Strategy for Constrained Optimization&Xiao Chixin, Cai Zixing 722
基于小生境遗传算法的配电网电容器优化配置Optimal Coninguration of Capacitors in Distribution Network Based on Niche Genetic Algorithm&程远林,李茂军 727
基于GA优化的个人信用评估SVM模型Personal Credit Scoring Model Based on SVM OptimizedbyGA&姜明辉,袁绪川 731
基于协进化方法的多智能体系统及其符号演绎理论模型Multi-Agent System Based on Co-evolution Method and Its' Symbol Deduction Theory Model&薛宏涛,沈林成 736
一种改进的基于群体的增量学习算法An Improved Population-Based Incremental Learning Algorithm&张庆彬,吴惕华,刘波 741
On Line Parameter Identication of an Induction Motor Using Improved Particle Swarm Optimization&Chen Guangyi, Guo Wei, Huang Kaisheng 745
On Some Non-linear Decreasing Inertia Weight Strategies in Particle Swarm Optimization&Huang Chongpeng, Zhang Yulin, Jiang Dingguo, Xu Baoguo 750
一种基于EDAs和聚类分析的杂合进化算法A Hybrid Evolutionary Algorithm Based on EDAs and Clustering Analysis&曹爱增,陈月婷,魏军,李金屏 754
量子遗传算法在物流配送计划中的应用Application of Quantum Genetic Algorithm in Logistics Distribution Planning&王锡淮,杨英,肖健梅 759
多种群并行粒子群算法研究On Multi-population Parallel Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm&张顶学,关治洪,刘新芝 763
A Kind of Image Segmentation Method Based on the Combination of GA and Two-Dimensional Entropy&Li Youxin, Mao Zongyuan, Tian Lianfang 766
改进的遗传算法在虚拟企业伙伴选择问题中的应用Application of Improved Genetic Algorithm in Virtual Enterprise Partnership Selection&韩江洪,王梅芳,马学森,王跃飞 771
基于模拟退火机制的隔离小生境混合遗传算法An Isolation Niche Hybrid Genetic Algorithm Based on Simulated Annealing Method&孙燕,孙峥,黄鹍 776
基于预测速度的改进微粒群算法Predictive-Velocity Modied Particle Swarm Optimization&崔志华,蔡星娟,曾建潮,孙国基 780
基于PSO和L-M优化方法的奇偶问题学习算法A Learning Algorithm Based on PSO and L-M for Parity Problem&杨光友,张道德 785
基于遗传算法的中长期电力负荷组合预测Middle-long Power Load Forecasting Based on Genetic Algorithm&牛东晓,李金超,李金颖,刘达 790
多样度和适应度引导的遗传算法操作概率计算研究Research on Calculations of Probabilities of Operators in GA GuidedbyCooperation of Diversity and Fitness&李枚毅,游维,蔡自兴 794
自适应PID控制微粒群算法Self-adaptive PID-Controlled Particle Swarm Optimization&蔡星娟,崔志华,曾建潮,谭瑛 799
基于离散PSO和Voronoi图的无人机航迹规划方法研究On Route-Planning of UAV Based on Discrete PSO and Voronoi Diagram&彭建亮,朱凡,孙秀霞,孙彪 804
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