- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘双峰,王高编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7564012765
- 页数:164 页
1 Mechanical Sensor 1
1.1 Resistive and Piezoresistive Strain Sensor 2
1.2 Piezojunction Effect 4
1.3 Piezoelectric Effect 5
1.4 Capacitive Sensing 7
1.5 Tunneling Sensing 9
2 Light Emitter 12
2.1 Light Emitting Diode 12
2.2 Silicon Light Emitting Diode 14
2.3 Organic Light Emitting Diode 15
2.4 Gas and Solid-State Laser 16
2.5 Micromachined Solid-State Laser 18
2.6 Plasma Light Source 18
2.7 Electroluminescent Light Source 19
2.8 Field Emission Display 19
2.9 Bioluminescence 20
3 Fundamentals of Fiber Optic Component 23
3.1 Basic of Optic 23
3.2 The Electromagnetic Spectrum 24
3.3 Light Guiding 26
3.4 Fiber Transmission 29
3.5 Other Optical Component 32
4 Noninverting Amplifier 36
4.1 Basic Amplifier 36
4.2 Voltage Follower 37
4.3 OP-AMP Application 38
4.4 Difference Amplifier 40
5 Pulse Radar 44
5.1 Overview of Pulsed Radar 44
5.2 Critical Subsystem Design and Technology 46
5.3 Radar Performance Prediction 49
6 Computer Aided Design and Analysis of Communication System 56
6.1 Introduction 56
6.2 The Role of Simulation 57
6.3 Motivation for the Use of Simulation 58
6.4 Limitations of Simulation 58
6.5 Simulation Structure 59
6.6 The Interdisciplinary Nature of Simulation 60
6.7 Model Design 61
6.8 Low-Pass Model 61
6.9 Pseudorandom Signal and Noise Generator 63
6.10 Transmitter,Channel and Receiver Modeling 64
6.11 Symbol Error Rate Estimation 65
6.12 Validation of Simulation Result 67
6.13 A Simple Example Illustrating Simulation Product 68
7 Visible Detector 71
7.1 Introduction 71
7.2 The Human Eye as A Detector 71
7.3 Photographic Film 73
7.4 Photoelectric Detector 74
7.5 Photomultiplier 76
7.6 Photoconductor 77
7.7 Photodiode 78
7.8 Pyroelectric Detector 80
8 Infrared Detector 82
8.1 Introduction 82
8.2 Photographic Film 82
8.3 Photoelectric Detector 83
8.4 Thermal Detector 95
8.5 Detection System and Selection Guide 104
9 Imaging Detector 107
9.1 Introduction 107
9.2 Photoemitter 108
9.3 Imaging Tube 110
9.4 Solid-State Imaging Device 116
10 Mechanical Engineering 120
10.1 Introduction 120
10.2 Spectrum 121
10.3 Energy Conversion 122
10.4 Energy Resource 123
10.5 Environment and Transportation 123
10.6 Engineering and Technology Management 124
10.7 Manufacturing 125
10.8 Material and Structure 126
10.9 System and Design 126
11 Shaft Analysis and Design 130
11.1 Introduction 130
11.2 Analysis 131
11.3 Numerical Example 133
11.4 Key and Pin 134
11.5 Effects of Pin Size on Shaft Stress 138
12 Optimization of Screw Compressor Design 141
12.1 Introduction 141
12.2 Geometry of Screw Compressor Rotor 143
12.3 Compressor Thermodynamics in Optimization Calculation 144
12.4 Optimization of the Rotor Profile and Compressor Design 146
12.5 Conclusion 149
附录1 电子元器件英汉对照 152
附录2 电子部件英汉对照 155
附录3 常用数学符号英文表达法 158
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