新概念英语 培养技能 学习和应用指南 新版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:唐蕙倩等编著
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:1999
- ISBN:7309021894
- 页数:385 页
1.A Puma at Large 1
2.Thirteen Equals One 7
3.An Unknown Goddess 13
4.The Double Life of Alfred Bloggs 20
5.The Facts 27
6.Smash-and-Grab 33
7.Mutilated Ladies 40
8.A Famous Monastery 47
9.Flying Cats 53
10.The Loss of the Titanic 59
11.Not Guilty 65
12.Life on a Desert Island 72
13.‘It's Only Me’ 79
14.A Noble Gangster 84
15.Fifty Pence Worth of Trouble 91
16.Mary Had a Little Lamb 97
17.The Longest Suspension Bridge in the World 104
18.Electric Currents in Modern Art 111
19.A Very Dear Cat 118
20.Pioneer Pilots 125
21.Daniel Mendoza 131
22.By Heart 137
23.One Man's Meat Is Another Man's Poison 143
24.A Skeleton in the Cupboard 149
25.The Cutty Sark 155
26.Wanted:a Large Biscuit Tin 162
27.Nothing to Sell and Nothing to Buy 169
28.Five Pounds Too Dear 176
29.Funny or Not 182
30.The Death of a Ghost 189
31.A Lovable Eccentric 195
32.A Lost Ship 202
33.A Day to Remember 209
34.A Happy Discovery 216
35.Justice Was Done 223
36.A Chance in a Million 231
37.The Westhaven Express 237
38.The First Calendar 243
39.Nothing to Worry About 250
40.Who's Who 256
41.Illusions of Pastoral Peace 262
42.Modern Cavemen 268
43.Fully Insured 274
44.Speed and Comfort 279
45.The Power of the Press 284
46.Do it Yourself 291
47.Too High a Price? 298
48.The Silent Village 304
49.The Ideal Servant 311
50.New Year Resolutions 317
51.Predicting the Future 325
52.Mud is Mud 331
53.In the Public Interest 337
54.Instinct or Cleverness 343
55.From the Earth:Greetings 349
56.Our Neighbour,the River 355
57.Back in the Old Country 361
58.A Spot of Bother 367
59.Collecting 374
60.Too Early and Too Late 380
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