全国林业系统自然保护区体系规划研究 中英文本PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:14 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:李迪强,宋延龄,欧阳志云等著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国大地出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7800975711
- 页数:407 页
1.中国生物多样性现状 1
1.1 物种多样性 1
1.2 生态系统类型与分布 2
1.3 生物地理区划 4
1.4 中国生物多样性面临的主要威胁 5
1.5 中国自然保护区现状 8
1.6 中国自然保护区的类型 13
2.自然保护区建设的政策和规划回顾 16
2.1 国民经济和社会发展第十个五年计划 16
2.2 中国自然保护区发展规划纲要(1996~2010年) 16
2.3 林业系统内自然保护区发展规划 16
2.4 与本项目有关的规划 17
2.5 林业系统自然保护区体系存在的问题 18
2.6 中国林业系统自然保护区未来发展方向 20
3.自然保护区体系规划方法 22
3.1 规划范围 22
3.2 规划指导思想 22
3.3 规划目标 22
3.4 规划程序 22
3.5 物种多样性热点地区分析和保护空缺分析 24
3.6 自然保护区体系规划 25
3.7 规划面临的限制 25
4.物种保护热点地区与空缺地区分析 28
4.1 物种的分布与保护空缺 28
4.2 中国物种多样性的热点地区分析 29
5.优先保护生态系统评价与空缺分析 39
5.1 生态系统类型与分布 39
5.2 优先保护生态系统的类型及分布 39
5.3 生态系统保护现状评价 45
5.4 空缺生态系统分析 46
6.国家级自然保护区规划 49
6.1 建议进行调整的国家级自然保护区 49
6.2 建议升级与调整的保护区 73
6.3 建议新建国家级自然保护区 108
7.保护区排序和优先性分析 133
7.1 范围 133
7.2 基于生物多样性保护价值的自然保护区排序方法 133
7.3 生物多样性排序结果 134
7.4 为保护行动和管理进行优先分析的方法 136
8.优先建设的国家级保护区预算 139
Executive Summary 142
1.Introduction-An Overview of China's Biodiversity 146
1.1 High Species Diversity 147
1.2 Categories and Distribution of Ecosystems 148
1.3 The Biogeographic Zones of China 150
1.4 Major Threats to Biodiversity in China 152
1.5 Current Status of Nature Reserves in China 156
1.6 Classification Nature Reserves in China 162
2.General Policy Guidelines 165
2.1 The 10th Five-Year Socio-Economic Development Plan 165
2.2 Outline for Planning and Development of Nature Reserves in China(1996-2010) 165
2.3 The Development Plan for Nature Reserves in the Forestry Sector 166
2.4 Plans and Policies Governing the NFNRP 167
2.5 Forestry Nature Reserves-Issues and Adequacy 168
2.6 Development Trends for Forestry Nature Reserves 171
3.Development of the National Forestry Nature Reserve System Plan 173
3.1 Scope of the NFNRSP 173
3.2 Guidelines for Planning the NFNRSP 173
3.3 Overall Goals and Objectives of the NFNRSP 173
3.4 Planning Procedures 174
3.5 Species Hotspots and Gap Analysis 176
3.6 Planning on Nature Reserves System 178
3.7 Constraints Faced by the Planning Team 178
4.Species Gap Analyses and Hot Spots 181
4.1 Species Distribution and Protection Gaps 181
4.2 Analysis of Hot Spot Areas for Species Diversity in China 183
5.Evaluation of Priority Ecosystems and Gap Analysis 196
5.1 Types and Distribution of Ecosystems 196
5.2 Types and Distribution of Priority Ecosystems 196
5.3 Evaluation of the Conservation Status of Ecosystems 204
5.4 Ecosystem Gap Analysis 205
6.Planning of National Nature Reserves 209
6.1 Proposed Adjustments to Existing National Nature Reserves 209
6.2 Reserves Recommended to be Upgraded and Adjusted 240
6.3 New Site Proposals for National Reserves 283
7.Ranking and Prioritizing Nature Reserves in the Systems Plan 313
7.1 Scope 313
7.2 Methodology for Ranking Reserves Based on Biodiversity Values 313
7.3 Results of Biodiversity Ranking 315
7.4 Methodology for Prioritizing National Reserves for Conservation Action and Management Attention 317
8.Budgeting for Priority National Nature Reserves 321
References 325
附录 Annexes 330
1.选定的指示鸟类 Selected Indicator Bird Species 330
2.选定的指示兽类 Selected Indicator Mammal Species 338
3.选定的指示植物 Selected Indicator Plant Species 342
4.鸟类保护空缺分析 Protection GAP for Birds 353
5.选定兽类的空缺分析 Protection GAP for Mammals 359
6.包含在国家级保护区系统的植物名录 Priority Indicator Plants Covered in Existing National Reserves 363
7.包含在省级及县级保护区中的优先指示植物 Priority Indicator Plants Covered in Existing Provincial or County Level Reserves 366
8.陆地生态系统类型评价表 Evaluation Table on Continental Ecosystems 368
9.优先保护生态系统类型及其主要分布地区 Forest Ecosystems for Prioritized Protection and their Distribution 374
10.优先保护湿地生态系统及其分布 Wetland Ecosystems for Prioritized Protection and their Distribution 381
11.优先保护草原与荒漠生态系统及其分布 Grassland and Desert Ecosystems for Prioritized Protection and their Distribution 384
12.现已保护的生态系统基本情况表 Information on Ecosystems under Protection in National Nature Reserves 387
13.未建有保护区的优先生态系统及其分布地区 Protection GAP for Priority Ecosystems 398
14.优先保护区名录 List of National Nature Reserves Ranked for Overall Importance for Biodiversity Conservation 401
15.优先保护区预算估计总结 Summary Estimate Budgets for Class Ⅰ,Ⅱ Priority Nature Reserves 404
表1-1 中国动、植物部分门类特有种(或属)统计表 2
表1-2 中国濒危物种数量(估计) 7
表1-3 中国自然保护区的发展历程 9
表1-4 列入国际条约的保护区 11
表1-5 第一阶段建议的自然保护区 12
表2-1 各省和自治区国家级保护区的面积和数量 18
表4-1 生境类型被包括在保护区体系内的雀形鸟类 28
表4-2 没有包括在保护区内的优先保护植物种类 30
表4-3 热点地区的指示物种数量和热点值 30
表6-1 调整后的国家级自然保护区包括扩建和(或)合并的自然保护区 50
表6-2 建议升级的省级或县级保护区及其面积的调整 74
表6-3 建议新建的国家级自然保护区 108
表7-1 建议包括在“十五”期间(2001~2005)重点建设的处于优先级别1和2的国家级保护区 136
表8-1 优先发展自然保护区预算总结 141
Table 1-1 Statistics on Endemic Species(or Genera)in China 147
Table 1-2 Estimated Numbers of Endangered Species in China 155
Table 1-3 Nature Reserve Development in China Since 1956 157
Table 1-4 The Reserves Covered In International Treaties 158
Table 1-5 Initial Nature Reserves Proposed In Stage Ⅰ 160
Table 2-1 Numbers and Area of National Nature Reserves by Province/Autonomous Region 169
Table 4-1 Passerine Birds Covered in New Nature Reserves by Virtue of Habitat Identification 181
Table 4-2 Indicator Protected Plants with Protection Gap in Existing Protected Areas 183
Table 4-3 Species Numbers and Hot Spot Value of Priority Conservation Areas 184
Table 6-1 Adjusted National Nature Reserves,Including Extended and/or Merged Existing Nature Reserves 210
Table 6-2 Upgraded Provincial and/or County Reserves to National Level Nature Reserves and Area Adjustments 241
Table 6-3 New Site Proposals for National Nature Reserves 284
Table 7-1 Priority Reserves Proposed for Inclusion in the 10th Five-Year National Development Plan 317
Table 8-1 The Budget Summary for the Priority Nature Reserves 324
图1-1 中国陆地生态系统类型与分布 3
图1-2 中国的生物地理分区 5
图1-3 林业系统自然保护区数量变化 10
图1-4 林业系统自然保护区面积变化 10
图4-1 物种热点地区分布图 31
图4-2 鸟类物种热点值分布图 31
图4-3 兽类物种热点值分布图 32
图4-4 植物物种热点值分布图 32
图5-1 优先保护生态系统类型 39
图5-2 优先保护森林生态系统 41
图5-3 优先保护湿地生态系统 42
图5-4 优先保护草原和草甸生态系统 43
图5-5 优先保护荒漠生态系统 44
图5-6 优先保护特殊生态服务功能区 45
图5-7 优先保护生态系统空缺分析 47
图6-1 规划调整的国家级自然保护区 49
图6-2 规划升级为国家级的保护区 75
图6-3 建议新建的国家级自然保护区 109
图7-1 规划优先建设的国家级保护区 134
图7-2 规划优先(Ⅰ)建设的国家级保护区 135
图7-3 规划优先(Ⅱ)建设的国家级保护区 135
图7-4 生物多样性排序 138
Map 1-1 The Major Types and Distribution of Terrestrial Ecosystems in China 148
Map 1-2 Biogeographical Division of China 151
Map 1-3 The Growth of the NPA's Number in China(since 1956) 158
Map 1-4 The Growth of the NPA's Area in China(since 1956) 159
Map 4-1 Location of Species Hot Spot Areas 185
Map 4-2 Hotspot Value of Birds 185
Map 4-3 Hotspot Value of Mammals 186
Map 4-4 Hotspot Value of Plants 186
Map 5-1 Priority Terrestrial Ecosystems for Conservation in China 197
Map 5-2 Priority Forest Ecosystems for Conservation in China 197
Map 5-3 Priority Wetland Ecosystems for Conservation in China 200
Map 5-4 Priority Grassland and Meadow Ecosystems for Conservation in China 202
Map 5-5 Priority Desert Ecosystems for Conservation in China 203
Map 5-6 Priority Areas with Special Ecological Services 204
Map 5-7 Gap Analvsis of Priority Terrestrial Ecosystems for Conservation in China 206
Map 6-1 Location of Adjusted Nature Reserves 209
Map 6-2 Location of Upgraded Nature Reserve 240
Map 6-3 Location of New Nature Reserve 284
Map 7-1 Location of Nature Reserves Ranked Class 1 and 2 315
Map 7-2 Location of Nature Reserves Randked Class 1 316
Map 7-3 Location of Nature Reserves Randked Class 2 316
Map 7-4 The Biodiversity Ranking Matrix 317
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