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  • 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:高恩光,戴建东主编
  • 出 版 社:清华大学出版社;北京交通大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:7810827677
  • 页数:240 页

Unit 1 Understanding the Research Paper 1

1.1 Definition of a Research Paper 1

1.2 Components of a Graduation Research Paper 2

1.3 The Importance of Writing a Research Paper 3

1.4 Kinds of Research Papers 5

1.5 Steps Involved in Writing a Research Paper 7

Unit 2 Ways in Choosing a Topic 9

2.1 Identifying a General Subject Area 9

2.2 Defining the Topic 12

2.2.1 Importance and Interest 12

2.2.2 Manageability 12

2.2.3 Availability of Resources 13

2.3 Resources Guiding Your Choice of Topic 14

2.3.1 Popular General Encyclopedias 14

2.3.2 Specialized Encyclopedias 14

2.3.3 Biographical Sources 15

2.3.4 Unabridged Dictionaries 16

2.3.5 Periodicals 16

2.3.6 Other Sources 16

2.4 Making a Hypothesis for Your Topic 17

Unit 3 Process of Doing the Research(Ⅰ) 18

3.1 Using the Library and Electronic Sources 18

3.2 Preparing a Working Bibliography 20

3.2.1 Format for a Working Bibliography 20

3.2.2 Electronic Working Bibliography 24

3.3 Reading Reference Materials 24

3.4 Evaluating Sources 27

Unit 4 Process of Doing the Research(Ⅱ) 29

4.1 Format of the Note Cards 30

4.2 Forms of Note Cards 30

4.2.1 The Quotation Note Card 30

4.2.2 The Paraphrase Note Card 33

4.2.3 The Summary Note Card 34

4.2.4 The Comment Note Card 36

4.2.5 Note in Chinese Origin 37

4.3 Note-Taking on a Computer 37

4.4 Avoiding Plagiarism 38

Unit 5 Outlining the Research Paper 41

5.1 The Thesis Statement 41

5.1.1 Factors in Shaping a Thesis Statement 42

5.1.2 Acquiring the Thesis Statement 43

5.1.3 Functions of the Thesis Statement 44

5.1.4 Principles for Wording the Thesis Statement 45

5.2 The Purpose Statement 48

5.3 The Outline 49

5.3.1 Outline Formats 50

5.3.2 Types of Outlines 51

Unit 6 Organization of the Research Paper 55

6.1 The Structure of a Research Paper 56

6.2 Rhetorical Principles in Paragraphs and in the Paper as a Whole 56

6.2.1 Unity 57

6.2.2 Coherence 58

6.2.3 Cohesion 60

6.2.4 Emphasis 62

6.2.5 Completeness 64

Unit 7 Incorporating the Notes into Flow of the Paper 66

7.1 Use of Summary-and-Paraphrase Notes 69

7.2 Use of Quotation Notes 70

7.2.1 How to Make an Alteration in a Quotation 70

7.2.2 How to Fit a Quotation into a Text 71

7.2.3 How to Use a Brief Quotation 72

7.2.4 How to Use a Long Quotation 73

7.2.5 How to Use Quotations from Poetry 75

7.2.6 How to Use Quotations from Drama 76

7.3 Punctuation with Quotations 78

7.4 Use of Personal Comments 82

7.4.1 Interpreting Materials 83

7.4.2 Marking Transitions 83

7.4.3 Drawing Conclusions 83

Unit 8 Style and Grammar in Research Paper 85

8.1 Style 86

8.2 Diction 86

8.2.1 Precision 86

8.2.2 Economy 87

8.3 Sentence Structure 88

8.3.1 Overuse of Intransitive Verbs 89

8.3.2 Run-on Sentences 89

8.3.3 Sentence Fragments 90

8.4 Tense 97

8.4.1 Tense Used in Applied-Science Study 97

8.4.2 Tense Used in Describing Literature 98

8.4.3 Tense Used in Discussing Theory or Philosophy 98

8.4.4 Tense Used in Reporting Research Results 98

8.4.5 Tense Used in Writing a Literary Review 99

8.5 Verb Voice 100

8.5.1 In Scientific and Technical Papers 101

8.5.2 Without Concern for the Doer 102

8.5.3 In Need of a Post-Modifier 102

8.5.4 In Avoidance of Vague Pronoun Subject 102

8.5.5 For Variety of Writing 102

8.6 Authorial Voice 104

8.7 Tone 106

Unit 9 Writing the Drafts—From the First Draft to the Final Manuscript 107

9.1 The First Draft 108

9.2 The Second Draft 117

9.3 The Third,Fourth,and Fifth Drafts 124

9.4 The Final Manuscript 124

Unit 10 Front Matter and Back Matter 132

10.1 The Front Matter 132

10.1.1 The Cover 133

10.1.2 The Prospectus 133

10.1.3 The Approval Sheet 137

10.1.4 The Title Page 137

10.1.5 The Outline Page 137

10.1.6 The Abstract Page 138

10.2 The Back Matter 140

10.2.1 Acknowledgment 140

10.2.2 Notation 140

10.2.3 Appendix(es) 143

10.2.4 Bibliography 143

10.2.5 The Final Typescript 147

10.2.6 The Oral Defense for Your Paper 149

Appendix A Sample Papers 150

Appendix B A Sample of Prospectus 232

Bibliography 235

Index 237
