![第26届中国控制会议论文集 第6册](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/47/s65d74ab.jpg)
![第26届中国控制会议论文集 第6册](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/47/s65d74ab.jpg)
第26届中国控制会议论文集 第6册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:21 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程代展,吴敏主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787811240559
- 页数:769 页
交通系统 1
ERP柔性平台下物流运输配送系统算法分析Algorithm Analysis of Logistics Transport System Based on ERP Flexible Flat Roof&刘远新,邓飞其,舒添慧,罗艳辉 2
Improved Particle Swarm Optimized SVM for Short-term Trafc Flow Predication&Cao Chengtao, Xu Jianmin 6
HTS Levitation and Transportation with Linear Motor Control&Jin Jianxun, Guo Youguang, Chen Jiaxin, Zheng Luhai, Zhu Jianguo 10
An New Oset Model for Arterial Road Coordinate Control and Its Optimization Method&Lu Kai, Huang Jianxin, Xu Jianmin 15
Vibration Control of Vehicle-Bridge Dynamic Interactive System&Wu Wei, Liu Lin 21
线控系统着色混合Petri网建模及其模糊控制Modeling and Fuzzy Control of Artery System Using Colored Hybrid Petri Nets&王正武,罗大庸,黄中祥 26
车辆横摆角速度的广义预测控制研究A Research on Generalized Predictive Control for Vehicle Yaw Rate&吴义虎,宋丹丹,侯志祥,袁祥 30
城市交通信号的在线强化学习控制On-Line Reinforcement Learning Control for Urban Traic Signals&刘智勇,马凤伟 34
基于粒子群优化的信号交叉口交通流预测模型Trafc Flow Forecasting Model of Signalized Intersections Based on Particle Swarm Optimization&赵建玉,贾磊,陈月辉,张勇 38
人工免疫控制器在高速公路匝道控制中的应用Application of Articial Immune Controller to Freeway Ramp Metering&梁新荣,韦彦秀 41
城市智能交通终端系统的设计和实现On Designing and Implementation of Urban Intelligent Transportation System&陆渝,崔贯勋,陆胜 45
Vehicular Trafc Flow Dispersion Prediction of Coordinated Signal Control Based on Support Vector Regres-sion&Liu Ximin, Lu Shoufeng 49
Based on Hybrid Genetic Algorithm and Ceular Automata Combined Trafc Signal Control and RouteGuidance&Lu Shoufeng, Liu Ximin 53
短时交通流频谱分析与预测Analysis of Spectrum and Prediction for Short-term Trafc Flow&翁小雄,翦俊 58
基于一维元胞自动机的双跟驰模型Twcar Foowing Model Based on One-dimension Cellular Automaton&刘泓,王慧,张晋,郑民 62
自适应的动态地图匹配方法A Dynamic Map-matching Method for Adaptability&洪伟,田彦涛,徐斌 66
On Vibration Control Methods of Vehicle&Sun Jianmin, Yang Qingmei 71
利用正交遗传算法优化交通检测点分布Using Orthogonal Genetic Algorithm to Optimize Location of Traic Counting Points&孙燕,孙峥 75
饱和网络的动态用户最优交通分配建模研究On Dynamic User-optimal Trafc Assignment in Saturated Trafc Network&李润梅,汤淑明 79
基于禁忌搜索算法的停机位应急调度研究Disruption Scheduling of Airport Gate Based on Tabu Search Algorithm&张景杰,陈秋双,孙国华,张倩 84
高速公路隧道智能控制研究On Highway Tunnel Intelligent Control&石志刚 89
装卸桥调度问题及其混合智能优化算法GASAThe Crane Scheduling Problem and the Hybrid Intelgent Optimization Algorithm GASA&孙俊清,李平,韩梅 92
高速磁浮车辆-轨道梁-桥梁系统建模及仿真研究Modeling and Simulation of High-speed Maglev Vehicle/Guideway/Bridge Coupling System&邓亚士,魏庆朝,倪永军,时瑾 97
生物与生态系统 103
Studies on the Weak Electric Wave Signals of Plantsbythe Wavelet Analysis&Ding Jinli, Wang Lanzhou, Li Haixia, Li Dongsheng 104
基于RBF神经网络的河湖水华软测量方法The Method of Soft Sensing for Water Bloom in River and Lakes Based on RBF Neural Network&刘载文,崔莉凤,王小艺,吕思颖 108
Multi-Target Identication in Intracellular Regulation Networks&Zhou Tong, Li Shao 112
Synchronization Control of Hodgkin-Huxley Neurons Exposed to Sinusoidal Electric Field&Zhou Sisi, Wang Jiang, Che Yanqiu, Deng Bin 117
Ghostburster模型的混沌分析与控制Chaos Analysis and Control of the Ghostburster Model&邓斌,王江,陈立松 122
Fire Patterns of HH Neuron under External Sinusoidal ELF Stimulus&Han Chunxiao, Wang Jiang, Li Huiyan 127
社会经济系统 132
电力市场中电量交易博弈行为分析An Analysis of Game of Electricity Trade in Electricity Power Market&王红蕾,魏一鸣 133
一类金融系统的混沌性与控制Chaotic Principle and Control of a Kind of Finance Systems&郑继明,蒲兴成 138
改进的多层次灰色综合评价法在科技中小企业成长能力评价中的应用The Application of Improved Grey Multi-hierarchical Comprehensive Evaluation Method to the Growth Abil-ity Evaluation of Technological Small and Medium Enterprises&荆浩,赵希男 142
基于VIKOR算法的供应商选择方法研究Selection of Suppliers Based on VIKOR Algorithm&乞建勋,张之光,孔峰 146
Evolutionary Models of Financial Innovation under Self-organization Theory&Yang Yunjie, Zhu Shuzhen 149
大学图书馆文献采访决策支持系统A Decision Support System for Books Procurement of University Libraries&李武,李霞,赵林 154
基于矩阵运算的配送中心动态选址问题研究On Network Dynamic Planar Location Problem Based on Matrix Operation&李大卫,陆立娟,王莉 158
基于优化GM(1,1)模型的人口预测方法研究A Novel Population Prediction Method Based on Optimization GM(1,1) Model&魏长顺,沈银花,魏利胜 162
工业系统 166
基于多模型综合的DMC控制及其应用Dynamic Matrix Control Based on Multi-model Synthesis and Its Appcation&莫晓明 167
单相并联有源滤波器的神经网络控制策略研究Neural Networks-based Control Strategy for Single-phase Shunt Active Power Filter&戎袁杰,汤洪海,郑雪生,王荣蓉,李春文 171
Optimization and Application of EPA Device Description Based on XML&Yang Suying, Fang Lixin, Zhong Chongquan, Lu Xinkai 175
基于切换线性系统的三相APF建模与保性能控制Modeling and Guaranteed Cost Control of Three-phase APF Based on Switched Linear System&汤洪海,李春文,郑雪生,戎袁杰,刘艳红 180
总线技术在汽车车门系统中的应用BUS Technology Application in Automobile&解小华,马彦,陈虹 185
An LQR/Pole Placement Controller Design for STATCOM&Nekoui Mohammad Ali, Valipourearkhloo Amin 189
Wireless Sensing and Control of Structural Vibration From Earthquake&Liu Lin, Dyke Shirley J., Veto Rebecca 194
An Ultrasonic In-line Inspection System on Crude Oil Pipelines&Dai Bo, Zhang Huiping, Sheng Sha, Dong Jinxi, Xie Zurong, Tang Dongliang 199
Eicient Parallel Control Scheme of Single Phase Inverters&Liu Xiaozhu, Zhu Rongbo 204
一种新型高性能恒频PWM谐振开关变流器On High Performance PWM AC/DC Switching Converters&高潮 209
Multi-model Self-learning Control for Turbine Valving Control&Yuan Xiaofang, Wang Yaonan, Wu Lianghong 213
灰色预测控制及在篦冷机系统中的应用The Grey Predictive Control on Grate Cooler System&王孝红,吴姝芹,申涛,范勇 218
The Design and Application of Hybrid Intelgent Control System for Rotary Kiln Process in Alumina Pro-duction&Wu Yongjian, Tan Minghao, Zhou Xiaojie, Chai Tianyou 222
单元制发电机组主蒸汽温度的负荷调度控制Load Scheduling Control for Main Steam Temperature of Power Generation Unit&魏乐,房方 228
采用爪极同步发电机和PWM整流器的汽车发电系统的高性能控制设计High-Performance Control Design of Automotive Power Generation System with Claw-Pole SynchronousGenerator and PWM Rectier&卢子广,纵葵花 233
不间断电源逆变器输出电压的鲁棒跟踪控制Robust Tracking Control for Output Voltage of UPS Inverter&郑雪生,李春文,汤洪海,戎袁杰 237
电力行业物流信息平台及其关键技术的研究Logistics Information Platform and Its Key Technologies in Electric Power Industry&颜波,林伟 241
精练全过程电极自动定位控制系统Automatic Control System of the Electrode's Position during the Whole Process of LF Steel-Making&曹丽婷,田景文,李淑琴,邢莉萍 245
基于多目标智能优化的铅锌烧结生产全流程协调控制Coordinating Control Based on Multi-objective Intelligent Optimization for the Overall Lead-zinc SinteringProcess&段平,吴敏,徐辰华 249
Appcation of Wavelet Network for Automatic Power Quality Disturbance Recognition in Distribution PowerSystem&Liu Hua, Zhao Baoqun, Wang Guangjian 254
基于小波网络的电厂汽轮发电机组故障诊断Fault Diagnosis Method Based on Wavelet Neural Network for Power System TurbGenerator&丁光彬,庞培林 259
固体氧化物燃料电池电特性的建模和控制设计The Design for Model and Control of Solid Oxide Fuel Cell Electrical Characteristic&邓忠华,李曦 264
基于在线谱估计的超声管道内检测系统The Ultrasonic In-line Inspection System of Pipelines Based on Spectrum Estimation on-line&戴波,盛沙,田小平,杨卓然,谢祖嵘 267
铝电磁铸轧原理及其控制优化策略The Principle and Control Optimization Strategy of Aluminum Electromagnetic Roll-casting&谢焱彬,凌玉华,廖力清,杨欣荣 272
凹版套色印刷系统的模型控制研究Model and Control for Gravure Register Printing System&邓忠华,李曦,叶小萌 277
基于虚拟仪器的三相直线感应电机静态测试系统The Static Testing System of Three-phase Linear Induction Motor Based on Virtual Instrument&王立强,卢琴芬,叶云岳,雷美珍 281
其它 286
A Modied Filter Trust Region Method for Nonlinear Programming&Su Ke 287
An Extensible XML Mapping Architecture&Wu Jiyi 291
基于马氏链的重复囚徒困境博弈动态模型设计Dynamic Model Making for Iterated Prisoner's Dilemma Based on Markov Chain&彭亮,刘海云,刘伟兵,王先甲 294
Rotor Speed Estimation Using ZerCrossing Times Signal of Stator Current&Ghanbarian M.M., Mohammadi A., Kavehnia F., Keivani H., Askari M.R., Mohammadi S 298
入侵检测系统性能评估中实验环境的仿真Design and Realization of Evaluation Environment in the Performance Analysis of Intrusion Detection System&廖桂平,喻飞,沈岳,张林峰,徐成 303
一种基于热电偶分度表的线性温度变送装置A Linear Temperature Transmitter Based on Thermocouples Reference Tables&刘希民 307
热电厂CFB锅炉燃烧智能控制策略研究On Intelligent Control of Combustion for CFB Boiler in Thermal Power Plant&孟庆金,权悦,景绍洪 311
序列最小优化算法在电力系统短期负荷预测中的应用The Application of Sequential Minimal Optimization Algorithm in Short-term Load Forecasting&周倩,翟永杰,韩璞 314
Real-time Digital Simulation of Control System with LabVIEW Simulation Interface Toolkit&Xiang Xuejun, Xia Ping, Yang Sheng, Liu Ping 318
无线局域网网络流量特征研究On Wireless Local Area Networks Network Trafc&荣宏,梁一鸣,吴蓉晖,徐成,喻飞 323
A Study of Dependence in the Patellar-Tendon-Reex on Tapping Locations&Jiang Yan, Mamizuka Naotaka, Hori Noriyuki, Ochiai Naoyuki 328
An Improved Fourth-order PDE for Noise Removal with Dissipation Reduction&Ji Jing, Yang Kehu, Guo Jianjun, Yu Wensheng 332
微分代数系统的无源性在励磁系统中的应用Passivity for Dierential-algebraic Systems with Application to Excitation System&张秀华,张庆灵 335
Constraint-based Algorithm for Slab Sequencing Problem&Guo Dongfen, Ye Hongying 338
Reentry Telemetry Data Collection System Based on TMS320F206&Zheng Jian, Hua Yafeng, Zheng Wenda 343
统一集、战争方程的智能分析与可拓力控制Unied Set, Intelligent Analysis and Extension Force Control of War Equation&杨斯,贺仲雄 346
一种新型的蓄电池组状态在线检测及故障预报算法A New Algorithm of Online Monitoring and Fault Prediction for the Battery Set State&尹春杰,孙洁君,张承慧 351
学习者情绪空间定义及应用The Research of Emotion Cognition Model and its Appcation&解迎刚,王志良 356
A New Control Approach of Output Probability Density Functions for Dynamic Stochastic Systems UsingParzen Window Estimate&Yang Chengzhi 362
电子市场环境下的回购契约协调研究Coordination of Buy Back Contract with E-market asaSecondary Market&曲道钢,郭亚军 368
The Appcation of Soft-Sensor Technology in Measuring Water Boing Point&Chen Baojun, Zhong Chongquan, Yang Suying, Yan Ming 372
A New Method to Enhance the Network Synchronizability&Dai Kun, Wang Xiaofan, Li Xiang 377
油田注汽锅炉干度测量方法研究The Methods of Stream Dryness Measurement in Oil Field&杨建华,刘文琦,卢伟 381
基于ASP.NET和OPC技术的远程监控系统的研究与实现On Remote Monitor and Control Based on OPC and ASP.NET&张烈平,敖茂尧,张云生 384
集装箱起重机防摇系统粗糙集控制Anti-swing System Control of Container Crane Based on Rough Rets&肖健梅,芦晓明,王锡淮 388
用例驱动的角色访问控制安全授权设计与研究Use CasDriven Role Based Access Control Security Authorization&林鹃,任胜兵,蒋平,Mahammed Jaoh 392
无轴承永磁薄片电机试验平台及驱动系统设计The Design of Experiment Platform and Driving System for Bearingless Permanent Slice Motors&朱通,朱熀秋,孙永波,郝晓红 395
基于Windows Vista的TTS系统实现Implementation of TTS System Based on Windows Vista&肖志,于凤芹,李玉 400
基于文氏电桥的超混沌保密通信及其DSP实现Hyperchaotic Secrete Communication Based on Wien-Bridge Circuit and its DSP Realization&禹思敏,吕金虎 404
高阶蔡氏电路及其FPGA实现High Order Chua's Circuit and its FPGA Realization&禹思敏,吕金虎 409
适用于大距离拦截场景的零控脱靶量计算方法Zero Eort Miss Formulation for Longer Range Targeting&郑立伟,荆武兴,张建英 414
区域供冷系统三级逆向冷量调节和控制技术Triple Reverse Cool Adjustment and Control Technology with DCS&周璇,闫军威,朱冬生,梁列全 418
卷积型小波包在轧辊偏心信号检测中的应用Inspection for Roll Eccentricity Signal Based on Convolution Type of Wavelet Packet Transform&朱启兵,黄敏,崔宝同 422
基于DSP的飞机防滑刹车交叉双余度控制器的设计与实现Design and Realization on the Digital Aircraft Anti-skid Braking Controller of Crossing Dual RedundancyBased on DSP&刘建良,安剑奇,廖力清 426
最大化网络广告收入的投放决策Launch Decision on Revenue Maximization in Web Advertising&张志华,王莉,刘洪 430
精密光电尺寸几何量测量装置的研究和设计On Precise Photoelectric Measurement Device for Dimension&李明伟,周雷,杨光伟 435
不完全信息下发电厂商最优生产策略Optimal Production Strategies for Power Providers with Incomplete Information&张小玉,朱小六,徐保国,焦竹青 438
Forecasting of Urban Water Demand Based on Chaos Theory&Wei Xizhu 441
工程机械设备远程监控故障诊断系统的设计与实现Design and Implementation of Remote Supervisory Control and Fault Diagnostic System for ConstructionEquipments&周璇,梁列全 445
Autonomous Construction of Reliable Multi-agent Systems&Zhang Libin, Zhu Qianyu, Wang Wei 449
A Design of Vision-based Location Control System for Steel Rolling Mill &Chen Wei, Fang Kangng, Liu Xinhai 452
基于DS18B20分组方式的沥青转运车温度场测试系统研究Research on Temperature Testing System of Pitch Transport Vehicle Basing on DS18B20 Mode&邓奕,刘少军,刘忠伟,周育才 456
Tracking of Nonholonomic Control Systems Based on Visual Servoing Feedback&Li Qingsong, Wang Chaoli, Niu Wenbin 459
On Control for Static Unstable Missiles&Fan Junfang, Qi Zaikang, Lin Defu 464
Physiological Control of Rotary Left Ventricular Assist Device&Wu Yi 469
基于Gabor小波特征跟踪的物流载运工具识别方法A Logistics Vehicle Classication Method Based Gabor Wavelet Feature Tracking&毛佳,李晖,潘强,孙淼 475
激光陀螺捷联惯导系统的系统级标定方法研究Systematic Calibration Method for the Laser Gyro Strapdown Inertial Navigation System&杨晓霞,黄一 478
邀请组 484
应用非线性规划求解月球探测器软着陆最优控制问题Applying Nonlinear Programming to Solve Optimal Control Problem of Lunar Probe Soft Landing&单永正,段广仁 485
A Lunar Terrain Reconstruction Method Using Long Base-line Stereo Vision&Jie Ming, Huang Xianlin 488
A Novel Algorithm Reducing All-skyStar Pattern Recognition's Delay Time&Hu Haidong, Huang Xianlin 493
再入体变质心动力学建模与仿真分析Dynamics Modeling and Simulation for Moving-mass Reentry Vehicle&李瑞康,荆武兴,高长生 497
适用于大气层外拦截器的近最优中制导律A Near Optimal Midcourse Guidance Law for Exoatmospheric Interceptor&郑立伟,荆武兴 502
Optimal Guidance Law Design for Reentry Vehicle Using Virtual Displacement Concept&Gao Changsheng, Jing Wuxing, Li Chaoyong 507
Convergence Analysis in the Sense of Lebesgue-p Norm for Open-Closed-Loop Iterative Learning Control&Ruan Xiaoe, Chen Fengmin, Wang Jianguo 511
Hybrid Adaptive Iterative Learning Control of Non-uniform Trajectory Tracking for Nonlinear Time-delaySystems&Li Junmin, Li Xinmin, Xing Keyi 515
Iterative Learning Identication and Control of Discrete Time-varying Systems&Sun Mingxuan, He Xiongxiong 520
Dual-mode Structure Repetitive Control&Zhou Keang, Wang Danwei, Zhang Bin, Wang Yigang 525
基于二自由度控制的鲁棒迭代学习控制设计Robust Iterative Learning Control Design Based on Two Degree of Freedom Control&刘山,林坚 530
Iterative Learning Control for the Singular Systems with Delay&Tian Senping, He Gang, Zhou Lun 535
Networked Control Systems with Different Control Inputs&Xia Yuanqing, Chen Jie, Zhou Lin 539
Improved Stabilization Method for Networked Control Systems&Wu Min, He Yong 544
Design and Simulation of Fuel Cell Networked Predictive Fuzzy Control Systems&Tong Shiwen, Liu Guoping 549
System Architecture Design of Supervisory Software for Networked Control Systems&Zhu Youzhi, Zheng Geng, Liu Guoping 555
网络化控制系统及其在火控系统中的应用研究Networked Control System and its Application in Fire Control System&陈晨,陈杰,张娟 561
Design and Implementation of Networked Predictive Control Over Wireless IP Networks&Dong Zhe, Liu Guoping, Tao Yuegang 565
Reinforcement Strategy Using Quantum Amplitude Amplication for Robot Learning&Dong Daoyi, Chen Chunlin, Li Hanxiong 571
基于Bloch球的量子系统状态演化的轨迹控制Track Control of the States Evolution of Quantum System Based on Bloch Sphere&楼跃升,丛爽 576
操控多个量子位系统的“代价”分析Cost Analysis of Manipulating Multiple Qubit Systems&张明 581
Performance Comparison Between Classical and Quantum Control for a Simple Quantum System&Xi Zairong 586
基于状态转移矩阵的薛定谔方程的解Solution of Schr6dinger Equation Based on State Transition Matrix&邢艺凡,肖钦文,储迪阳,孙喜策,吴俊 589
SU(1,1)型双输入量子系统能量最优控制Energy Optimal Control for Two-input Quantum System Evolving on the Lie Group SU(1,1)&吴建武,李春文,张靖 592
A Nonlinear Semiactive Rear Dierential Control in Rear Wheel Drive Vehicles&Riccardo Marino, Scalzi Stefano, Cinili Fabio 597
Efcient Engine Development Using Model Based Development (MBD)&Junichi Kako, Soejima Shinichi, Ohata Akira 603
Automatic Parking Benchmark Problem: Experimental Comparison of Nonholonomic Control Methods&Horii Masaki, Liu Kangzhi 608
Experimental Analysis and Control-Oriented Modeling for Cyclic Variation of Cylinder Pressure in IC Engines&Li Po, Shen Tielong, Oguri Yasufumi 613
Nonlinear Feedback Speed Control of Internal Combustion Engines&Zhang Jiangyan, Shen Tielong, Junichi Kako, Jiao Xiaohong 618
A Model Predictive Control Method for A High-speed Magnetic Actuator&Mukai Masakazu, Seikoba Suguru, Kawabe Taketoshi 623
Beyond the Small-gain Paradigm: How to Make Use of the Phase Information of Uncertainty&Liu Kangzhi 627
A Switching Control Scheme for the Synchronization of Serially Connected Multi-Stage Systems&Lu Di, Shen Tielong, Fu Minyue 632
Structural Insights and Constructive Procedures for Multidimensional Realization and LFR Uncertainty Mod-eling&Xu Li 637
Equivalent-Input-Disturbance Method Improves Disturbance Rejection Performance: the MIMO Case&She Jinhua, Xin Xin 642
Modeling and Control of an Underactuated Helicopter Experimental Ssystem&Deng Mingcong, Inoue Akira, Kishida Takuya, Ueki Nobuyuki 648
Finite-Time Input-to-State Stabity and Related Lyapunov Analysis&Hong Yiguang, Jiang Zhongping, Feng Gang 652
Global Robust Output Regulation for Non-Minimum Phase Nonlinear Systems in Lower Triangular Form&Zhong Renxin, Huang Jie 657
Design and Implementation of a Fully Autonomous Flight Control System for a UAV Helicopter&Peng Kemao, Dong Miaobo, Chen Ben M., Cai Guowei, Lum Kai Yew, Lee Tong H 662
An Improved Approach to Robust H2 and H-infiinity Filter Design for Uncertain Linear Systems with Time-varying Parameters&Xu Jun, Xie Lihua 668
Synchronization of Vicsek Model with Large Population&Liu Zhixin, Guo Lei 673
A Parametric Lyapunov Equation Approach to the Design of Low Gain Feedback&Zhou Bin, Duan Guangren, Lin Zongli 678
一种突触后抑制递归神经网络结构及其在模式识别中的应用A Post-Synaptic Inhibition Recurrent Neural Network Structure and Its Application to Pattern Classication&苏彩红,曾永发,张志飞,吴菁 683
Simple Grid Based on Cognitive Mechanism and Appcation Research on Description for Structure of ChineseCharacter&Liang Tiancai, Qiu Zhiwen, Pi Youguo 689
The Frame of Cognitive Pattern Recognition&Pi Youguo, Shu Huailin, Liang Tiancai 694
基于小波变换和纹理测度的多模医学图像融合Multi-modal Medical Image Fusion Based On Wavelet Transform And Texture Measure&康原原,李彬,田联房,毛宗源 697
Bi-criteria Acceleration Minimization of Redundant Robot Manipulator Using LVI-based Primal-Dual NeuralNetwork&Zhang Yunong, Yin Jiangping, Tian Lianfang 701
混沌免疫网络的多峰函数优化算法Multi-modal Function Optimization Based on Articial Immune Network and Chaos&邓九英,毛宗源 707
Reaching Agreement in Finite Time via Continuous Local State Feedback&Xiao Feng, Wang Long 711
Sampled-Data Based Average Consensus Control for Networks of Continuous-Time Integrator Agents withMeasurement Noises&Li Tao, Zhang Jifeng 716
Decentralized Discrete-Time Consensus Algorithms for Multi-agent Systems&Li Qin, Jiang Zhongping 721
Consensus of Multi-agent System with Diverse Communication Delays&Liu Chenglin, Tian Yuping 726
Integration and Implementation of a Low-cost and Vision-dased UAV Tracking System&Lin Feng, Chen Ben M, Lum Kai Yew 731
Robust Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Noise&Wang Lin, Liu Zhixin, Guo Lei 737
Non-smooth Agent-based Dynamics of Strategic Bidding with Linear Supply Function&Xue Ancheng, Hong Yiguang 742
Parameter-Dependent Robust H∞ Model Reduction for Discrete-Time Switched Polytopic Linear Systems&Qiu Jianbin, Feng Gang, Yang Jie 747
Observer Based Leader-Following Formation Control Using On-board Sensor Information&Gustavi Tove, Hu Xiaoming 752
Stabilization of Power Systems by Switched Controllers&Li Zhengguo, Yang Guanghong, Wen Changyun, Xie Wenxiang 756
Consensus of Multi-agent Systems with Higher Order Dynamics&Wang Jinhuan, Cheng Daizhan 761
Complex Hybrid Systems: Stability Analysis for Omega Limit Sets&Cai Chaohong, Goebel Rafal, Sanfelice Ricardo, Teel Andrew 766
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