- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王渊源,李鑫编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国广播电视出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7504346330
- 页数:151 页
第一部分 口试第一阶段真题参考答案及点评Name 2
What is your full name?And what shall I call you?Does your Chinese name have any special meaning?Are you a student or do you have a job?Studies 3
Are you a student?What is your major?What do you like most about your school/university?Why did you choose this major?Do you like your major?Why?Tell me about your primary school.What is your favorite subject?What was your school like as a child?When you were a student,what did you normally wear to school?What would you like to do in the future?work 7
What do you do for a living?Do you like your job?Do you find your job interesting?What are your main responsibilities?What sorts of things do you do at work?Is work important to you?Have you received any training related to your work?If you could choose another job,which would you choose?What would be your ideal job?Future Plans 10
What job would you like to have in the future?What do you plan to major in?What do you plan to do after graduating from university?Free Time 12
How do you usually spend your evenings?With whom?Do you like to go out in the evenings?With whom?What do people today usually like to do after work?What about you?Do you feel lonely if you stay at home for a long time?The Weather 15
What type of weather do you like?What type of weather do Chinese people usually like?Which is your least favorite season?What do you often do on sunny days?And on cold days?What is the weather like in your city?Time/Watches 17
Do you wear a watch?Do you think it is important to be on time?How do you feel when you are late for an appointment?How do you feel when others are late?Your Hometown 18
Where are you from?Tell me about your hometown.What's your favorite thing or place in your hometown?What would you like to change about your hometown?What attractive pieces of architecture are there in your hometown?Photographs/Memories 21
Do you like photography?Why?When did you start to like photography?How do you feel when others show you their photographs?When do people often take pictures?Do you keep your old photos?What do you think about saving photographs to save memories?Do you like to take pictures as souvenirs or buy souvenirs?What souvenirs do you often buy?Weddings 25
What is a typical Chinese wedding like?What people are usually invited?What clothes do people usually wear?What happens during the wedding?Are weddings important in China?Transport 27
Which kind of transport do you usually take?What is the public transport like in your city?When are these forms of transport most crowded?What sort of transport would you use if you were to go on a long trip?Animals 29
Do you like animals?Do any people close to you keep pets?Have you ever kept a pet?What kind?Your Home 30
Do you live in a flat or a house?What do you think of the area in which you live?Do you like the surrounding area?How long have you lived there?What are your neighbors like?Music 33
Do you like music?When do you usually listen to music?Where do you usually listen to music?What kind of music do you like?Keeping Fit 34
Do you try to keep fit?Is keeping fit popular in China?Is keeping fit more important for men or women?How do Chinese people usually exercise?Are there any exercise facilities near your home?第二部分 口试第二阶段真题参考答案及点评People 38
Tell me about a child that you know.Tell me about a family member.Tell me about acharacter in a film or TV show.Tell me about an old person whom you know.Tell me about a musical group or band from your country that you like.Tell me about a memorable teacher.Tell me about a happy person.Tell me about your personality.Places 49
Tell me about an important city in your country.Tell me about your hometown.Tell me about a useful website you visit often.Tell me about a river or lake that you have been to or heard about.Things 55
Tell me about a special card or letter which you have received.Tell me about a present or gift that you have received.Tell me about a car you would like to buy.Tell me about a photograph that is important to you.Tell me about an advertisement.Tell me about a wild animal in your country.Tell me about a piece of architecture from your country.Tell me about a type of clothing that you like.Tell me about ameal or dish that you enjoy.Tell me about a gift you gave to another person.Tell me about a pet people often keep in your country.Tell me about a machine people use at home.Events 71
Tell me about an activity you enjoy.Tell me about a wedding you have been to or heard about.Tell me about a special family event you have taken part in.Tell me about a happy event from when you were a child.Tell me about an exciting experience in your life.Tell me about a story you heard when you were a child.Tell me about a way in which you relax.Tell me about a time when you received help from someone.Tell me about an important decision you have made.第三部分 口试第三阶段真题参考答案及点评Relaxation 89
How do most people in China relax?Do men and women relax in different ways?Is the way people relax today different from how people relaxed twenty years ago?How do you think people will relax in the future?If a person doesn't find time to relax for a long period of time,will there be some negative effects?Stress 92
Are people today under a lot of stress?Why do you think people feel under stress?What are the negative effects of too much stress at work over a long period of time?Do men and women have different types of stress?Do you think people will have more stress in the future or less?Do you think you feel more pressure than your grandmother did when she was your age?Stories 96
What types of stories are often told in your country?Are the stories that young people like different from the stories older people like?Do men and women like different kinds of stories?Do stories play a role in maintaining traditional culture?Are there some common themes that all stories have?Do you think stories in the future will be different from stories today?Education 100
What is the best way to educate children?How has the Chinese education system changed in recent years?What are some differences between methods of education used in the past and those used now?What changes would you introduce into the education system?Which is more important,the education a child receives at home or the education a child receives at school?Teachers 104
What qualities should a good teacher have?What is the most important qualification for being a teacher?Nowadays,do many children want to be teachers when they grow up?How can schools attract suitable teachers?How is being a teacher now different from being a teacher 30 years ago?Would you like to be a teacher in the future?Why or why not?Parenting 108
What do you think is the most difficult thing about being a parent?Do mothers and fathers educate their children differently?How does a parent's behavior affect his or her child?Do you think some children are spoiled by their parents today?What are the advantages and disadvantages of having only one child?What do you think about couples who choose not to have children?Childhood 112
What role does childhood play in a person's life?Are today's children less happy in their lives than children in the past?What do children do for fun?Is having fun important in a child's life?How can children balance having fun and studying in their lives?In your opinion,how does growing up without a father or a mother affect a child?Personality/Success/Happiness 116
What is a typical Chinese person's personality like?Is a person's personality related to how happy they are in life?Do you think the clothes a person wears are related to their personality?Is success related to personality?When people make friends do they look for people with similar personalities?Letters/Email 119
Nowadays are there people who use letters instead of the telephone?Are old people more likely than young people to write letters instead of email?How are traditional letters different from email?How is writing a letter different from using the telephone?Is writing letters more important for young people or old people?How does receiving a letter feel different from receiving an email?The Internet 122
How has the Internet changed the ways in which we get our news?In what ways has the Internet changed education?What are the advantages and disadvantages of buying things on the Internet?How common are computers on university campuses in your country?Will books and libraries be replaced by computers someday?Do many people take advantage of e-commerce in your country?Which groups of people like to shop online the most?The Environment 125
Why do you think cities are polluted?What are some of the negative effects of pollution?What should the government do to reduce pollution in cities?How has the government's attitude towards pollution changed in recent years?What can an individual do to help reduce pollution?Houses 127
What sort of houses do people live in today?What sort of technology is used to build houses today?How are houses today different from the houses of the past?What factors affect people's decisions to live where they do?What sort of technology do you think will be used in the houses of the future?Transport 131
What are some problems with the transport system in your country?What should the government do to solve these problems?What are the advantages and disadvantages of riding a bicycle?Do you think that walking is a good way to travel in your hometown?Why?How could road safety be improved in your hometown?Which method of transport do people use most in your hometown?Decisions 134
Which people affect the decisions you make?What measures does your school take to affect your decisions?How do your parents affect your decisions?How did they affect your decisions in the past?Do you always take your parents'advice?Gifts 136
In your culture,when are gifts often exchanged?Are the gifts people give influenced by advertisements?Are expensive gifts important to you?Do you care about the brand of the products you buy?Do you think that brand names will be more or less important in the future?Advertising/Shopping 138
Are advertisements important?What effects do advertisements have?How do advertisements affect people's lives?Where do you usually go shopping?What is the difference between today's supermarkets and more traditional markets?Eating Habits 140
What do you think of fast food?Is fast food good for children?Do old people and young people like to eat different kinds of food?How have Chinese eating habits changed in the last 20 years?How do you think they will change in the future?Cooking 142
Is it necessary for young people to be able to cook?Do most people in your country know how to cook?Where do Chinese people learn to cook?Do you think it is important to learn how to cook?Should cooking be taught in school?The Elderly 144
How do modern people view the idea of growing old?How are old people important to society?What role do old people play in families?What attitude do young people generally have towards old people?Does the rise in the number of old people effect the economy?Help 146
What kind of help do you often receive?Who often helps you?What kind of people have you helped?Why did you help them?What is the difference between the help you receive from family and the help you receive from friends?Do people often help each other at work?Cities 149
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