- 电子书积分:16 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:常骏跃主编
- 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787561135549
- 页数:514 页
January 1
1 Happy New Year. 祝贺新年 3
2 Hello! 打招呼 4
3 May I know Your Name? 询问姓名 6
4 May I introduce...? 介绍某人 7
5 Thanks a lot 表示感谢 8
6 Sorry 道歉 10
7 By The Way,... 转换话题 11
8 It is nice talking to you. 结束谈话 12
9 That's OK. 表达谅解 14
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 15
11 Yes 肯定回答 16
12 I'm afraid I can't. 否定回答 17
13 What time is it? 几点了? 19
14 Giving Reasons 解释原因 20
15 It Reminds Me of... 接谈话题 21
16 In a Day or Two. 日程安排 23
17 Ability 能力 24
18 What Do You Think I Should Do? 请求指点 25
19 Why Not Come Over Right Now? 提供指导 26
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 27
21 What Point Are You Making 与人争论 28
22 Talking With Acquaintances 与认识的人开始交谈 29
23 I See 表示了解对方的意思 31
24 Sorry,I'm not with you. 表示不理解 32
25 Are You Sure? 确认 33
26 Well,let's see. 拖延时间 35
27 Asking Questions 提问题 36
28 What Do You Think? 引导他人参与谈话 37
29 See you 道别 39
30 Nice day,isn't it? 谈论天气 40
31 Summary 小结及巩固训练 41
February 43
1 I'm in favor,too. 同意 45
2 How do you feel about that? 征询意见 46
3 Are you with me? 询问是否理解 47
4 Are You Free Tomorrow? 预约 48
5 Could we make it some other time? 更改约会时间 50
6 Jane is no match for Helen in music? 比较(1) 51
7 The sun is much bigger than the moon. 比较(2) 52
8 Walking is as pleasant as jogging. 比较(3) 54
9 It's really beautiful. 描述事物 55
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 56
11 Where are you from? 询问外国人国籍 57
12 How long have you been in Shenyang? 闲聊 59
13 How was your weekend? 谈论周末 60
14 Valentine's Day 情人节 61
15 I'm planning to go bowling tonight. 谈论计划 63
16 Do you do any sports? 谈论健身活动 64
17 Do you have a TV guide? 谈论电视节目 66
18 Have you seen much of China? 谈论地理 67
19 China's economy is doing very well. 谈论经济 68
20 Summary 小结及巩固练习 70
21 Asking About Hobbies 询问爱好 71
22 What do you do for a living? 询问工作 73
23 We work like a team here. 谈论工作 74
24 He's cute. 描述人物 75
25 I love romance. 谈论电影 77
26 Seems believable. 表达相信 78
27 It's incredible. 表达不信任 79
28 Could you lend me a pen,please? 提出请求 81
29 Summary 小结及巩固练习 82
March 83
1 I'm dying for it. 表达愿望 85
2 Is that right,please? 询问正确与否 86
3 Yes,that's right. 肯定正确性 87
4 That's not at all right. 否定正确性 88
5 Do you know why she didn't get the prize? 询问理由 90
6 Because of her carelessness,she failed. 提供理由 91
7 Would you do me a favor? 提出请求 92
8 I'm afraid I can't. 拒绝他人的请求 94
9 I'd be glad to. 答应请求 95
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 96
11 Can you tell me sth.about it? 询问信息 97
12 Do you know about the project? 询问是否知道 98
13 I've heard about the news. 表达知道某事 100
14 I've got no idea. 表达不知某事 101
15 Take one of my friends for example. 举例说明 102
16 It's like this. 提供指示 104
17 In a word,it's my duty. 进行概括 105
18 She can't be in her office. 做出判断 106
19 I've made up my mind 做出决定 108
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 109
21 Would you mind if I...? 征求许可 110
22 Yes,certainly you can. 表示许可 111
23 No way. 拒绝给予许可 113
24 This is for you. 提供某物 114
25 I'd like it very much. 接受馈赠 116
26 I'm afraid I can't.But thank you. 谢绝 117
27 Can I help you with that? 主动帮忙 118
28 That's nice of you,thank you. 接受帮助 119
29 Please don't bother about it. 谢绝帮助 121
30 I beg your pardon? 请求重复 122
31 Summary 小结及巩固训练 124
April 125
1 I would like to invite you to our New Year party. 发出邀请 127
2 With pleasure. 接受邀请 128
3 I'd rather not. 谢绝邀请 130
4 What are you going to do? 询问意图 131
5 I'm not thinking of meeting him. 不打算做某事 133
6 I'm going to apply for the job. 说明打算 134
7 You'd better not do it. 提出建议 135
8 That'll be just fine. 接受建议 137
9 Don't bother 拒绝建议 138
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 139
11 Can't you remember? 询问是否记得 140
12 It's still in my mind 说明还记得 141
13 It slipped my mind 说明已忘记 142
14 Don't forget to post the letter. 叮嘱某人 144
15 What's your opinion of this film? 征求意见 145
16 In my opinion,smoking is bad for your health. 表达意见 146
17 I really don't know what to say. 说明没有意见 148
18 Do you think so? 避免直抒己见 149
19 But don't you think you can finish it? 设法说服他人(1) 150
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 152
21 Don't be like that! 设法说服他人(2) 153
22 What if you were late? 进行推测 154
23 Hurryup! 催促他人 155
24 Have I got to? 了解自己的义务 156
25 You're expected to see to it. 说明对方有义务 158
26 You haven't got to return it. 告知对方不必做 159
27 It's up to you. 你来决定 160
28 I should come earlier. 说明自己有义务 161
29 I oughtn't to tell you the truth. 说明自己有义务不做 163
30 Summary 小结及巩固训练 164
May 165
1 Fantastic! 称赞(1) 167
2 It's really tasty. 称赞(2) 168
3 You did a great job. 称赞(3) 169
4 Great! 赞成(1) 171
5 I see. 赞成(2) 172
6 Oh,yes! 赞成(3) 173
7 Yes,sir. 赞成(4) 175
8 I'm 100% behind you. 赞成(5) 176
9 Why not? 赞成(6) 177
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 179
11 You are a lucky dog. 恭维(1) 180
12 May I say how charming you look? 恭维(2) 181
13 It was well deserved. 祝贺(1) 183
14 Congratulations! 祝贺(2) 184
15 Hey,what's happening here? 好奇(1) 185
16 If only I knew about it. 好奇(2) 187
17 I'm happy. 高兴(1) 188
18 I feel terrific! 高兴(2) 189
19 I'm ecstatic. 高兴(3) 191
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 192
21 No problem. 容易(1) 193
22 There is nothing to it. 容易(2) 195
23 Cheer up. 鼓励(1) 196
24 Come on. 鼓励(2) 197
25 There's a chance. 鼓励(3) 199
26 Guess what! 激动(1) 200
27 Hey! 激动(2) 201
28 Best wishes. 祝愿(1) 203
29 Regards to your family. 祝愿(2) 204
30 Toast! 祝酒 205
31 Summary 小结及巩固训练 207
June 209
1 I can not wait! 愉快地期待(1) 211
2 Just wait till...! 愉快地期待(2) 212
3 Pray God. 希望(1) 213
4 I do hope for your coming. 希望(2) 215
5 I really go for... 喜欢(1) 216
6 I like you. 喜欢(2) 217
7 I enjoyed it very much. 喜欢(3) 219
8 Things will work out OK. 乐观(1) 220
9 I am very optimistic(about)our education. 乐观(2) 221
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 223
11 It's my cup of tea. 兴趣 224
12 I'd go for... 偏爱(1) 225
13 I'd rather...than... 偏爱(2) 227
14 Just forget it. 安慰(1) 228
15 Keep your chin up! 安慰(2) 229
16 That's life. 安慰(3) 231
17 Let bygones be bygones. 安慰(4) 232
18 Take it easy. 宽慰(1) 233
19 Whew! 宽慰(2) 235
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 236
21 Not bad! 满意 237
22 Bless me. 惊奇(1) 238
23 Really? 惊奇(2) 240
24 It can't be! 惊奇(3) 241
25 Are you serious? 惊奇(4) 242
26 Oh,no! 惊奇(5) 244
27 I know how you feel. 同情(1) 245
28 I'm so sorry. 同情(2) 246
29 Oh,bad luck. 同情(3) 248
30 Summary 小结及巩固训练 249
July 251
1 What a pity! 同情(4) 253
2 Oh,hard lines! 同情(5) 254
3 No problem. 表达意愿(1) 255
4 I'd be happy to. 表达意愿(2) 257
5 Let's do it! 表达意愿(3) 258
6 Sure,but be careful. 表达意愿(4) 259
7 No,thank you. 表达意愿(5) 261
8 No Way! 表达意愿(6) 262
9 I don't fancy fast-food. 不喜欢(1) 263
10 Horrible,isn't it? 不喜欢(2) 265
11 Oh,how awful! 不喜欢(3) 266
12 I've never liked rice,I'm afraid. 不喜欢(4) 267
13 Summary 小结及巩固训练 269
14 What a fool I was! 沮丧(1) 270
15 Things always go wrong. 沮丧(2) 271
16 I wish I hadn't come here. 沮丧(3) 273
17 Hopeless! 不满意(1) 274
18 It won't do. 不满意(2) 276
19 The same mistake again! 不满意(3) 277
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 279
21 Guess what? 说闲话(1) 280
22 Apparently he's divorced. 说闲话(2) 281
23 Yes,I mean,no. 犹豫(1) 283
24 Well,the thing is,I hate it. 犹豫(2) 284
25 I'll have to think about it. 犹豫(3) 285
26 I don't really care. 无动于衷,冷漠(1) 287
27 Who cares? 无动于衷,冷漠(2) 288
28 I—go is boring. 不感兴趣 289
29 What of it? 无关紧要 291
30 Summary 小结及巩固训练 292
31 How about that! 争吵(1) 293
August 295
1 I'm through with you. 争吵(2) 297
2 Are you being funny? 争吵(3) 298
3 No such luck! 悲观(1) 299
4 I'm bound to lose. 悲观(2) 301
5 It's disappointing! 悲观(3) 302
6 Are you mad? 责备(1) 304
7 It's so typical of you. 责备(2) 305
8 Don't be silly! 责备(3) 307
9 I'm afraid you have no right to be so rude. 责备(4) 308
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 309
11 I give up. 无奈(1) 311
12 Just my luck! 无奈(2) 312
13 I'm resigned to my fate. 无奈(3) 314
14 You wait! 威胁(1) 315
15 I'll be back to you. 威胁(2) 316
16 I really don't want to say this. 威胁(3) 318
17 I'm not sure. 不确定(1) 319
18 It's hard to tell. 不确定(2) 320
19 I'm not at all convinced. 不确定(3) 322
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 323
21 Oh,I'm beat. 疲劳(1) 324
22 I'm tired out. 疲劳(2) 325
23 I'm bushed. 疲劳(3) 326
24 I warn you! 警告(1) 328
25 Don't get fresh! 警告(2) 329
26 On no account should you do it! 警告(3) 330
27 I'm afraid of mice. 担忧与恐惧(1) 332
28 I was scared out of my wits. 担忧与恐惧(2) 333
29 I'm rather apprehensive of failure. 担忧与恐惧(3) 334
30 I'm worried sick by his health. 担忧与恐惧(4) 336
31 Summary 小结及巩固训练 337
September 339
1 At the Hospital 在医院 341
2 At the Bank 在银行 342
3 At the Cinema 在电影院 344
4 At the Customs 在海关 345
5 At the Hotel 在旅馆 346
6 At the post office 在邮局 348
7 At the Gas Station 在加油站 349
8 At the Airport 在飞机场 350
9 Camping 宿营 351
10 Teachers' Day 教师节 352
11 Summary 小结及巩固训练 354
12 At the Wedding 婚礼 355
13 At Birthday Party 生日聚会 356
14 At a Cocktail Party 鸡尾酒会 358
15 At a Ball 舞会 359
16 At a Teahouse 在茶馆 360
17 On the Beach 在沙滩上 362
18 Departure 道别 363
19 The Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节 364
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 365
21 At the Meeting 会议 366
22 At the Office 在办公室 367
23 At the Dry Cleaner's 干洗店 369
24 At the Jeweler's 在珠宝店 370
25 Coffee Shop 咖啡店 371
26 At the Supermarket 在超市 373
27 Flea Market 旧物市场 374
28 At the Theater 看戏 375
29 Computer Center 电脑中心 377
30 Summary 小结及巩固训练 378
October 379
1 National day 国庆节 381
2 Taking the Bus 乘公共汽车 382
3 Taking a Taxi 乘出租车 384
4 Taking a Train 乘火车 385
5 By Subway 乘地铁 386
6 Looking for a House 找住房 387
7 Finding the restroom 找卫生间 389
8 Introduction 介绍 390
9 Asking the Way 问路 391
10 Summary 小结及巩固练习 393
11 At the Restaurant 在餐馆 394
12 In McDonald's 在麦当劳 395
13 At the Kentucky's 在肯德基 396
14 The Cafeteria 在自助餐厅 398
15 American Breakfast 美式早餐 399
16 Invitation to Dinner 请人吃饭 400
17 On Campus 在校园 401
18 At the class 在课堂上 403
19 At English Corner 在英语角 404
20 Summary 小结及巩固练习 405
21 Watching Art Exhibition 看画展 406
22 Hot Spring 泡温泉 408
23 Sightseeing 观光 409
24 Amusement Park 游乐场 410
25 The Gym 健身房 411
26 Health Check-Up 体检 413
27 Job Interview 面试 414
28 Accident 事故 415
29 Law Court 法庭 416
30 Halloween 万圣节 418
31 Summary 小结及巩固训练 419
November 421
1 Which school do you go to? 你在哪个学校? 423
2 I want to enroll in the course. 选课 424
3 I'm really poor in Maths. 学习 426
4 I have to cram for finals. 考试 427
5 I'm going to be an international student. 留学 429
6 Let's begin our class. 上课 430
7 I'll graduate next month. 我下个月要毕业了 432
8 Is this book available? 借书(1) 433
9 I'm sorry this book is out. 借书(2) 435
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 437
11 I'd like to change my hairstyle. 理发(1) 438
12 How would you like your haircut? 理发(2) 439
13 I'd like a haircut,please. 理发(3) 441
14 I want my hair cut shoulder-length. 理发(4) 442
15 Will that haircut suit my face? 理发(5) 444
16 Tilt your head to the right. 理发(6) 445
17 I'd recommend you getting a perm. 理发(7) 447
18 Please try to relax. 美容 448
19 I wonder if I can go somewhere. 卫生间 450
20 Summary 小结及巩固练习 451
21 My car is gone! 报警 452
22 It's illegally parked. 驾驶 454
23 Could I bum a smoke? 吸烟(1) 455
24 He smokes heavily. 吸烟(2) 457
25 Smoking will kill you. 吸烟(3) 458
26 Thanksgiving wishes for you and your family. 感恩节(1) 460
27 Happy Thanksgiving Day! 感恩节(2) 461
28 I'm crazy for you. 爱慕 463
29 Will you marry me? 求婚 464
30 Summary 小结及巩固练习 466
December 467
1 Is Jackson there,please? 找人(1) 469
2 This is Daisy. 找人(2) 470
3 He's out. 找人(3) 472
4 Could you please repeat that? 找人(4) 473
5 Can I ask who's calling? 找人(5) 475
6 Can you tell him his wife called,please? 找人(6) 476
7 Okay,I've got it all down. 找人(7) 478
8 I'll talk to you again soon. 告别 479
9 I'm afraid you have the wrong number. 打错电话 481
10 Summary 小结及巩固训练 482
11 Let's go to karaoke. 卡拉OK(1) 484
12 What's your best song? 卡拉OK(2) 485
13 You sing first. 你先唱 487
14 Two bottles of beer,please. 酒吧 488
15 Cheers! 干杯 490
16 I'm drunk. 饮酒 491
17 I work for a computer company. 就业 493
18 Yes,right away 沟通 494
19 We're happy you got the promotion. 祝福 496
20 Summary 小结及巩固训练 497
21 What can I do for you? 购物(1) 498
22 May I see these ties? 购物(2) 500
23 Do you have any on sale? 购物(3) 501
24 The fit isn't good. 购物(4) 503
25 We wish you a merry Christmas. 圣诞快乐 504
26 How much does it cost? 砍价 506
27 How can I pay? 埋单(1) 507
28 I'll take it. 埋单(2) 509
29 He traveled around the world for a year. 旅游 510
30 I'd like a round-trip ticket. 旅行 512
31 Summary 小结及巩固训练 513
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