针织英语 第2版PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:刘正芹,汪黎明等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:中国纺织出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:7506444615
- 页数:253 页
Lesson One Knitting Yarns 1
Lesson Two Packages and Winding 5
Lesson Three Basic Knowledge of Weft Knitting(1) 8
Lesson Four Basic Knowledge of Weft Knitting(2) 11
Lesson Five The Knitting Elements 14
Lesson Six Loop Formation and Gauge 19
Lesson Seven Circular Jersey Latch Needle Machine 22
Lesson Eight Flat Machines 25
Lesson Nine The Weft Knitted Base Structures(1) 29
Lesson Ten The Weft Knitted Base Structures(2) 33
Lesson Eleven Tuck and Cardigan Stitches 37
Lesson Twelve Jacquard,Accordion and Float Stitches 41
Lesson Thirteen Plating,Laying-in and Plush Stitches 45
Lesson Fourteen Other Fancy Stitches in Weft Knitting 50
Lesson Fifteen Weft Knitting Machine Adjustments(1) 54
Lesson Sixteen Weft Knitting Machine Adjustments(2) 58
Lesson Seventeen Pattern and Selection Devices 61
Lesson Eighteen Aspects of Knitting Science 65
Lesson Nineteen Basic Knowledge of Warp Knitting 69
Lesson Twenty Warping 73
Lesson Twenty-one Compound Needle Tricot Knitting Machine 77
Lesson Twenty-two Bearded Needle Tricot Machine and Double-needle-bar Raschel Machine 81
Lesson Twenty-three Guide Bar Shogging Mechanism 85
Lesson Twenty-four Fabric Quality Control 89
Lesson Twenty-five Basic Designing Knowledge 93
Lesson Twenty-six Basic Lapping Movement 96
Lesson Twenty-seven Two-bar Plain Fabrics 101
Lesson Twenty-eight Miss-lapping and Openwork Structures 105
Lesson Twenty-nine Laying-in and Fall-plate Technique 109
Lesson Thirty Pile Fabrics 114
Lesson Thirty-one Jacquard Technique 118
Lesson Thirty-two Analysis of Tricot Fabrics 122
Lesson Thirty-three Technical Textiles 126
Lesson Thirty-four Electronics in Warp Knitting 129
Lesson Thirty-five Standards and Specifications for Hosiery 133
Lesson Thirty-six Production of Heels and Toes 136
Lesson Thirty-seven Knitting of the Fashioned Garment Piece 139
Lesson Thirty-eight Scouring and Bleaching 142
Lesson Thirty-nine Carbonizing,Singeing,Mercerization and Heat Setting 145
Lesson Forty Fabric Dyeing 149
Lesson Forty-one Printing Processes 153
Lesson Forty-two Finishing 157
Lesson Forty-three Anti-pilling Finishes and Antistatic Finishes 161
Lesson Forty-four Other Functional Finishes 164
Lesson Forty-five Textiles and the Environment,Health,and Safety 167
Lesson Forty-six Knitted Garments(1) 172
Lesson Forty-seven Knitted Garments(2) 177
Lesson Forty-eight Fashion Style and Design 181
Lesson Forty-nine Cut Stitch-shaped Garments 184
Lesson Fifty Cutting 187
Lesson Fifty-one Stitch Geometry 190
Lesson Fifty-two Seams and Seaming 196
Lesson Fifty-three Machinery for Seaming Knitted Garments 201
Lesson Fifty-four Stitch Formation(1) 206
Lesson Fifty-five Stitch Formation(2) 209
Lesson Fifty-six Clothing Technology(1) 214
Lesson Fifty-seven Clothing Technology(2) 218
Lesson Fifty-eight Quality Control of Knitted Garments 222
Lesson Fifty-nine Order 226
Lesson Sixty Asking for Permission to Go Directly to Mills and Check on Production 231
Lesson Sixty-one Refusal to Pay Bills Because of Gloves Being Small 234
Lesson Sixty-two Requesting the Sellers to Make Counter-Samples According to the Supplied Samples 237
Vocabulary 240
References 253
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