王宽诚教育基金学术讲座汇编 第22集PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:钱伟长主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7801584731
- 页数:191 页
A Brief Survey of Block Toeplitz Iterative Solvers&金小庆 1
香港的医疗卫生服务&李绍鸿 28
公共卫生新面貌——迎接21世纪新挑战&李绍鸿 37
21世纪医疗方向:学童健康的重要性&李绍鸿 43
健康城市&李绍鸿 49
香港预防医学的过去、现况和将来&李绍鸿 53
近代基督教在华传教史研究主要范式述评&王立新 58
Thermal Unfolding of the Manganese Stabilizing 33 kD Protein Photosystem Ⅱ:Implications for a molten globular state&杜林方 84
Inactivation of Photosynthetic Oxygen Evolution by Cobalt in Photosystem Ⅱ of the Spinach&杜林方 89
Chloroplast Composition and Structural Differences in a Chlorophyll-less Mutant of Oilseed Rape Seedlings&杜林方 93
An Oilseed Rape Mutant Possible Defective in the Membrane Protein Import into Chloroplasts&杜林方 98
On the Stress Space of the Partial Hybrid Finite Element&冯伟 103
Studies on Codimension-3 Degenerate Bifurcations of the Flexible Beam&张伟 108
Morphological Characters of Glochidia of Unionidae in China and Their Taxonomic Significance&吴小平 125
Application of Approximate Tangent Plane Fitting Method in Some Contact Problems&陈晓阳 136
Omni-vision Based Autonomous Mobile Robotic Platform&曹作良 145
Preparation of N,N'-Diacylpiperazine and Its Extraction Property for U(Ⅵ)&包伯荣 155
Asymptotic Behavior of Hopfield Neural Networks with Delays&徐道义 160
Two Novel Synthetic Antioxidants for Deep Frying Oils&翁新楚 168
Generalized High-Power Current Compensator Based on Multilevel Converter&周林 180
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