陈国达全集 第8卷 活化 地洼 构造及成矿理论外文论著 1956-2005PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:19 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:陈国达著
- 出 版 社:长沙:中南大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:9787811056457
- 页数:694 页
Examples of"Activated Region"in the Chinese Platform with Special Reference to the"Cathaysia"Problem 1
On the Geotectonic Nature of the Southeastern Coastal Region of China 24
Process of Cathaysian-Type Platform Activation 39
The Third Basic Tectonic Element of the Earth's Crust—the Diwa(Geodepression)Region 44
The Third Structural Layer of the Diwa Region—the Diwa Sedimentary Layer 48
A New Criterion for the Classification of Tectonic Regions—Crustal Construction 52
Theory of Progression with Transformation Between Mobile and Stable Regions—A New Recognition of the General Regularity in Crustal Development 55
Philosophical Problems in Geotectonics 72
Областъ Дива—ПослеплатФорменная Подвижная Областъ Нового Типа 96
On the Tectonics of China—A Presentation on the Tectonic Map of China,1:4000000 121
Polygenetic Compound Ore Deposits and Their Origin in the Context of Regularities in Crustal Evolution 133
On the Geotectonic Nature of the Fen-Wei Rift System,North China 160
An Explanation on the Origin-Mechanism of Formation of the Cenozoic Basins in the Post-Platform Orogenic Belts of East China 169
The Diwa-Type Metallogenesis in East China 179
Gold Metallogeny of China 187
Foreword 189
Guiding Ideology in Compiling Maps According to Activated Region Theory(or Diwa Theory) 190
Theoretic Construction and Development Programme of the Theory of Activated(Geodepression or Diwa)Tectonics 201
Polygenetic Compound Ore Deposits and Superlarge Ore Deposits 225
Diwa Structure in the Asia Continent and Their Metallogenic Peculiarities 227
Tectonics of China 235
Preface 236
1 General Considerations 237
Introduction 237
1.1 Tectonic Division of China 237
1.2 Tectonic Regionalization of China 248
2 Brief Description of Tectonic Regions in China 251
2.1 Geosynclinal Regions 251
2.2 Platform Regions 263
2.3 Diwa(Geodepression)Regions 269
3 History of Transformation Between Mobile and Stable Regions in China's Crustal Development 324
3.1 Tectonic Outlines in the Archean 324
3.2 Tectonic Outlines in the Early Proterozoic 324
3.3 Tectonic Outlines in the Late Proterozoic 325
3.4 Tectonic Outlines in the Early Paleozoic 326
3.5 Tectonic Outlines in the Late Paleozoic 327
3.6 Tectonic Outlines in the Mesozoic 328
3.7 Tectonic Outlines in the Cenozoic 331
4 Some Tectonic Features of China 334
4.1 Wide Distribution of Diwa Regions—New-type Mobile Regions 334
4.2 Appearance of Some Evolution Systems 338
4.3 Formation and Development of Three Crustal Bodies 340
4.4 Five Tectonic Systems and Their Stress Analysis 347
4.5 A Dynamic Model for the Development of the Crust 354
5 Relations of Tectonics to Mineral Deposits in China 358
5.1 Tectonics and Mineralizations 358
5.2 Tectonics and Endogenic Mineral Deposits of China 365
5.3 Tectonics and Exogenic Mineral Deposits of China 388
5.4 Polygenetic Compound Ore Deposits 407
6 Relations of Tectonics to Earthquakes in China 424
6.1 Crustal Development and Seismicity 425
6.2 Control of Tectonics on Earthquakes 430
6.3 A Preliminary View on the Relationships Between Seismicity and Tectonics of China 436
6.4 Seismotectonic Regionalization of China 440
References 458
Historistic-Causationist Geotectonics 466
Geotectonic Conditions of Formation of the Wulingyuan Peak-Forest Landform,S.China 569
Historical-Dynamic Integrative Classification of Basinogenesis and Ore-forming Basins 581
Crustobody—A New Concept of Integrative Geotectonics 606
The Crustobody Tectonic Map of Asia and Adjacent Seas(1:8000000) 629
A New Understanding of the Uplift of the Qinghai-Xizang(Tibet)Plateau 670
A Preliminary Proposal on Crustobody Geotectonics 674
Appendix 681
Appendix Ⅰ Brief Introduction to the Book Selected Works of Chen Guoda's Theory of Activated or Geodepression(Diwa)Tectonics 681
Appendix Ⅱ Brief Introduction to the Book Diwa Theory—Activated Tectonics and Metallogeny 683
Appendix Ⅲ Volcanic Belts and Volcano-Tectonic Structures of the East Asia,Scale 1:3000000(Explanatory Text) 685
Appendix Ⅳ A Preliminary Approach to the Geotectonic Evolution History and Mineralization in Victoria,Australia 688
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