- 电子书积分:9 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:吴晓真著
- 出 版 社:上海:复旦大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:730905508X
- 页数:185 页
中文摘要 1
Introduction 1
Ⅰ.From user to editor,and then back to user 1
Ⅱ.A review of prefaces to dictionaries with English as the source language 6
Theoretical Background 13
Ⅰ.Reception theory and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language 13
1.Reception theory 13
2.Reader's role in reception theory 15
3.What does it mean for makers of dictionaries with English as the source language 18
Ⅱ.Text linguistics,theory of communication and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language 18
1.Dictionary as text 18
2.Communication theories 19
3.The dictionary-as-text model 20
4.What does it mean for makers of dictionaries with English as the source language 22
Ⅲ.Second language acquisition and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language 23
1.Distinction between acquisition and learning,hence the distinction between dictionaries for L1 learners and those for L2 learners 23
2.Dictionaries for L1 or L2,for comprehension or for production? 24
3.Lessons from language transfer research 26
4.High-frequency words or low-frequency words,which group gets first priority? 28
5.The Natural Order hypothesis and the Comprehensible Input hypothesis 29
Ⅳ.Cognitive sciences and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language 30
1.Lessons from the Affective Filter hypothesis 30
2.Lessons from learning style research 33
3.Lessons from the constructivist school of cognitive psychology 34
4.Lessons from cognitive linguistics 36
Ⅴ.Marketing theories and user-friendliness in making dictionaries with English as the source language 39
1.Five Forces Model applied to English dictionary publishing 41
2.Product differentiation as an English dictionary strategy 47
3.Identifying the right market segment 59
Presumably Best Practice in Making Paper-and-Ink Dictionaries with English as the Source Language User-Friendly 62
Ⅰ.User-friendliness in the outside matter 64
1.Prefaces 64
2.User guides 68
3.Illustrations 76
4.Appendices 80
5.A miscellany 82
Ⅱ.User-friendliness in the macrostructure 84
1.Selection of the word list based on frequency 85
2.Selection of the word list based on the theory of semantic fields 88
3.Selection of the word list determined by targeted audience 92
4.Inclusion of new words and new meanings of existing vocabulary 93
5.Access structure 96
Ⅲ.User-friendliness in the microstructure 101
1.Pronunciation 101
2.Sense ordering 104
3.Definition 110
4.Illustrative examples 115
5.Grammatical and pragmatic information 120
User-Friendliness Embodied in Electronic Dictionaries with English as the Source Language 125
Ⅰ.Dictionaries in CD-ROM form 129
Ⅱ.Online dictionaries as represented by OED Online 131
1.Easy accessibility 133
2."Transparency" 137
3.Customized interaction 140
4.Currency 142
5.Cost-effectiveness 143
Ⅲ.Handheld electronic dictionaries 144
User Research and User Education 149
Ⅰ.User research 149
1.Dimensions of user research 149
2.Methods of user research 150
3.Lessons from the business world 153
Ⅱ.User education 155
1.Purchasing guide 155
2.The use of the dictionary 158
Conclusion 161
Reference Works 164
Lexibibliograph:Dictionaries Mentioned in the Dissertation 179
Webliograph:Websites Mentioned in the Dissertation 184
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