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每天一课  商务英语口语365
每天一课  商务英语口语365

每天一课 商务英语口语365PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:17 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:卢欣编著
  • 出 版 社:大连:大连理工大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2008
  • ISBN:9787561142097
  • 页数:594 页
《每天一课 商务英语口语365》目录

Section One Business Negotiation 2

第一篇 谈判程序与技巧 2

1.寒暄小叙Small Talk 2

2.言归正传Getting Down to Business 3

3.明确问题Clarifying 4

4.暂且到此Breaking Off 6

5.恢复谈判Renewing Negotiation 7

6.完成谈判Concluding Negotiation 8

7.意见一致In Agreement 9

8.意见相左Diffence of Opinion 11

9.暂无定论Not Final Decision 12

10.谈判建议Giving Suggestion 14

11.双方妥协Meeting Half Way 16

12.单方让步Unilateral Concession 18

13.球踢对方The Ball'sin Their Cou 19

14.威胁施压Exerting Pressu 21

15.强硬路线Hard Line 22

16.无能为力Helplessness 23

17.商定仲裁Negotiating Arbitration 25

18.签订合同Signing Contract 26

19.合作回顾Business Review 28

20.合作展望Business Prospect 29

第二篇 贸易洽谈 32

21.建立贸易联系Establishing Trade Relations 32

22.公司介绍Company Prole 33

23.业务范围Line of Business 35

24.感兴趣与否Interested or Not 36

25.询盘Making Inquiries 38

26.报价方式Way of Quoting 40

27.商品品质Quality of Goods 41

28.商品数量Quantity of Goods 43

29.发盘Making an Offter 45

30.发盘有效期Validity of Offter 47

31.认为价格过高Price on the High End 48

32.要求减价Asking for Price Reduction 50

33.拒绝降价No Room for Bargaining 52

34.同意降价Making a Reduction 53

35.卖方调高价格Adjusting Selling Price 55

36.洽谈佣金Negotiating Commission 56

37.洽谈折扣Negotiating Discount 58

38.接受Acceptance 60

39.拒绝Declining an Offer 61

40.付款条件Terms of Payment 63

41.信用证付款Payment byL/C 65

42.信用证有效期Expiry Date of L/C 66

43.托收付款Payment by Collection 68

44.要求更优惠的付款方式Asking for Mo Favorable Terms 70

45.结算货币Currency for Settlement 72

46.包装Packing 74

47.运输标志/唛头Marking 76

48.运输方式Mode of Transportation 78

49.集装箱运输Containerization 80

50.多式联运Multi-modal-Combined Transportation 82

51.商定交货日期Setting Date of Delivery 83

52.即装Prompt Shipment 86

53.分批装运Partial Shipment 87

54.装货港Loading Port 89

55.卸货港Unloading Port 91

56.租船订舱Chartering & Booking Shipping Space 93

57.转船Transshipment 94

58.装运须知Shipping Instructions 96

59.装运通知Shipping Advice 97

60.船公司Shipping Company 99

61.运输费用Freight 101

62.保险Arranging Insurance 103

63.订货Placing an Order 105

64.无货可供Out of Stock 106

65.商品检验Commodity Inspection 109

66.开立信用证Opening L/C 110

67.催开信用证Expediting L/C 112

68.修改信用证Amending L/C 113

69.提前装运Making Earlier Delivery 115

70.催促装运Expediting Shipment 116

71.缮制单据Making out Documents 118

72.索款与付款Making Payment 119

73.包装不当Improper Packing 121

74.货物损毁Damage to Goods 123

75.货物错发Wrong Delivery 125

76.质量低劣Inferior Quality 126

77.短交与超重Short Delivery or Over Delivery 128

78.迟交/迟装Late Shipment 130

79.要求索赔Lodging a Claim 132

80.处理索赔——同意赔偿Accepting a Claim 133

81.处理索赔——拒绝赔偿Turning down a Claim 135

82.处理索赔——查后再定Dealing after Check 136

83.处理索赔——责任在保险方/船方Insurance/ Shipping Company atFault 138

第三篇 代理洽谈 142

84.物色代理Looking out for an Agent 142

85.接受代理聘请Accepting Agency Offer 143

86.申请为代理Applying for Being an Agent 144

87.同意代理申请Approving Agency Application 146

88.拒绝代理申请Declining Agency Application 148

89.有条件同意代理申请Conditionally Approving Agency Application 149

90.代理的优势Advantages of Being an Agent 151

91.代理的年销售额/量Annual Turnover 152

92.代理的促销计划Marketing Plan 154

93.代理的佣金Commission of an Agent 156

94.对代理的要求Requirements for an Agent 158

95.签订代理协议Signing Agency Agreement 160

96.续签代理协议Renewing Agency Agreement 162

97.代理协议的履行情况Performance of Agency Agreement 163

第四篇 其他谈判 167

98.招标投标Bid Invitation&Tendering 167

99.合并收购Merger&Acquisition 169

100.投资环境Investment Environment 170

101.合资企业Joint Venture 172

102.技术转让Technology Transfer 174

103.补偿贸易Compensation Trade 176

104.加工装配贸易Processing&Assembling Trade 178

Section Two Strategies for Various Situations运筹帷幄 181

第五篇 公共关系 181

105.办公室赴约Keeping an Appointment 181

106.无约造访Calling Without an Appointment 183

107.办公室接待Office Reception 184

108.宴请Invitation to Banquet 186

109.宴会致词Banquet Address 187

110.喝酒Drinking 189

111.饮食喜好Food Preference 191

112.点菜Ordering 192

113.就餐服务Services in Restaurant 193

114.付账Paying Bill 195

115.娱乐活动Entertainments 196

116.不讲客套No Ceremony 197

117.品评食物Taste Comments 199

118.道谢告辞Taking Leave 200

119.邀请观光旅游Invitation to Sightseeing 202

120.旅游建议Tour Suggestion 203

121.购物Shopping 204

122.礼品赠送Present Civing 206

第六篇 市场营销 209

123.营销哲学Marketing Philosophy 209

124.产品畅销Ready Market 210

125.产品滞销Poor Market 212

126.正值旺季In Season 213

127.正值淡季Off Season 214

128.行情看涨Market Advancing 215

129.行情看跌Market Falling 217

130.供不应求Short Supply 218

131.供过于求Excess of Supply over Demand 220

132.市场调研Market Survey 221

133.市场份额Market Share 223

134.市场开发New Market Presence 225

135.市场定位Market Positioning 227

136.营销目标Marketing Target 229

137.销售成绩Marketing Performance 230

138.产品策略Product Strategy 232

139.广告策略Advertisement Strategy 234

140.价格策略Price Strategy 236

141.促销策略Promotion Strategy 238

142.包装策略Packing Strategy 239

143.零售Retail 241

144.批发Wholesale 242

第七篇 客户服务 245

145.客服的重要性Importance of Customer Service 245

146.客服原则Principle of Customer Service 246

147.客户的抱怨Customer Complaints 247

148.寻找负责人Person in Charge 249

149.诚挚道歉Sincere Apology 250

150.提出保证Advancing Promise 251

151.处理办法Solving the Problem 253

152.客户满意Customer Satisfaction 254

153.提供服务Service Provision 256

154.培育忠实客户Cultivating Loyal Customer Base 258

第八篇 商务会议 261

155.安排会议Arranging a Meeting 261

156.会前用品准备Preparing Articles for Meeting 262

157.会前其他准备Other Preparations for Meeting 264

158.开会人数Number of Attendees 265

159.开会要求Meeting Requirements 267

160.通知开会Notifying a Meeting 268

161.宣布开会Declaring a Meeting Open 270

162.开场白Opening Remarks 271

163.宣布会议目的Announcing Purpose of a Meeting 273

164.布置任务Task Assignment 274

165.会议纪要Minutes 276

166.议程安排Meeting Agenda 277

167.控制会议时间Keeping the Meeting on Time 279

168.控制不偏离主题Keeping to the Point 281

169.继续讨论Moving On 282

170.打断Interrupting 283

171.邀请发言Invitation to Address 284

172.发言Taking the Floor 286

173.结束发言Concluding Remarks 288

174.提问Asking Questions 289

175.回答提问Answering Questions 290

176.整顿会场秩序Keeping in Order 291

177.评论发言Commenting on Remarks 293

178.动议和附议Motion&Second 294

179.投票表决Taking a Vote 296

180.投票结果Result of Voting 298

181.总结性发言Recapping the Meeting 299

182.会间休息Taking a Break 300

183.结束会议Coming to a Conclusion 302

184.电话会议Teleconference 304

185.讨论职务任免Discussion for Appointment and Remove 305

186.项目进展状况Project Status 307

第九篇 商务电话 310

187.致电找人Getting Someone overthe Phone 310

188.被致电人本人接听Speaking to the Person Intended to Reach 311

189.是否方便接听A Good Time to Call? 312

190.暂时不便接听Not a Good Time to Call 313

191.致电时间不妥时Improper Calling Time 314

192.请接线员转接Speaking to Operator 315

193.接线员或他人转接Transferring a Call 316

194.被致电人无法接听Unable to Reach 318

195.应对被致电人无法接听Respondingto Above Situation 319

196.电话留言Leaving or Taking a Message 320

197.说明打电话原因Explaining the Reason for Calling 321

198.听不清Bad Connection 323

199.打错电话Dialing the Wrong Number 325

200.电话要求约见Proposing an Appointment over the Phone 326

201.电话商讨约见时间Making an Appointment over the Phone 328

202.电话更改约定Rescheduling over the Phone 330

203.电话取消约见Cancelling an Appointment over the Phone 332

204.电话报喜Good News over the Phone 334

205.电话报忧Bad News over the Phone 335

206.结束电话Concluding a Call 336

第十篇 战略战术 339

207.经营方略Management Strategy 339

208.敢冒风险Taking Risks 340

209.成功经验Successful Experience 342

210.失败教训 Learning from Lessons 343

211.高瞻远瞩Looking Far And Aiming High 344

212.应对记者Answering the Reporter 346

213.经营状况——盈利Inthe Black 347

214.经营状况——亏损In the Red 349

215.分析经济形势Economic Situation 350

216.知己知彼Analyzing CompetitiveSituation 352

217.面对问题Facing Problems 354

218.决策Making a Decision 355

219.制定计划Framing a Plan 358

220.付诸行动Taking Actions 359

221.合并与收购Mergers&Acquisitions 361

222.开设分支机构Branching Out 362

223.寻求支持Sourcing Support 364

224.战略合作Strategic Cooperation 366

225.筹措资金Raising Money 367

226.缩减开支Cutting Expenses 369

227.股票与投资Stocks & Investment 370

228.知识产权Intellectual Property Right 372

229.激励机制Motivation Spur 374

230.企业文化Corporate Culture 375

231.人性化管理Humanized Management 376

232.人才流失Brain Drain 378

233.库存管理Inventory Management 380

234.物流管理Logistics Management 381

235.资产管理Capital Management 382

236.财务管理Finance Management 384

237.人力资源管理Human Resource Management 385

238.供应商管理Supplier Management 387

239.时间管理Time Management 388

240.项目管理Project Management 390

241.寻租写字间Renting Offices 392

第十一篇 职场拾贝 395

242.打卡考勤Punching Time Card 395

243.加班Working Overtime 397

244.请假Request for Absence 399

245.通勤Commuting 401

246.出差Business Trip 403

247.报销Report Expenses/Reimbursement 405

248.闲话生活Chatting on Life 406

249.八卦新闻Gossip 407

250.谈论同事Talking about Colleague 409

251.谈论上司Talking about Boss 411

252.谈论工作Talking about Work 413

253.工作如山Work&Stress 414

254.职场着装Business Attire 416

255.薪酬待遇Compensation Package 417

256.要求加薪Negotiating a Raise 419

257.获得加薪和奖金Getting a Salary Raise/Bonus 421

258.要求提升Negotiating a Promotion 423

259.获得提拔Getting a Protion 424

260.人事调动Position Transfer 426

261.辞职Resignation 427

262.炒鱿鱼Getting the Sack 429

263.帮忙Lending a Hand 431

264.鼓励Encouragement 433

265.建议Suggestion 434

266.致谢与道歉Acknowledgement&Apology 435

267.提醒Reminding 437

268.表彰Glory&Recognition 438

269.批评的艺术Art of Criticism 440

270.消极批评Negative Criticism 441

271.接发传真Fax 442

272.接发信件和邮件Mail&E-mail 443

273.电脑操作Operating Computer 445

274.文件存档Filing 446

275.办公用品Office Supplies 447

276.职场冲突Workplace Conflicts 449

277.午餐Lunch 451

278.公司活动Organizing Entertainments 453

279.初来乍到First Day at Work 454

280.迎接新人Greeting New Member 456

281.入职培训Orientation 457

282.面试FAQ——面试人询问资格背景情况Inquiring About Qualification 459

283.面试FAQ——被面试人谈能力Introducing Competence 460

284.面试FAQ——被面试人谈离职原因Reasons for Leaving Previous Company 462

285.面试FAQ——谈薪水Salary Offer 464

286.面试FAQ——面试人其他问题Other Inquiries from Interviewer 465

287.面试FAQ——被面试人其他问题Other Inquiries from Interviewee 467

288.面试FAQ——决定Coming up a Decision 469

Section Three Situational English身临其境 472

第十二篇 在银行 472

289.咨询账户种类Account Category 472

290.开立银行账户Opening an Account 473

291.存款Depositing 475

292.取款Withdrawal 476

293.查询余额Inquiring about the Balance 477

294.利率和利息Interest&Interest Rate 478

295.购买旅行支票Buying Traveler's Checks 479

296.兑现旅行支票Cashing in Traveler's Checks 481

297.兑换货币Changing Money 482

298.汇出汇款OutgoingRemittance 484

299.汇入汇款Incoming Remittan 486

300.挂失Loss Report 487

301.转账、清户、透支、贴现、租用保险箱Transferring Between Different Accounts, Closing an Account,Overdraft, Discounting,Renting a Safe Deposit Box 488

302.开立信用证Opening an L/C 490

303.贷款Loan 492

304.银行卡Bank Card 494

305.咨询服务Reference Services 496

第十三篇 在工厂 499

306.参观邀请或要求Visit Invitation or Request 499

307.带领参观Showing Around 500

308.工厂基本状况Factory Basic Situation 501

309.工厂员工Facto Employees 503

310.生产过程Production Process 504

311.生产能力Production Capa 505

312.质量控制Quality Control 506

313.安全控制Security Control 508

314.参观陈列室Visiting Showroom 510

315.观后感言After-visit Remarks 511

第十四篇 在海关 514

316.通关开始Embarking on Customs Examination 514

317.海关问询Inquiries from fheCustoms 515

318.回答问询Answering the Inquiries 517

319.海关申报Customs Declaration 518

320.开包检查Opening Baggagefor Inspection 519

321.私人物品清关PersonalEffects 521

322.其他物品清关Other Items 523

323.缴税Liable to Duty 525

324.免税Duty-free 527

325.通关完毕Customs Formalities Passed 528

第十五篇 在酒店 531

326.酒店预订Room Reservation 531

327.客房供应情况Room Supply Situation 532

328.客房物理状况Room Facilities 533

329.客房价格Rate for a Room 535

330.办理入住手续Checking In 536

331.客房服务Room Services 538

332.抱怨服务Complaining about Service 539

333.酒店的商务服务Commercial Services 541

334.办理退房手续Checking Out 542

335.餐饮娱乐服务Dinner&Entertainment Service 544

第十六篇 在交易会 547

336.展会准备Exhibition Preparations 547

337.展会须知Exhibition Notice 548

338.展会简介Exhibition Profile 550

339.热情接待Warm Reception 551

340.介绍产品Product Introduction 553

341.新产品推介New Product Presentation 555

342.介绍替代品Substitute Introduction 556

343.索要商品资料Asking for Literature 558

344.索要样品Asking for Samples 559

345.定制Customizing 561

346.保证Warranty&Guarantee 562

347.售后服务After-sale Service 564

348.把握商机Grasping Business Opportunity 565

第十七篇 在机场 568

349.预订机票Booking a Flight 568

350.询问票价Inquiring about the Fare 569

351.询问其他问题Inquiring about Others 571

352.机扬服务Servicein Airport 572

353.办理登机手续At the Check-in Counter 575

354.行李托运与领取Baggage Checking&Claiming 576

355.安全检查Security Check 578

356.座位选择Seating Preferences 579

357.转接航班Connecting Flight 581

358.飞机上On Board 582

359.机场迎接新客户Meeting a New Client at the Airport 584

360.机场迎接老客户Meeting an Old Client at the Airport 585

361.询问旅途情况Inquiring About Journey 587

362.离开机场时Leaving the Airport 588

363.机场送行Seeing Off at the Airport 589

364.常飞积分Frequent Flyer Miles 591

365.在火车站售票室At the Ticket Office 592

参考文献 595
