第26届中国控制会议论文集 第4册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:22 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:程代展,吴敏主编
- 出 版 社:北京:北京航空航天大学出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787811240559
- 页数:814 页
变结构控制 1
高超声速飞行器再入段滑模跟踪控制设计Design of Sliding Mode Tracking Control for Hypersonic Reentry Vehicles&杨俊春,胡军,吕孝乐 2
VSC Based on CMAC Neural Network for a Class of MIMO Nonlinear System&Wu Guangbin 6
十字梁系统的自适应滑模控制研究On Adaptive Sliding-Mode Control for Cross Beam System&赵红超,张汝川,王亭,何明星 10
永磁同步电动机系统的有限时间跟踪控制Finite Time Tracking Controller Design of the Permanent-Magnet Synchronous Motor&武玉强,马新,宗广灯 13
无轴承异步电机径向悬浮力的微分几何变结构解耦控制Decoupling Control of the Bearingless Induction Motor Based on Differential Geometry Variable-structureMethod&董磊,刘贤兴,孙宇新 17
Design of a VSC Controller of Reduced Inputs for Satellite Formation Flying&Wang Zhaokui, Zhang Yulin 22
Continuous Finite Time Control for Stewart Platform with Terminal Satliding Mode&Zhao Dongya, Li Shaoyuan, Gao Feng 27
A Novel Observer-based Output Feedback Sliding Mode Control for Uncertain Discrete-time Systems&Li Juntao, Jia Yingmin, Du Junping, Yu Fashan 31
超声速巡航导弹的纵向通道控制系统设计The Pitch Channel Slide Control System Design for Supersonic Cruise Missile&陈洁,潘长鹏,顾文锦 36
一种基于支持向量机与全局鲁棒性的变结构控制算法A Kind of Robust Variable Structure Control Scheme Based on Support Vector Machine&张益波,任佳 41
Variable Structure Control for Interval Systems&Wang Cuihong, Hao Guang, Huang Tianmin 46
Design of Fuzzy Rule Based Novel Sliding Mode Controller for Buck Converter&Geng Jianhua, Zhang Changfan, Wang Xibo, Luo Cheng 51
Mid-equency Disturbance Rejection of HDD Systems&Guo Yuqian, Wang Youyi, Xie Lihua 56
3D Variable Structure Guidance Law Based on Adaptive Model-following Control with Impact Angular Con-straints&Sun Weimeng, Zheng Zhiqiang 61
用于无功静补系统的鲁棒切换函数变结构控制A Variable Structure Robust Control Method in SVC Application for Performance Improvement&茅靖峰,孙玉坤,吴国庆,刘羡飞 67
An Adaptive Sliding Mode Compensation for Friction and Force Ripple in PMSM AC Servo System&Zhang Wenjing 71
Robust Decentralized Sliding Mode Control for Large Scale Uncertain Systems&Mnasri Chaouki, Gasmi Moncef 76
神经网络 82
Exponential Stabity of Delayed High-order Hopeld-type Neural Networks with Diusion&Lou Xuyang, Cui Baotong 83
On the Optimum Method of Feedforward Multi-Layer Neural Network&Hu Ying, Huang Jin 87
Design for BBT Missile Controller Based on the RBF Neural Networks&Huang Shengjie, Zhao Zhuwei, Luo Qi 91
Image Target Recognition Using Pulse Coupled Neural Networks Time Matrix&Liu Qing, Ma Yide, Zhang Shaogang, He Wansheng 96
New Exponential Stability Criterion for Delayed Cellular Neural Networks&Liu Xinge, Ou Xiaobo, Tang Meilan 100
Standard Neural Network Model for the Feedback Stabilization of Intelligent Systems&Liu Meiqin, Zhang Senlin, Yan Gangfeng 104
一种挖掘认知图的新方法A new Methodology of Mining Cognitive Maps&陈庄,阿里·蒙特瑟密 109
基于细胞神经网的道路图像快速分割算法A Fast Road Image Segmentation Algorithm Based on Cellular Neural Networks&徐国保,尹怡欣,殷路,郝彦爽,周美娟 114
自由漂浮空间机械臂系统关节轨迹跟踪的自适应神经网络控制Adaptive Neural Network Control of Free-Floating Space Manipulator System in Joint Space&郭益深,陈力 117
基于模糊CMAC的水下灵巧手手指轨迹控制Finger Tracking Control of Underwater Dexterous Hand Based on Fuzzy CMAC&王华,黄筱调,何晋 121
Parameters Optimization of GPC Based on Swarm Algorithm&Zhang Ping, Wang Youhua, Nie Xinpeng, Lv Dianli 125
Chaos in a Simple Hopeld Neural Network Satisfying Dale's Rule&Cao Hai, Li Qingdu 129
A Multi-dimension Predictor Based on ANN and Its Application&Wang Tianzhen, Tang Tianhao 133
NN-ANARX Structure for Control of Nonlinear SISO and MIMO Systems: Neural Networks Based Approach&Petlenkov Eduard, Belikov Juri 138
基于BP神经网络图像的指纹细化算法The Algorithm of Thinning Fingerprint with BP Neural Network&叶茂,闵春平,李传光 145
Wavelet Neural Network Disturbance Observer-based Adaptive Robust Tracking Control for Servo System&Wang Hongyan, Wang Qinglin, Qiao Jihong, Xia Yuhui 149
A Novel Bionic Neural Network Control Method for Vivid Animation of Virtual Animal's Locomotion&Zhang Daibing 156
New Results for Globally Asymptotic Stability and Instability of Recurrent Neural Networks Zhang Yutian, Luo Qi 162
基于OIF-Elman网络的燃气日负荷预测Date Gas Load Forecasting With OIF-Elman Network&苏刚,王玲玲,徐永生,王秀丽 167
具有变时滞Cohen-Grossberg神经网络的指数稳定性准则Exponential Stability Criterion for Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Time-varying Delay&李涛,费树岷 171
Novel Stability Analysis of High-order Cohen-Grossberg Neural Networks with Time-varying Delays&Ji Yan, Cui Baotong 176
最小覆盖算法The Least Covering Algorithm&赵姝,张燕平,张铃,徐峰 181
遗传对角回归神经网络在伺服系统中的应用Application of Genetic Diagonal Recurrent Neural Network to Servo System&杜延春,李贻斌,王桂月 186
不可约迭代函数系统的商空间理论Quotient Space Theory about An Irreducible Iterated Function System&张铃,张燕平,方宏彬,张沆 190
Supervisory Control of Chaotic Systems Using Online GA Tuning Neural Networks&Che Yanqiu, Wang Jiang, Zhou Sisi 193
H∞c Control for Chaotic System with Cooperative Weights Neural Network&Sun Li, Wang Jiang, You Hao, Deng Bin 198
Estimation of Stator Resistance and Temperature Measurement in Induction Motor Using Wavelet Network&Huang Weili, Huang Weijian, Liu Lin 203
Power Quality Disturbances Detection and Classification Using Complex Wavelet Transformation and Arti-cial Neural Network&Liu Hua, Wang Yuguo, Zhao Wei 208
Adaptive NN Control of a Class of Nonnear Systems with Unknown Control Direction&Zhao Zhuwei, Huang Shengjie, Luo Qi 213
一种模糊构造性神经网络及其应用A Kind of Fuzzy Constructive Neural Network and its Application&吴涛,陈黎伟,毛军军,张铃 217
基于商空间理论的商分形模型The model of quotient fractal based on the theory of quotient space&毛军军,张铃,郑婷婷,吴涛 222
Tuning of the Structure and Parameters of Wavelet Neural Network Using Improved Chaotic PSO&Yu Guangbin, Li Guixian, Bai Yanwei, Jin Xiangyang 228
Inverse System Control of Nonnear Systems Using LS-SVM&Lv Guofang, Song Jinya, Liang Hua, Sun Changyin 233
基于参数优化与GRNN逼近的非线性PID控制A Non-linear PID Controller Approach Based on Variables Optimized and GRNN&柴毅,凌睿 237
模糊系统与模糊控制 241
Application of Fuzzy Controller in the Speed Control of Permanent Magnet Linear Motors&Zhu Linsen, Tang Yangping, Zhang Dailin 242
单输入单输出非线性时延系统的自适应模糊控制Adaptive fuzzy control for SISO nonlinear time-delay systems&曲子芳,杜贞斌,刘兆伟 246
Combining Forecasts of Personal Credit Scoring Based on RBF Neural Network&Chen Yufang, Jiang Minghui 250
中立型模糊随机时滞系统的能量-峰值滤波:LMI方法Energy-to-peak Filtering for Fuzzy Stochastic Neutral Systems with Time-delays: LMI approach&陈志盛,李勇刚 253
基于T-S模型不确定非线性系统的鲁棒非脆弱H.控制Non-Fragile H∞Robust Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Systems Based on T-S Model&岳菊梅,李俊民,闫永义 257
采用模糊逻辑的同位素在线矿浆浓度计Isotope Online Ore Pulp Concentration Gauge Using Fuzzy Logic&唐耀庚,高嵩,欧阳惠斌,李兰君 262
A Fuzzy-PID Control System of PTFE Sintering Furnace Based on Lonworks&Gong Chenglong, Feng Yuan, Wang Jingzhuo, Song Yongxian 266
一种改进的基于MRAS的速度辨识方法An Improved Speed Identication Method Based on MRAS&黄志武,阳同光,桂卫华,单勇腾,年晓红 270
Fuzzy Control of Underwater Robots Based on Data Mining&Liang Xiao, Sun Yushan, Guo Bingjie, Wang Bo 275
基于模糊策略的水下机械手轨迹控制Tracking Control Based on Fuzzy Strategy for Underwater Manipulator&何晋,王杰,王华 279
A Self-optimal Fuzzy Logic Controller Based on Association Rules Mining to Ball Mill Pulverizing System&Cao Hui, Si Gangquan, Zhang Yanbin, Ma Xikui 283
Robust Fuzzy Control of Nonlinear Delay Systems Subject to Impulsive Disturbance of Input&Jiang Haibo, Yu Jianjiang, Zhou Caigen 289
基于模糊逻辑的变速恒频风电系统最大风能追踪控制The MaximalWind-Energy Tracing Control of Variable-Speed Constant-Frequency Wind Generation SystemBased On Fuzzy Logic&肖运启,徐大平,吕跃刚 294
漂浮基空间机械臂姿态、关节协调运动的模糊变结构滑模控制Fuzzy Variable Structure Sliding-mode Control for Space Manipulator to Track Desired Trajectory in JointSpace&梁捷,陈力 299
Robust Adaptive Fuzzy Output Tracking Control of Uncertain Robot System Using Backstepping Design&Qiao Jihong, Dai Yaping, Liu Jinkun, Wang Hongyan 303
基于二型模糊预测的路口群落多级模糊控制系统Multilayer Fuzzy Control of Intersections Community Based Traffiic Forecast of Type-2 Fuzzy Logic&张伟斌,刘文江 309
Fuzzy Reliabity Analysis of Disk Array Systems&Jiang Minghua, Zhou Jingli, Hu Ming 314
基于模糊控制的IUIa特性智能充电机A Automatic Charger with IUIa Characteristic Based on Fuzzy Control&高飞燕,李兰君,阳武娇 318
Stability Analysis and State Feedback H∞ Controer Designs for Discrete-time T-S Fuzzy Systems&Chang Xiaoheng, Jing Yuanwei, Gao Xiying, Liu Xiaoping 322
Improved Performance of Permanent Magnet Synchronous MotorbyUsing Particle Swarm OptimizationTechniques&Elwer A.S., Wahsh S.A 326
基于模糊推理的入侵检测系统Intrusion Detection Based on Fuzzy Reasoning&喻飞,沈岳,廖桂平,张林峰,徐成 331
一类参数不确定模糊脉冲系统的鲁棒模糊控制Robust Fuzzy Control for a class of Fuzzy Impulsive Systems with Parametric Uncertainties&周彩根,姜海波,王琪,于建江 336
基于遗传算法的锅炉过热汽温聚类自适应模糊控制器的设计Design of Clustering Adaptive Fuzzy Controller of Drum Boiler Superheat Temperature Based on GeneticAlgorithm&李鑫滨,窦春霞,年晓红 341
Control of Proton Exchange Membrane Fuel Cell Based on Fuzzy Logic&Zhan Yuedong, Zhu Jianguo, Guo Youguang, Jin Jianxun 345
The Research and Application of Immune Feedback Control in the Load Control System of Tube Mill&Yuan Gui, Liu Jizhen, Tan Wen, Liu Xiangjie 350
带有自适应模糊监督控制器的一类非线性系统模糊控制Fuzzy Control for a Class of Nonlinear System with Adaptive Fuzzy Supervisory Controller&师五喜 354
On Position-occupying Optimization Based on Entropy Weight&Jia Yue, Song Baowei, Zhao Xiangtao, Liang Qingwei 357
不确定性非线性离散系统的非脆弱模糊保性能控制Non-Fragile Fuzzy Guaranteed Cost Control of Uncertain Nonlinear Discrete-Time Systems&王俊玲,舒喆醒,陈亮,王忠信 361
漂浮基双臂空间机器人本体与末端抓手协调运动的模糊滑模控制Fuzzy Variable Structure Sliding-mode Control for Dual-arm Space Robot to Get Base and End-points Coperative Motion&陈志煌,陈力 366
三电平DC/DC变换器模糊控制器设计On Fuzzy Controller of Three-Level DC/DC Inverter&潘庭龙,纪志成 371
永磁同步电机直接转矩控制系统的开关频率优化及其模糊控制Switching Frequency Optimize and Fuzzy Logic Based Direct Torque Control of Permanent Magnetic Syn-chronous Motor&盛义发,喻寿益,洪镇南,高金生 374
基于模糊理论的智能服装交易系统研究Humanized Clothing Recommendation System Based on Fuzzy Set Theory&解迎刚,王志良,张琴 380
Fuzziness in Covering Generalized Rough Sets&Xu Weihua, Zhang Xiaoyan 386
Trafc Flow Forecasting Based on Fuzzy-Neural&Huang Hongqiong, Tang Tianhao 391
注汽锅炉蒸汽干度的模糊预测控制Fuzzy Predictive Control of Steam Dryness for Steam-injection Boiler&杨建华,刘文琦,卢伟 395
Using Fuzzy Neural Network in Real Estate Prices Prediction&Zhang Xiaoli 399
二自由度交流磁轴承参数自整定模糊PID控制器研究On Fuzzy PID Controller with Parameters Self-tuning in 2 Degrees of Freedom AC Magnetic Bearings&王雷,朱熀秋,陈艳 403
三角模糊数多属性决策的一种新方法A New Method for Triangular Fuzzy Number Multiple Attribute Decision Making&覃菊莹,孟凡永,曾雪兰 408
Active Suspension System Based on LMS Adaptive Fuzzy Algorithm&Sun Jianmin, Yang Qingmei 412
Delay-dependent LMI Conditions for Stability and Stabilization of T-S Fuzzy Systems with Time-delay&Wang Renming, Pan Juntao 416
基于协同进化算法的焦炉火道温度模糊优化控制Fuzzy Optimization Control of the Temperature for the Heating Process in Coke Oven Based on Co-evolution&雷琪,吴敏 420
基于MATLAB供热温度模糊自整定PID控制系统仿真On Fuzzy Self-tuning PID MATLAB Simulation for Central Heating&蒋蔚,印平,曹丽婷 425
语言型模糊偏好信息群决策的一种优化算法An Optimal Algorithm of Group Decision Making Based on Linguistic Fuzzy Preference Information&曾雪兰,李正义 430
焦炉温度的预测模糊控制研究Temperature Predictive Fuzzy Control of Coke Oven&李公法,孔建益,蒋国璋,杨金堂,熊禾根,侯宇 434
Feature Extraction Method in Fault Diagnosis Based on Wavelet Fuzzy Network for Power System RotatingMachinery&Kang Shanlin, Pang Peilin, Fan Feng, Ding Guangbin 437
一种基于微粒群优化算法的T-S模型参数辨识方法Parameter Identication of T-S Fuzzy Models Based on Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithms&丁园,高晓智,黄显林,尹航 442
基于满意度的T-S模糊建模方法及应用T-S Fuzzy Modeling and Application Based on Satisfactory Optimization&刘剑锋,桂卫华,黄志武 446
基于模糊PID控制的电子束焊机稳定电源设计Design of EBW Stabilized High-Voltage Source Based on Fuzzy PID Control&何少佳,莫金海,韦寿祺,黄道 451
一般模糊系统作为函数逼近器的设计方法Design Methods of General Fuzzy Systems as Function Approximators&高谦,王秀红,魏新江 456
模式识别 461
A Novel Unscented Kalman Filter in Autonomous Optical Navigation&Sui Shulin, Yao Wenlong, Sun Lihong, Yuan Jian 462
基于小波变换和形态学的复杂背景文本定位Text Location on Complex Background Using DWT and Morphology Operation&沈庆华,李树涛,李怡 467
On Speech Emotion Recognition System in E-learning&Yin Chunyong, Sun Ruxia, Luo Qi 472
Image Segmentation Based on the Mean-Shift in the HSV Space&Li Siqiang, Liu Wei 476
基于灰色绝对关联度和LOG算子的图像边缘检测算法研究On Image Edge Detection Based on Grey Absolute Degree of Incidence and LOG Operator&李俊峰,杨瑷萍,戴文战,潘海鹏 480
一种新的快速矫正倾斜车牌图像的算法A New Fast Algorithm to Rectify Tilt Image of Vehicle License Plates&叶青,朱亮红,朱素红,李学 485
基于多重分形特征的金属断口图像识别Multiactal Spectrum and their Appcations in Metal Fracture Surface Images Identication&翁桂荣,秦树伟 489
A Line Detection Algorithm Based on Error Propagation&Gao Xiaoqing, Peng Tao 493
基于数学形态学的白细胞分割及提取Leukocytes Image Segmentation and Extraction Based On Mathematical Morphology&沙盛中,翁桂荣,秦树伟 497
基于输入点集求解k-Means聚类算法An Approximate Algorithm for k-Means Problem Based on Input Points&王守强,朱大铭,史士英 500
Generalized Fuzzy Enhancement Based Recognizing Method for Planar Objects&Wang Zaifu 505
A Novel Kernel PCA Support Vector Machine Algorithm with Feature Transition Function&Wang Lianhong, Zhang Guoyun, Zhang Jing 510
A Novel Proximal Support Vector Machine and Its Application in Radar Target Recognition&Tao Xiaoyan, Xia Jingbo, Zhang Rui 513
一种唇读嘴唇的实时检测方法A Real Time Lip Detection Method in Lipreading&何俊,张华 516
基于边界面设计高斯型传递函数Gaussian Transfer Function Based on Boundary&赵颖,周芳芳,樊晓平 521
融合分水岭算法和蚁群聚类的图像分割Image Segmentation Method by Combining Watersheds and Ant Colony Clustering&杨卫莉,郭雷,赵天云,肖谷初 526
基于二次弯折函数的频率弯折方法Quadratic Function Based Frequency Warping Method&王洪海,刘刚,郭军 530
A CDMA Signal Receiver Based on LS-SVM&Fan Xiaogang, Li Lei, Chen Xiao 534
An Efcient Flexible Semantic Distance Function&Yang Sen, Liang Min, Guo Jiankui, Ruan Beijun, Zhu Yangyong 538
基于图像引力和优化贪婪算法的新型Snake模型An Improved Snake Model Based on Image Gravitation and Optimized Greedy Algorithm&李国友 544
双向Boosting模糊聚类集成A Fuzzy Clustering Ensemble Based on Dual Boosting&翟素兰,罗斌,郭玉堂 549
一种基于黎曼度量的训练样本类不平衡SVM分类方法研究An Imbalanced Training Data SVM Classication Problem Based on Riemannian Metric&周绮凤,林成德,罗林开,彭洪 554
An Improved General Particle Swarm Optimization Algorithm for Fast Inared Image Segmentation&Ni Chao, Li Qi, Xia Liangzheng 558
一种优化的ICA表情特征提取方法A Method of Expression Feature Extraction Using Optimized ICA&周书仁,梁昔明,朱灿 563
The Path Planning of Virtual Endoscopy Based on Image Segmentation&Gao Xiangjun, Tian Lianfang, Wang Lifei, Mao Zongyuan 567
候选字静态生成技术及其在两级LDA汉字识别中的应用A Static Candidates Generation Technique and its Appcation in Twstage LDA Chinese Character Recog-nition&刘志斌,金连文 571
基于AdaBoost的手写体汉字相似字符识别Handwritten Chinese Similar Characters Recognition Based on AdaBoost&张彬,金连文 576
基于小波包和神经网络的虹膜图像分类方法Classifying Method of Iris Image Based on Wavelet Packet and Neural Network&吕前行,周治平,纪志成 580
基于最优全局仿射变换的分级汉字字库的设计及实现Hierarchical Chinese Character Database Based on Global Affiine Transformation&俎小娜,金连文 584
基于DSP和ZigBee无线智能语音控制系统设计Design of Wireless Intelgent Speech Control System Based on DSP and ZigBee&边红昌,程德福,祁玉林,张坤 589
Novel Hybrid Clustering Algorithm Incorporating Articial Immunity into Fuzzy Kernel Clustering for PatternRecognition&Jiang Quansheng, Jia Minping 592
基于RJMCMC的多维尺度分析维数选择Choice of Dimension Using Reversible Jump Markov Chain Monte Carlo in the Multidimensional Scaling&卿湘运,王行愚 597
First Study on Laser Bone Ablation System at the Skull Base for Micro Surgery Based on Vision Navigation&Lu Shaofang, Kahrs L.A., Werner M., Knapp F.B., Raczkowsky J., Schipper J., Ivanenko M., Worn H., Hering P., Klenzner Th 602
一种新的基于层次和K-means方法的聚类算法A Novel Clustering Algorithm Bed on Hierarchical and K-means Clustering&李文超,周勇,夏士雄 605
利用特征点定位嘴巴Mouth Detection Bed on Interest Point&汪力,叶桦,夏良正 610
抗剪切鲁棒水印的自适应多址嵌入与提取算法Resisting Cropping Robust Adaptive Watermarking Embedding and Extracting Algorithm Bed on Multi-address&顾巧论,高铁杠,陈增强 614
基于特征不变量的目标识别定位方法研究OnInvariant-bed Object's Locating Method&季铮,张剑清,詹总谦 618
一种指针式高精度仪表读数自动识别新方法A New Method of Automatic Reading of High-precision Pointer Meter&张艳玲,汪仁煌,陈国清 623
大肠癌组织自体荧光光谱数据处理新方法研究A New Data Processing Approach Research to Autuorescence Spectrogram for Colorectal Carcinoma&樊晓平,廖志芳,陈宇宙,Liao Zhining,瞿志华 628
控制设计方法 633
执行器失效不确定时滞系统的指数稳定鲁棒H∞可靠控制Robust H∞ Reable Control with Exponential Stabilization for Uncertain Delay Systems against ActuatorFailure&滕青芳,范多旺 634
Development of Intelligent Monitor-system Bed on Agent&Xu Dahua 639
微型仿昆扑翼飞行器控制I:操控机制Control of Insect-like Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles I: Control Mechanic&胡明朗,魏瑞轩,周炜,崔晓峰 643
微型仿昆扑翼飞行器控制II:控制量Control of Insect-like Flapping Wing Micro Air Vehicles II: Control Parameter&胡明朗,魏瑞轩,董志兴,崔晓峰 649
Control System Design for Radiator Thermal Characteristics Experiment System&Wang Jiangjiang, Zhang Chunfa, Jing Youyin, An Dawei 654
深海采矿移动机器人控制的关键技术On Key Control Problems of Deep Seabed Moving Mining Robot&陈勇,桂卫华,阳春华,王随平,谢永芳 660
新型执行机构的航天器鲁棒自适应姿态跟踪控制Spacecraft Adaptive Robust Attitude Tracking Control with New Actuator&刘军,韩潮 664
DSP Control Method of Single-phase Inverters for UPS Applications&Gao Kecun, Dai Yuxing 670
Appcation of Reduction Modifying in Hot Strip Continuous-Rolling Process Controlling&Wang Xiaolin, Yue Zongmin 673
基于MATLAB的汽车防抱制动系统控制算法仿真研究The Simulation Research of Control Arithmetic for Automobile ABS Based on MATLAB&杨英,赵广耀,朱栋梁 678
R&D on Laser Scanning Manufacturing Control System&Zhao Fangfang, Sun Huilai, Lin Shuzhong, Qi Xiangyang 683
Designof Tiltrotor Fght Control System Using Optical Control&Fan Yonghua, Yang Jun 687
一种基于干扰观测器的滑模控制器设计方法A Design Method of Sliding Mode Controller Based on Disturbance Observer&张健,孙鹤旭,雷兆明,梁涛 692
一类不确定系统可靠跟踪控制器设计Reliable Tracking Control for a Class of Uncertain Systems&申涛,王孝红,景绍洪 696
The Applications of Model PID or IMC-PID Advanced Process Control to Renery and Petrochemical Plants&Zhen Xinping, Li Quanshan, Wei Huan, Wang Wenxin, Jin Qibing, Pan Lideng 699
Override and Model Predictive Control of Particle Size and Feed Rate in Grinding Process&Chen Xisong, Zhai Junyong, Li Qi, Fei Shumin 704
一种新的智能控制器设计方法及其在船舶航向控制中的应用A New Method of Intelligent Controller Design and its Application in Ship Course Control&阮久宏,李贻斌 709
多工作点加速度计组合件高精度鲁棒温度控制High Precision Robust Temperature Control for an Accelerometer Unit with Multi-operating Conditions&余瑶,钟宜生 715
随机扰动下的动态矩阵控制系统性能监控、调节与诊断Performance Monitoring, Tuning and Diagnosis of DMC under Stochastic Disturbance&李刚,王庆林,黄彪 720
一种基于数学构造的矩阵变换器调制策略A Matrix Converter Modulation Based on Mathematical Construction&粟梅,余岳,孙尧,桂卫华 726
Improvement of Vehicle Handling and Stability by Integrated Control of Four Wheel Steering and Direct YawMoment&Wu Jianyong, Tang Houjun, Li Shaoyuan, Fang Wan 730
工业硬实时控制嵌入式软件设计中的时间触发构架(TTA)机制Time-Triggered Architecture (TTA) in Industry Hard R-T Embedded Control Software Design&王彬,张云生,熊新,王帅 736
采用异步发电机和PWM整流器的42伏汽车发电系统的一种电压控制策略及分析模型A Voltage Control Strategy and Analytic Models for a 42-V Automotive Power Generation System withInduction Generator and PWM Rectier&卢子广,谭峙 740
Concurrent Design of Flexible Manipulator System&Xiao Zhiquan 744
面向综合生产指标优化的烧结过程智能集成控制设计Intelligent Integrated Optimization Control Design of Comprehensive Production Indices for Sintering Process&向婕,吴敏 750
多操纵面飞机控制分配的非线性闭环迭代结构The Nonlinear Iterative Closed Loop Conguration of Control Allocation for Aircraft with Multiple ControlEffectors&杨凌宇,钟友武,申功璋 755
Robust Self-tuning IMC for Optelectronic Tracking Time-delay System&Xu Bo, Ji Wei, Pan Wei, Qian Yanping 758
无轴承同步磁阻电动机反馈解耦控制Feedback Decoupng Control of Bearingless Synchronous Reluctance Motor&张汉年,朱熀秋,刁小燕 763
商品混凝土企业集成系统研究On Integrated System for Commercial Concrete Enterprise&姚明海,李海红,朱华 769
On MEMS Design Automation&Zhao Xin, Sun Guangyi, Ren Liang, Lu Guizhang 774
Multi-object Negotiation Mechanism of Manufacturing Enterprise Supply Chain Based on Multi-Agent&Yang Changhui 779
基于体绘制技术的虚拟光刻系统建模与实现Modeling and Implementation of Virtual Optical Lithography System Based on Volume Rendering&张启程,孙广毅,赵新,王俊伟,金纯,卢桂章 783
流程工业PCS与MIS数据集成技术研究与应用PCS and MIS Data Integration in Process Industry&景绍洪,孟庆金,袁铸钢 787
基于Petri网的企业信息化系统统一建模研究A Petri Net Based Unied ModelingMethod for Enterprise-Informatization System&王志坚,蔡自兴 791
CIM应用的扩散模型分析Diusion Model Analysis on the CIM Application&薛朝改,高溦,曹海旺 796
基于内分泌激素调节机制的自适应免疫算法的ow shop调度问题An Adaptive Immune Algorithm Based on Regulation Laws of Hormone in the Endocrine System for Schedul-ing Problems of Flow Shop&王祎,顾幸生,徐震浩 801
航材维修商评估决策过程模型及实现Decision Model and Implementation of Evaluation and Selection to MRO Enterprise&陈静杰,陈玖圣,张晓瑜 805
预测调度算法在单机问题中的应用The Appcation of Predictive Scheduling Algorithms for Single Machine Problem&张颖,巢志骏,席裕庚 810
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