- 电子书积分:15 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王墨希,肖福寿主编
- 出 版 社:上海:上海大学出版社
- 出版年份:2004
- ISBN:7810586890
- 页数:466 页
前言 1
案例讨论与练习 3
Unit One Content 3
Case 1-1 Digression from the Topic 3
Case 1-2 Lack of Real Substance 10
Case 1-3 Lack of Focal Points 18
Unit Two Organization 26
Case 2-1 Lack of a Complete Argumentative Structure 26
Case 2-2 Lack of Thought in Beginning an Essay 36
Case 2-3 Lack of a Thesis for Explaining Reasons in an Essay 47
Case 2-4 Lack of a Thesis for Making Comparisons in an Essay 52
Case 2-5 Lack of a Thesis in an Argumentative Essay 59
Case 2-6 Lack of a Thesis in an Expository Essay 67
Case 2-7 Lack of Transitions in Explaining Reasons 75
Case 2-8 Lack of Transitions in Making Comparisons 83
Case 2-9 Lack of Transitions in Presenting Arguments 91
Case 2-10 Lack of Transitions in Giving an Explanation 98
Case 2-11 Loose Arrangement of the Middle Paragraph(s) 105
Case 2-12 Not Allowing Scope for the Cons in Argumentation 112
Case 2-13 Imbalance Between the Pros and Cons in Argumentation 119
Case 2-14 Failure to Make Comparisons Point by Point 126
Case 2-15 Abruptness in Ending an Essay 132
Unit Three Language Use 139
Case 3-1 Disagreement Between the Verb and Its Subject 139
Case 3-2 Unnecessary Shifts in Tense 145
Case 3-3 Coinage of Chinese English Sentence Patterns 149
Case 3-4 Dangling Modifiers 153
Case 3-5 Errors in Parts of Speech 159
Case 3-6 Wordiness 164
Case 3-7 Incomplete and Redundant Comparatives 170
Case 3-8 Ambiguous Use of Pronouns 175
Unit Four Vocabulary 184
Case 4-1 Coinage of Chinese English Expressions 184
Case 4-2 Lack of Variety 192
Case 4-3 Misused or Misplaced Modifiers 199
Case 4-4 Misused Collocation of a Noun with Its Adjectives 208
Case 4-5 Misused Collocation of a Noun with Its Verbs 216
Unit Five Mechanics 224
Case 5-1 Misuse of Punctuation,Space and Capitalization 224
案例点评与练习答案 233
案例点评与练习答案 233
部分常用名词与动词、形容词的搭配 391
主要参考书目 413
谋篇思路与弱点图析 414
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