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  • 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:徐松,黄永安主编
  • 出 版 社:合肥:合肥工业大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2005
  • ISBN:7810932101
  • 页数:284 页

Unit 1 Notes on Balance of Payments 1

Reading Material:Measuring a Country's Net International Investment Position 5

Unit 2 Voice:Add Balance to International Payments 7

Reading Material:Policy Options 10

Unit 3 Balance of Payments Adjustments 13

Reading Material:Analyzing the Balance of Payments of a Nation 16

Unit 4 Balance of Payments Adjustment Theory—The Elasticities Approach 18

Reading Material:Conflicted Virtue:The Deflationary Threat(1) 24

Unit 5 The Balance of Payments Adjustment Theory—The Absorption Approach 26

Reading Material:Conflicted Virtue:The Deflationary Threat(2) 30

Unit 6 Balance of Payments Adjustment Theory—The Monetary Approach 34

Reading Material:Conflicted Virtue:The Deflationary Threat(3) 38

Unit 7 Foreign Exchange Market 43

Reading Material:Forex Markets 47

Unit 8 Exchange Rate Systems and Policy(1) 50

Reading Material:China's Exchange Rate Regime(1) 55

Unit 9 Exchange Rate Systems and Policy(2) 59

Reading Material:China's Exchange Rate Regime(2) 63

Unit 10 Exchange Rate Systems and Policy(3) 67

Reading Material:The Relative Merits of Different Exchange Rate Regimes 71

Unit 11 The Purchasing Power Parity Puzzle 74

Reading Material:The Overshooting Model 79

Unit 12 Exchange Rates in the Long Run 82

Reading Material:A Salutary Lesson from the East Asian Financial Crisis 1997 86

Unit 13 Foreign Exchange Risks 91

Reading Material:Exchange Rate Risk in the European Union and the Euro 95

Unit 14 Supervision of Foreign Exchange Risk 98

Reading Material:Internal Guidelines on Foreign Exchange 105

Unit 15 Stock of Foreign Reserves 107

Reading Material:International Reserves and International Liquidity 111

Unit 16 Typical Approaches to Foreign Exchange Reserves Risk Management 115

Reading Material:Motivation of International Reserve 119

Unit 17 The Gold Standard 121

Reading Material:The Gold Standard and Fixed Exchange Rates 124

Unit 18 The Birth of Bretton Woods 127

Reading Material:The International Economy Prior to the Great Depression 130

Unit 19 The Money Markets 132

Reading Material:Types of Financial Instrurnent 137

Unit 20 The Capital Markets 140

Reading Material:Capital Market Securities:Bonds 145

Unit 21 The Changing Financial Landscape(1) 146

Reading Material:Policy Issues for Individuals and Private Enterprises in International Financial Markets 151

Unit 22 The Changing Financial Landscape(2) 153

Reading Material:Policy Issues for Public Policymakers in International Financial Markets 157

Unit 23 Liberalizing Capital Movements 160

Reading Material:Lessons from Latin American Capital Flows 167

Unit 24 The Asian Financial Crisis 169

Reading Material:What Have We Learned from The Asian Financial Crisis? 176

Unit 25 The Basel Committee 179

Reading Material:IOSCO and EU Directives 182

Unit 26 Basel Capital Accord(2) 185

Reading Material:One Voice for Credit Unions 189

Unit 27 The Fall and Rise of the International Economy 191

Reading Material:The Benefits of Multinational Companies 194

Unit 28 Recognizing Competitive Advantage 198

Reading Material:Why Invest in Another Country? 202

Unit 29 The Challenge of International Debt Relief 205

Reading Material:A Promising Millennium to Come 210

Unit 30 How to Develop the Financial Sector for Poverty Reduction 212

Reading Material:What More Can We Do to Reduce Poverty? 217

Unit 31 What Does the IMF Do? 219

Reading Material:The International Monetary Fund 223

Unit 32 The World Bank 227

Reading Material:World Bank Group 231

Unit 33 Exchange Rate,Competitiveness and Regions(1) 234

Reading Material:Exchange Rate Arrangements:A Discussion 239

Unit 34 Exchange Rate,Competitiveness and Regions(2) 242

Reading Material:Optimal Currency Areas 247

Unit 35 The Euro:Expectations and Performance 250

Reading Material:The Euro—An Emblem of the Successes and Challenges of European Integration(1) 256

Unit 36 The Euro Since Its Creation 259

Reading Material:The Euro—An Emblem of the Successes and Challenges of European Integration(2) 263

Vocabulary 267
