- 电子书积分:11 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:郑启颖主编
- 出 版 社:武汉:华中科技大学出版社
- 出版年份:2008
- ISBN:7560944310
- 页数:296 页
1.1 Form Composition 3
1.1.1 Transformation and Deformation 3
1.1.2 The Modulor 6
1.1.3 Geometry 9
1.1.4 After Geometry 13
1.2 Visual Thinking 15
1.2.1 Introduction 15
1.2.2 The Uses of Visual Notes 19
1.2.3 A Guide to Visual Note-taking 23
1.2.4 Visual Literacy 29
1.3 Design Process 31
1.3.1 Predesign 31
1.3.2 General Design Process 38
1.3.3 Postdesign 43
1.3.4 Interviews 48
1.4 Great Architects and Their Masterpieces 51
1.4.1 Zaha Hadid—Space for Art 51
1.4.2 Venturi House 55
1.4.3 An Introduction to Foster's Projects 58
1.4.4 Gehry House 61
1.5 Comments on Architectural Design 63
1.5.1 Light and Gravity 63
1.5.2 Bigness 67
1.5.3 The Architect's Conscience(Ⅰ) 72
1.5.4 The Architect's Conscience(Ⅱ) 76
1.6 Trends in Modern Architecture 78
1.6.1 Modern Architecture Conservation 78
1.6.2 Globalization versus Localization—Contemporary Architecture and the Arab City 83
1.6.3 Combining Functional High-tech Aesthetic Experimentation 89
1.6.4 Advanced Technology and the Indeterminate Program 93
2.1 Theory of Urban Planning 97
2.1.1 What is a City? 97
2.1.2 Urban and Region 100
2.1.3 What is Planning Theory? 105
2.1.4 Urbanism as a Way of Life 109
2.2 English Planning System 111
2.2.1 Creating Better Places to Live—A Guide to the Planning System in U.K 111
2.2.2 The Nature of Planning—Conflict and Disputes 116
2.2.3 New Towns 119
2.2.4 Level of Involvement 122
2.3 American Planning 124
2.3.1 Zoning Introduction 124
2.3.2 Zoning of New York 128
2.3.3 Urbanization and Suburbanization 132
2.3.4 The Future of Cities and Cities of the Future 137
2.4 Introduction to Urban Design 139
2.4.1 Urban Public Space 139
2.4.2 Ten Principles for Creating Successful Squares 143
2.4.3 Magic in the Motor City 148
2.4.4 What is Urban Design? 151
2.5 Community Planning 153
2.5.1 Creating Community Places:An Antidote to Sprawl 153
2.5.2 Finding a Place for Parking 157
2.5.3 Using Consultants for Community Comprehensive Planning 161
2.5.4 Reinvent Community Planning 166
2.6 Site Planning 167
2.6.1 Sustainable Site Design 167
2.6.2 Site Selection 171
2.6.3 Natural Characteristics 175
2.6.4 Technology and Innovation 179
3.1 An Introduction to Landscape Architecture 183
3.1.1 Landscape as a System 183
3.1.2 Basic Principles of Landscape Design 187
3.1.3 What Composes the Feature of the City? 193
3.1.4 The Modernist Landscape 196
3.2 Public Landscape 198
3.2.1 The Street in European Cities 198
3.2.2 The Enclosed Square 201
3.2.3 Creating More Comfortable Parks and Plazas 205
3.2.4 The Openness of Open Space 209
3.3 Several Styles of Landscape 211
3.3.1 English Gardens 211
3.3.2 Japanese Gardens 216
3.3.3 Minimalist Landscape 222
3.3.4 Classical Chinese Gardens:Development and Classification 226
3.4 Landscape Design 228
3.4.1 The Foundation for Designing(Ⅰ) 228
3.4.2 The Foundation for Designing(Ⅱ) 233
3.4.3 Devices 236
3.4.4 Interview with Ronald Gregory 240
3.5 Parks and Recreation 242
3.5.1 Large City Parks 242
3.5.2 Small Urban Parks 247
3.5.3 Outdoor Play Areas 252
3.5.4 The Park System in Maricopa County 257
3.6 Landscape Elements 259
3.6.1 Landscape Planting Design Criteria 259
3.6.2 About Water 264
3.6.3 Street Furnishings 268
3.6.4 Paving 275
Keys 277
Terms 283
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