七日英语高分突破 3 完形填空阅读理解书面表达PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:胡壮麟主编
- 出 版 社:北京:光明日报出版社
- 出版年份:2007
- ISBN:9787802064485
- 页数:335 页
1 Week One 多姿多彩的生活 1
A All Christmas trees are perfect.B Nature loverTUESDAY 5
A Pumpkin pie is my home.B A way of relaxingWEDNESDAY 8
A Tents leftB Parents owe to their children.THURSDAY 11
A An unusual charityB Two different shoppersFRIDAY 14
A FashionB Good memorySATURDAY 16
WritingSUNDAY 18
Live your life smiling 笑对人生 18
2 Week Two 神奇的百科之旅 21
A HurricaneB Scientists' life in AntarcticaTUESDAY 25
A First life on landB We need plants.WEDNESDAY 27
A DayB Undersea worldTHURSDAY 30
A Tools and agesB Technical vocabularyFRIDAY 32
A VolcanoesB Getting olderSATURDAY 35
WritingSUNDAY 37
The value of time 时间的价值 37
3 Week Three 小道理,大智慧 39
A Calm people win success.B A lesson for livingTUESDAY 43
A Pisa or pizza?B We can alway find beauty.WEDNESDAY 45
A Money and the meaning as lifeB Is pressure too mucn?THURSDAY 48
A Work and familyB Age has not bent spirit.FRIDAY 51
A Product and processB My auntSATURDAY 54
WritingSUNDAY 55
Two frogs 两只青蛙 55
4 Week Four 异域风情 57
A To South KoreaB Pubs in BritainTUESDAY 61
A Allowance for children in the USB NorwegiansWEDNESDAY 64
A Canada's economyB BagpipesTHURSDAY 67
A London taxi driversB Rapidly developed Tokyo facing new problemsFRIDAY 69
A Gentleman is difficult to find.B IcelandSATURDAY 73
WritingSUNDAY 74
Bruce and the spider 布鲁斯和蜘蛛 74
5 Week Five 追踪时事热点 77
A Space junkB GDPTUESDAY 81
A Valuing waterB Meaning of Olympic GamesWEDNESDAY 83
A Do you have breakfast?B Ways to deal with problem of energyTHURSDAY 86
A Population problemB The importance of environmentFRIDAY 89
A Do you wear safety belts?B Cars and energy crisesSATURDAY 92
WritingSUNDAY 93
What I have lived for 我为何活着 93
6 Week Six 我成长,我快乐 95
A The reward of honestyB FriendshipTUESDAY 98
A Bob and grandpaB Do you know who I am?WEDNESDAY 101
A Study exchangeB An unforgettable lessonTHURSDAY 105
A How to make a friend?B How to get on well with teachers?FRIDAY 107
A The coin makes the mark.B Motorcycle loverSATURDAY 110
WritingSUNDAY 111
Believe in yourselves 相信自己 111
7 Week Seven 风云人物 113
A Edison's childhoodB Jimmy:turn right,turn leftTUESDAY 116
A Lincoln,a great presidentB Mother TeresaWEDNESDAY 120
A Paul ZindelB Steve IrwinTHURSDAY 123
A Serious and sad Queen VictoriaB George StephensenFRIDAY 125
A The beginning of Mozart's life of musicB Jean DriscollSATURDAY 128
WritingSUNDAY 130
A father's love 父爱 130
8 Week Eight 天下之奇闻轶事 133
A Accidental discoveriesB The effect of MozartTUESDAY 137
A Man surfed wave to surviveB The keep dogWEDNEDAY 139
A Crazy animalsB Snakes and jewelsTHURSDAY 142
A Pay taxes for dogsB Driving an old ambulance to workFRIDAY 144
A Killed by a falling bananaB Pets hotelSATURDAY 147
WritingSUNDAY 149
Become what you want to be 成为你想做的人 149
9 Week Nine 娱乐大放送 151
A Coldplay are hot again.B AuctionsTUESDAY 155
A The BeatlesB Rollerworld welcome youWEDNESDAY 159
A An advertisementB Freaky FridayTHURSDAY 161
A The Marlboro ManB PerformanceFRIDAY 165
A Special events this weekendB The world-famous tenorSATURDAY 167
WritingSUNDAY 169
Keeping pleasant 保持乐观 169
10 Week Ten 讲述身边的故事 171
A A brave teacherB No matter what happensTUESDAY 175
A Giving no more quartersB Same thingsWEDNESDAY 178
A SorryB Good and bad are the same things.THURSDAY 180
A Children beggarsB Rescue the child.FRIDAY 183
A What do I want?B A dangerous hitchhikerSATURDAY 187
WritingSUNDAY 188
A glass of milk 一杯牛奶 188
11 Week Eleven 幽默笑开怀 191
A The story of chocolateB A new girdleTUESDAY 195
A Tie a knot in the equatorB I kicked my husband's boss.WEDNESDAY 198
A Punctuation is magical.B Bad memoriesTHURSDAY 200
A Three wishesB Farmer and a pictureFRIDAY 203
A Humorous storiesB The rich man and his goldSATURDAT 206
WritingSUNDAY 207
Happiness 幸福 207
12 Week Twelve 科技时代,人文关怀 209
A ChequesB The biggest safety threatTUESDAY 213
A The hot seatB Net libraryWEDNESDAY 215
A Computer and telephoneB Explore the spaceTHURSDAY 219
A Tomorrow's cars—clean and cleverB New economy onlineFRIDAY 222
A Mobile robotsB A new type of"electronic paper"SATURDAY 225
WritingSUNDAY 227
Food for thought 精神食粮 227
13 Week Thirteen 缤纷节日秀 229
A Homecoming DayB The U.S.ConstitutionTUESDAY 233
A Festival of storytellingB The Buzzard FestivalWEDNESDAY 236
A Mother's Day and Father's DayB Thanksgiving DayTHURSDAY 239
A St.Lucia DayB November 5thFRIDAY 242
A The Open House in the U.S.AB The origin of Mother's DaySATURDAY 245
WritingSUNDAY 246
A Valentine for a plain girl 灰姑娘的情人节 246
14 Week Fourteen 引领健康人生 249
A Dancing's lots of funB Don't take the fun out of youth sports!TUESDAY 253
A Sub-healthB Eating lower blood pressure.WEDNESDAY 256
A Keep healthyB Smoking and healthTHURSDAY 259
A Lose weightB Eye careFRIDAY 262
A Catching a coldB Should doctors ever lie to benefit their patient?SATURDAY 265
WritingSUNDAY 266
Carrot,egg or coffee 胡萝卜,鸡蛋,还是咖啡 266
15 Week Fifteen 旖旎风光 269
A A heavenly island:MauritiusB The adventure in Nepal's jungleTUESDAY 273
A The River RhineB PyramidsWEDNESDAY 276
A The Hoover DamB Tristan da CunhaTHURSDAY 278
A Angel FallsB SambharFRIDAY 281
A AngkorB CanadaSATURDAY 284
WritingSUNDAY 286
April showers bring May flowers 四月雨带来五月花KEY 答案详解 288
Week One 多姿多彩的生活 288
Week Two 神奇的百科之旅 291
Week Three 小道理,大智慧 294
Week Four 异域风情 297
Week Five 追踪时事热点 300
Week Six 我成长,我快乐 303
Week Seven 风云人物 306
Week Eight 天下之奇闻轶事 310
Week Nine 娱乐大放送 313
Week Ten 讲述身边的故事 316
Week Eleven 幽默笑开怀 319
Week Twelve 科技时代,人文关怀 322
Week Thirteen 缤纷节日秀 325
Week Fourteen 引领健康人生 328
Week Fifteen 旖旎风光 332
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