- 电子书积分:8 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:(美)康姆利著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京大学出版社
- 出版年份:2005
- ISBN:7301079958
- 页数:142 页
0.1 Definition of aspect 1
0.2 Meaning and form 6
0.3 Terminology 11
0.4 Structure of the boor 13
0.5 General reading 14
1Perfective and imperfective 16
1.1 Perfective 16
1.1.1 Definition of perfectivity 16
1.2.1 Perfectivity and other aspectual values 21
1.2 Imperfective 24
1.2.1 Habitual 26 Habitual and other aspectual values 30
1.2.2 Progressive 32
2Aspect and inherent meaning 41
2.1 Punctual and durative 41
2.2 Telic and atelic 44
2.3 State and dynamic situation 48
3Perfect 52
3.1 Types of perfect 56
3.1.1 Perfect of result 56
3.1.2 Experiential perfect 58
3.1.3 Perfect of persistent situation 60
3.1.4 Perfect of recent past 60
3.2 Perfect and other aspects 61
3.3 Prospective aspect 64
4Aspect and tense 66
4.1 Perfective,present,and future 66
4.2 Aspectual distinctions restricted to certain tenses 71
4.3 Narrative Present 73
4.4 Combined tense/aspect oppositions 78
4.5 Aspect and time reference in tenseless languages 82
4.6 Aspect and voice 84
5Formal expression of aspectual oppositions 87
5.1 Morphology of aspect 87
5.1.1 Prefixing in Balto-Slavonic,Georgian,and Hungarian 88
5.1.2 Combined tense/aspect morphology 94
5.2 Syntactic expressions of aspectual oppositions 98
5.2.1 Locative expressions of aspectual oppositions 98 Progressive and imperfective aspect 98 Contingent state 103 Direction and aspect 106
5.2.2 Perfect as present plus past 106
5.2.2 Perfect and inferential 108
6Markedness 111
6.1 Marredness and semantics 112
6.2 Marredness and morphology 114
6.3 Neutralisation 116
6.4 Marredness and frequency 116
6.5 Marredness and context 118
6.6 Degree of marredness 122
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