价值与文化 3PDF电子书下载
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- 作 者:北京师范大学价值与文化研究中心《价值与文化》编委会编
- 出 版 社:保定:河北大学出版社
- 出版年份:2003
- ISBN:7810289705
- 页数:825 页
价值与文化 第3辑 3
第一编 价值哲学(Values Philosophy) 3
The Value of Adventures:One Understanding of Whitehead&Han Zhen 3
Axiology:Its Status and Significance&Jiang Chang 11
Creating Value in the Value Conflicts:Value Philosophy and Cross-Cultural Management&Su Zhuoxing 18
The Logic of Realization of Management Value&Shi Huixue 32
马克思主义哲学与价值哲学&王玉樑 45
在转折点上的中国价值哲学研究&冯平 54
论转型时期中国价值观的研究&陈新汉 59
略论价值生成和发展的规律及创建人类共同价值观体系的途径&常绍舜 65
论作为一种价值观的消费主义&卢风 70
消费主义文化价值观的后现代解读&刘福森 76
文化批判及其维度&王国有 83
冒险——怀特海的艺术旨趣&朱兰芝 92
观念的冒险和文化的价值&李晓东 101
怀特海价值理论初探&董立河 108
冲破自我藩篱 回归精神原则——大卫·施沃伦“自觉资本主义”企业模式述评&彭立群 118
企业伦理和企业竞争——企业管理、企业价值和文化建设&刘光明 任保友 124
第二编 过程哲学(Process Thought) 133
Whitehead:The Mathematician,Physicist and Philosopher&Ronald P.Phipps 133
Process Thought for What?:The Ecozoic Era,the Great Work,and the Importance of Process Thought&Herman F.Greene 142
The Postmodern Dimension of Whitehead Philosophy and Its Relevance&Zhihe Wang 190
Recovering from the Copernician Revolution&Van der Veken 206
Reflections on Wisdom in Whitehead:Alfred North Whitehead as a Sage&Paul J.Christianssen 222
Whitehead and the Book of Changes&Shih-chuan Chen 238
Whitehead's Principle of Relativity&Yutaka Tanaka 264
A Critique of Scientism,not Science per se&Mark Flynn 270
Education's "Myths" and "Metaphors":Exploring a Processive Vision of Educational Reform&George E.Derfer & Bingxin Wang 274
How Ethics and Education in Whitehead's Process Philosophy Could Be Related?&J.M.Breuvart 302
Whitehead's Late-Modern Concept of Speculative Philosophy&Andre Cloots 324
On Scientific Confirmation of Causal Efficacy&Franz G.Riffert 329
Non-Sensuous Perception and Its Philosophical Significance&Wenyu Xie 359
Process Theology Studies in China&Qu Yuehou 368
A Cicada Freeing Itself from Its Slough:Whitehead's Philosophy of Process as a Growing Point of Western Philosophy Now&Huo Guihuan 371
Information,Holographicness and Process&Yan Chunyou 379
The Whiteheadian Root of Ecofeminism&Zhang Nini 386
经济人的过程哲学诠释——社会存在本体论的理论范型&季国清 高云球 396
“过程哲学”的人文旨趣及其对生态价值的“后现代性”承诺&袁祖社 404
过程哲学与实践唯物主义&杨富斌 410
第三编 社会发展(Social Development) 419
Constructive Postmodernism&John B.Cobb,Jr. 419
Whitehead,China,and Global Democracy in the New Millennium&David Ray Griffin 438
The Weicheng(Fortress Besieged)of Modernization and Its Overcoming:On the Values Choice of Constructive Postmodernism and Its Enlightments&Ouyang Kang 453
Whitehead's Notion of Society and the Ideal of World Peace&John W.Lango 461
Whiteheadian Perspective on Global Economics&Carol Johnston 470
Alienation,Anthropocentrism,and a Whiteheadian Concept of Nature&Leslie A.Muray 489
Process Thought,Economic Dualism,Business Ethics,and Social-Environmental Business&John Quiring 498
A Decision-Value Ethic:An Alternative to Utilitarianism and Kantianism,with Application to Hacking&Wesley Cooper 501
Civilization and Caring:Ethics ofCaring Founded on the Philosophy of Organism&Yasuto Murata 512
过程代价论&晏辉 515
面对现代性:中国的挑战与选择——兼评后现代主义的建设性&邹吉忠 532
论现代社会所诉求的价值体系——社会公正&施惠玲 538
过程哲学与生态伦理:后现代生态学世界观与可持续发展选择&宇杰 邓俊英 548
从文化风格到文化形态:建设性后现代主义的积极转向&黄书进 559
相同的逻辑起点,不同的理论走向——马克思主义哲学与建设性后现代主义之比较研究&吕川 570
从建构后现代精神到建构后现代社会——格里芬《后现代精神》评析&孙万菊 578
可持续发展与后现代生态世界观&张学广 585
与过程哲学融通的新型人文世界观&谢龙 593
环境与资源保护的新哲学——过程哲学&李世雁 601
历史是人的秘密论纲&刘啸霆 张秀华 608
第四编 东西方文化(East and West) 615
The Values and Meaning ofthe Cultural Exchange Between the West and China&Wang Xiaochao 615
Process Thought & Confucian Values&Joseph Grange 627
Whiteheadian Christology and Christian-Confucian Dialogue in China:With Special Reference to Cobb's Christology&Lai,Pan-chiu 635
Subjectivity and Otherness:A Postmodern Reading of Confucius&Jin Huimin 661
The Problem of Transcendence in Chinese Religions:From a Whiteheadian Perspective&Wang Shik Jang 667
Process Thought in Chinese Traditional Arts&Meijun Fan & Ronald P.Phipps 680
The Tao of Postmodernity:Process,Deconstruction and Postcolonial Theory&Catherine Keller 703
Between Whitehead and Nishida-tetsugaku:The Idea of a Buddhist-Christian Philosophy as This Applies Itself to Creating a Worldwide Network of Philosophical Education on Peace and Dialogue&Tokiyuki Nobuhara 715
Life Guiding Comprehensive Views: Towards a Non-Melioristic Dialogal Inclusivism Nesting Within a Pluralism of Reasonable Believing&Gregory J.Moses 727
Rethinking of Whiteheadian God and Chan/Zen Buddhism in the Tradition of the Yi Jing&Linyu Gu 753
Divine Relativity:The Social Aspect of Buddha&Yih-hsien Yu 769
Re-Enchant Our Notion of Causation&Peimin Ni 784
The Essence of Substance as the Individual:Aristotle,Tanabe,and Whitehead&Makoto Ozaki 796
A Comparison of Alfred North Whitehead's and Carl Gustav Jung's Idea of Religion:Special Reference to Their Lectures on Religion&Kim,Chae Young 810
A Comparision Between Whitehead and Wang Xuanlan(626-697):Reciprocity Between the Ultimate and the World&David Yu 823
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