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  • 电子书积分:13 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:AnnieCheng,程兰芝主编
  • 出 版 社:世界图书出版公司北京公司
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7506257858
  • 页数:363 页

Chapter1 What on Earth Is Love?情为何物? 1

Unit1 The Thought of Love 爱的思索 2

Unit2 Seeking Love 寻找爱情 11

Chapter2 Falling in Love at the First Sight 一见钟情 19

Unit1 Princess Leaning on the Wall Prince Rising on the Horse 墙头马上 20

Unit2 Knowing Your Other Half 介绍认识 29

Unit3 Brief Encounter 相见恨晚 37

Chapter3 Moon Climbing up the Top of Willow 月上柳梢头 47

Unit1 Date at Dark 人约黄昏后 48

Unit2 Declining Invitation 谢绝邀请 57

Unit3 Missing the Romance 失约 66

Unit4 Admiration on the Table 餐桌上的爱恋 74

Chapter4 One Longing Overflows.Two Places with the Same Worry 一种相思,两处闲愁 82

Unit1 Growing Languid for My Dear Coquette 为伊消得人憔悴 83

Unit2 Diary of Love 红豆日记 91

Unit3 Man and Woman in Love 两情婵娟 99

Chapter5 As the Window Paper Was Cracked...当窗纸被捅破的时候 106

Unit1 To Say I Love You 爱的表白 107

Unit2 Ask Me to Leave 婉拒 117

Unit3 Her Heart s Desire 芳心如愿 126

Unit4 Right Here Waiting 此情可待 134

Chapter6 Not Knowing Deepness of the Sea Unitl I Fall in Love With You 相爱方知海之深 141

Unit1 The Years of Youth 初恋情怀 142

Unit2 Taking My Love to My Sweetheart 鸿雁传情 150

Unit3 Fascination for Love 为爱痴狂 159

Unit4 Episode of Love 爱情小插曲--争吵与埋怨 167

Chapter7 Rare Edition About Valentine s Day 情人节藏本 175

Unit1 Having an Informal Discussion of Valentine s Day 漫话情人节 176

Unit2 A Red,Red Rose 红红的玫瑰 184

Unit3 The Flowers Gladdening the Heart 花香满径 193

Unit4 For Whom Will That Flower Bloom?那花为谁开? 202

Chapter8 Different Aspects of Love(Ⅰ)爱情百态(一) 210

Unit1 The Sacrifice of Love 爱的牺牲 211

Unit2 The Deceit in Love 爱的欺骗 220

Unit3 Trade in Love 爱的交易 229

Chapter9 Different Aspects of Love(Ⅱ)爱情百态(二) 237

Unit1 Platonic Love 柏拉图式的爱情 238

Unit2 Love and Ethics 爱与伦理 248

Unit3 Love and Self-reliance 爱与自立 255

Unit4 Uphold Love to the End 将爱情进行到底 263

Chapter10 Lovelornness 失恋悲情 270

Unit1 Relieving the Engagement 解除婚约 271

Unit2 Say Good-bye to Love 与爱情告别 278

Unit3 Sorrowful Lovelornness 失恋之痛 285

Unit4 Soothing Words 劝告安慰 292

Chapter11 Weaving Mandarin Ducks Willing to Fly 鸳鸯织就欲双飞 299

Unit1 The Proposal 求婚 300

Unit2 Rcd Carpet Twinkling Ring 红红的地毯与闪亮的戒指 308

Chapter12 Bittersweet Married Life 相对浴红衣 316

Unit1 Echo Each Other at a Distance 两地书 317

Unit2 Something about Marriage 关于婚姻 323

Unit3 Family 家庭 329

Chapter13 Breaking up 劳燕分飞 335

Unit1 The War of Rose 玫瑰战争 336

Unit2 Limitless Fate 不尽的缘份 343

Chapter14 Love You Forever爱无止境 351

Unit1 My Heart Will Go on 我心依旧 352

Unit2 Everlasting and Unchanging 天长地久 358
