![英语初阶系列教程 写作](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/35/s662041e.jpg)
![英语初阶系列教程 写作](https://cover.qianqiantushu.cc/35/s662041e.jpg)
英语初阶系列教程 写作PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:马书扬等编著
- 出 版 社:北京:北京语言学院出版社
- 出版年份:1992
- ISBN:7561902158
- 页数:208 页
UNIT ONE Who are you? 1
Describing your life 1
UNIT TWO She goes to bed at nine 6
Describing daily routine 6
UNIT THREE Did you go for a picnic last Sunday? 14
Describing past events 14
UNIT FOUR Which is which? 18
Describing faces 18
UNIT FIVE What does he look like? 21
Describing people 21
UNIT SIX Lost property 29
Describing objects 29
Describing places 34
UNIT SEVEN What is it like there? 34
UNIT EIGHT What does your house look like? 39
Describing houses 39
UNIT NINE Which is more popular? 43
Describing sports 43
UNIT TEN What is the weather like in your city? 47
Writing about the weather 47
UNIT ELEVEN I ll tell you how to do it! 54
Giving instructions 54
UNIT TWELVE Where is the hotel? 59
Giving directions 59
UNIT THIRTEEN No cat upstairs! 63
Writing rules 63
Reporting changes 70
UNIT FOURTEEN What does it look like now? 70
UNIT FIFTEEN I found them warm and generous! 74
Writing an account 74
UNIT SIXTEEN What did I do on holiday? 78
Keeping a diary 78
UNIT SEVENTEEN Two pints Monday 85
Writing notes 85
UNIT EIGHTEEN Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! 88
Writing greeting cards 88
UNIT NINETEEN It s really a beautiful place! 94
Writing postcards 94
UNIT TWENTY Can you come to the party? 98
Writing letters of invitation 98
Writing replies to invitation 104
UNIT TWENTY—ONE It s really kind of you! 104
UNIT TWENTY—TWO Just a line to say 112
Writing letters of thanks 112
UNIT TWENTY—THREE Could you please let me know 116
Writing letters of request 116
UNIT TWENTY—FOUR I am writing to complain about 123
Writing letters of complaint 123
UNIT TWENTY—FIVE I am writing to apologize 128
Writing letters of apology 128
UNIT TWENTY—SIX Eighteen is too young to vote! 135
Writing letters to the editor 135
UNIT TWENTY—SEVEN Have you any suggestions? 141
Giving advice 141
UNIT TWENTY—EIGHT Alexander Graham Bell 146
Writing biographies 146
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