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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:谭卫国编著
  • 出 版 社:长沙:湖南出版社
  • 出版年份:1994
  • ISBN:7543809052
  • 页数:313 页

Practical Journalistic English 实用新闻英语 1

Lesson One At the Editorial Department (在编辑部) 1

Lesson Two Interview on Joint Venture(采访合资企业) 15

Lesson Three Interview With a Hong Kong Investor (采访香港投资商) 29

Lesson Four Interview Conducted in A Hi-Tech Development Park (在高新技术开发区采访) 45

Lesson five Interview on Stock Market (采访股票市场) 59

Lesson Six Interview on Grand fair (采访盛大的博览会) 76

Lesson Seven An Iternational Press Party for Making Friendly Contacts (国际记者联谊会) 89

Lesson Eight Iterview on 7th National Games (采访第七届全运会) 103

Lesson Nine Interview With American Official (采访美国官员) 116

Lesson Teh Attending News Briefing Mmmting (出席新闻发布会) 134

Practical Advertising English 实用广告英语 Unit One Popular Advertising Media(大众广告媒体) 148

Unit Two Lexical Features of Advertising English (广告英语的词汇特点) 162

Unit Three Grammatical Features of Advertising (广告英语的词汇语法特点) 174

Unit Four Rhetorical Devices in Advertising English (广告英语的倏手段) 187

Unit Five Headlines of English Advertisements (英语广告标题) 200

Unit Six Body Texts of English Advertisements (1) {英语广告正方(1)} 214

Unit Six Body Texts of English Advertisements (2) {英语广告正方(2)} 227

unit Eighr Identification Marks in English Advertisements (广告英语中的识别标记) 240

Unit Nine IIIustrations and Colours in English Advertisements (广告英语的插图与色彩) 253

Unit Ten Raimbling Remarks on English Advertisements (英文广告漫谈) 263

Appendix 附录 Appendix1 Major Newspapers Magazines in Britain and America (英美主要报刊) 275

Appendix2 Major News Agencies in the World (全世界主要新闻社) 279

Appendix3 Practical Terms of Press and Publishing (新闻出版实用术语) 282

Appendix4 Practical Terms in Advertishng English (广告英语实用术语) 291

Appendix 5 Useful Expressions in Advertising English (广告英语套语) 301
