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  • 电子书积分:12 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:苏雅敏,RaymondKlein著
  • 出 版 社:北京:机械工业出版社
  • 出版年份:2003
  • ISBN:7111114299
  • 页数:303 页
图书介绍:这套丛书共分五册——。它分类详细,典型实用,针对性强。每册围绕一个主题将语言知识和行业内容紧密结合,展现丰富的商务活动场景,介绍最新的专业知识。精心挑选出与各场景相关的高频词汇、实用例句和精简会话,并配有语法透析,使您对美语会话由感性认识上升到理性认识,以巩固记忆、举一反三。 本书可解除您职场交际的各种困扰,助您开拓融洽的人际关系:提供各种热门话题及相关的常用单词与短语,让您轻松打开交谈局面;每一单元设有“句型灵活应用”;很多句子只有五六个词,地道、简单,让您过目即可脱口而出;配有简洁而透彻的语法讲解,更让您正确无误地说出每一句想说的话;穿插美国风俗,帮助您跨越文化鸿沟,沟通无障碍。另外,书中妙趣横生的小幽默可作为您学习疲惫之时的消遣,而精美活泼的版面使您不需正襟危坐郁闷地学习。

Chapter 1 畅谈选举 2

Unit 1 All of the candidates are real strong.(所有候选人都很有实力)。 2

Unit 2 Please vote for me.(敬请惠赐一票。) 5

Unit 3 Who are you going to vote for?(你打算选谁?) 9

Unit 4 I m going to work on Mr. Lin s campaign.(我要为林先生助选。) 12

Unit 5 It is time for the presidential election.(又是选举总统的时候了。) 16

Chapter 2 美语晴雨计 22

Unit 6 It sure is hot and muggy today.(今天真的又热又闷。) 22

Unit 7 We had golf-ball-size hail.(我们这里下了像高尔夫球大小的冰雹。) 26

Unit 8 It might snow tonight.(今晚可能会下雪。) 30

Unit 9 The wind is really frightening.(风势真的很可怕。) 34

Unit 10 This is great kite flying weather.(这种天放风筝最好。) 39

Chapter 3 健身美语 44

Unit 11 I ve got to start working out.(我必须开始做健身运动。) 44

Unit 12 Biking is a good way to get some exercises.(骑脚踏车是运动的好方法。) 48

Unit 13 I don t like sit-ups.(我不喜欢做仰卧起坐。) 51

Unit 14 I got an exercise machine.(我买了一个运动器材。) 56

Unit 15 A little exercise would do you good.(做点运动对你有好处。) 60

Chapter 4 运动美语 66

Unit 16 We re going to the baseball game.(我们要去看棒球赛。) 66

Unit 17 Mary joined the swim team.(玛丽参加游泳队。) 70

Unit 18 He is in the football team.(他在足球队。) 74

Unit 19 Congratulations on making the tennis team.(恭喜你被选入网球队。) 78

Unit 20 I m doing some needlework.(我在做针线活。) 84

Chapter 5 个人嗜好 84

Unit 21 She plays the piano very well.(她钢琴弹得很好。) 87

Unit 22 I like to play the guitar.(我喜欢弹吉他。) 91

Unit 23 Do you do pottery?(你平时做陶器吗?) 96

Unit 24 I ve taken up photography.(我在学摄影。) 99

Chapter 6 喜庆社交 104

Unit 25 Mary s baby shower is this week.(这个星期玛丽要做婴儿祝福礼。) 104

Unit 26 They are having a band at their wedding reception.(他们的婚宴上将请一个乐队。) 108

Unit 27 We re planning a birthday party for John.(我们正为约翰计划生日派对。) 112

Unit 28 They are moving next week.(他们下星期要搬家。) 116

Unit 29 We re going to the beach.(我们要去海边。) 122

Chapter 7 生活计划 122

Unit 30 Do you want to go see the new movie?(你要不要去看那部新电影?) 126

Unit 31 I m busy all next week.(我下个星期都会很忙。) 129

Unit 32 I m going to New York tomorrow.(我明天要去纽约。) 133

Unit 33 Where are you going to college?(你要到哪里去上大学?) 136

Chapter 8 娱乐活动 142

Unit 34 Did you go to watch the fireworks?(你去看烟火了吗?) 142

Unit 35 What did you think about the Christmas parade?(你认为圣诞节的游行如何?) 146

Unit 36 They are having a huge sale.(他们有个大拍卖。) 150

Unit 37 I went to the ground breaking for the new building.(我去参加新大楼的破土典礼。) 154

Chapter 9 评论朋友 160

Unit 38 They are very strict.(他们很严厉。) 160

Unit 39 He s got a great sense of humor.(他很有幽默感。) 164

Unit 40 I think John is mean.(我认为约翰很差劲。) 167

Unit 41 She is so down to earth.(她很平易近人。) 170

Chapter 10 发表意见 174

Unit 42 What did you think about that book?(你认为那本书怎么样?) 174

Unit 43 What is your favorite place?(你最喜欢的地方是哪里?) 177

Unit 44 Opera isn t real appealing to me.(歌剧并不是真的很吸引我。) 180

Unit 45 I m crazy about jazz.(我对爵士乐很着迷。) 184

Unit 46 Their pastries are to die for!(他们的糕饼好吃得不得了!) 187

Chapter 11 遇到麻烦 192

Unit 47 Yolu look really stressed out.(你看起来压力很大。) 192

Unit 48 I don t have the foggiest idea.(我一点都不知道。) 196

Unit 49 What happened?(发生了什么事?) 200

Unit 50 What s up?(有什么事?) 202

Unit 51 What did you do?(你做了什么事?) 206

Chapter 12 谈心闲聊 210

Unit 52 Do you play the lottery?(你买彩券吗?) 210

Unit 53 Have you seen the new play?(从看过那部新的话剧吗?) 213

Unit 54 What did you think?(你认为怎么样?) 215

Unit 55 Boy,are the lines long today!(哇塞,今天的队伍好长啊!) 217

Chapter 13 上班族交谈 220

Unit 56 I m going to apply for that position.(我要去应征那个职位。) 220

Unit 57 They fired John.(他们把约翰辞掉了。) 223

Unit 58 Have you heard the latest news awbout the takeover?(你有没有听到有关并购的最新消息?) 227

Unit 59 Where do you want to go on vacation this year?(你今年要去哪里度假?) 232

Chapter 14 度假旅游 232

Unit 60 How was your vacation?(你的假期如何?) 236

Unit 61 I hear you are driving to Florida for your vacation.(我听说你打算开车去佛罗里达度假。) 239

Unit 62 We just got back from Italy.(我们刚从意大利回来。) 242

Chapter 15 交易买卖 248

Unit 63 Looking around some.(随便看看。) 248

Unit 64 I m looking for a new living room set.(我想买一套新的客厅家具。) 251

Unit 65 I m looking for a new computer.(我想买一部新的电脑。) 254

Unit 66 I really need to think about it for a few days.(我真的需要考虑几天。) 257

Chapter 16 协议谈判 262

Unit 67 I think the price is too high.(我认为价钱太高了。) 262

Unit 68 We can beat that price.(我们可以卖得更便宜。) 266

Unit 69 We can reach some sort of agreement.(我们可以达成一些协议。) 269

Chapter 17 发牢骚 274

Unit 70 I m tired of it.(我很厌烦了。) 274

Unit 71 This traffic is awful.(交通好乱。) 277

Unit 72 This isn t what I ordered.(这不是我点的。) 280

Unit 73 The picture is real fuzzy.(画面真的很模糊。) 283

Unit 74 The expressway is a mess.(高速公路真的一团糟。) 286

Chapter 18 询问信息 290

Unit 75 Do you have any apartment available?(你有空的公寓吗?) 290

Unit 76 What positions are you hiring for?(你们要请什么职位的人?) 294

Unit 77 Could you tell me where the courthouse is?(你可否告诉我法院在哪里?) 298

Unit 78 May I help you?(有什么事吗?) 300
