新编大学英语自学辅导用书 第2册PDF电子书下载
- 电子书积分:10 积分如何计算积分?
- 作 者:王秀珍主编
- 出 版 社:北京:外语教学与研究出版社
- 出版年份:2002
- ISBN:7560028888
- 页数:230 页
Unit 1 Food 1
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 1
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 1
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 3
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 4
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 4
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 8
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 9
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 10
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 16
Unit 2 Personality 20
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 20
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 20
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 22
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 22
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 23
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 26
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 27
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 28
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 33
Unit 3 Career Planning 38
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 38
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 38
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 39
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 39
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 40
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 44
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 45
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 47
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 52
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 57
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 57
Unit 4 Learning Skills 57
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 58
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 59
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 59
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 64
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 68
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 69
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 73
Unit 5 Language 78
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 78
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 78
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 80
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 81
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 81
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 89
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 92
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 94
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 99
Unit 6 Nature and Nurture 103
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 103
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 103
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 104
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 104
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 105
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 108
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 110
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 111
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 114
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 118
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 118
Unit 7 Music 118
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 119
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 119
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 120
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 124
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 125
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 127
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 133
Unit 8 Creativity 138
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 138
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 138
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 140
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 141
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 141
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 147
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 150
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 151
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 155
Unit 9 Gender Differences 158
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 158
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 158
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 159
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 160
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 161
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 166
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 169
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 171
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 176
Unit 10 Risks 180
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 180
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 180
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 181
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 181
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 182
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 185
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 187
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 188
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 192
Unit 11 College Life 196
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 196
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 196
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 198
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 198
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 199
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 202
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 203
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 204
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 210
Unit 12 Time 215
Ⅰ.Brief Introduction 215
Ⅱ.Tips for Oral Practice 215
Ⅲ.Vocabulary and Notes for In-Class Listening 216
Ⅳ.Background Knowledge 217
Ⅴ.Key Words and Expressions 217
Ⅵ.Explanations to the Language Points 219
Ⅶ.Additional Exercises 221
Ⅷ.Key to Exercises and Explanations 223
Ⅸ.Translation to the Reading Passages 227
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