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操作系统实践与应用  第5版
操作系统实践与应用  第5版

操作系统实践与应用 第5版PDF电子书下载


  • 电子书积分:18 积分如何计算积分?
  • 作 者:William S.Davis著
  • 出 版 社:北京:清华大学出版社
  • 出版年份:2002
  • ISBN:7302057109
  • 页数:608 页
《操作系统实践与应用 第5版》目录

1 Introduction and Overview 1

What Is an Operating System? 2

The Components of a Modern Operating System 3

A Look Ahead 4

Summary 5

Key Words 5

Exercises 5


2 Hardware 9

Memory 10

Physical Memory Devices 10

Bytes and Words 10

Addressing Memory 10

The Processor 11

Program Instructions 11

Cache Memory 11

The Processor s Components 12

Machine Cycles 13

Microcode 19

Input and Output Devices 19

Secondary Storage 20

Diskette 21

Hard Disk 22

Backup 24

Other Secondary Media 25

The Directory 25

Linking the Components 25

Summary 29

Key Words 30

Exercises 30

3 Software and Data 33

Software 34

Hardware,Software,and Data 34

Absolute and Relative Addressing 35

Programming Languages 36

Traditional Structured Software 38

Object-Oriented Software 38

Libraries 40

Reentrant Code 42

Data 43

Data Elements 43

Data Structures 43

Data Files 45

The Relative Record Concept 46

Access Techniques 48

Database Management 49

Summary 50

Exercises 52

Key Words 52

4 Linking the Components 55

Linking Internal Components 56

The Bus 56

Word Size 56

Machine Cycles 57

Architectures 57

Single-Bus Architecture 61

Interfaces 63

Channels and Control Units 63

Multiple-Bus Architecture 64

Logical and Physical I/O 65

Primitives 66

Open 67

Accessing Data 67

Messages and Signals 70

Networks 70

Network Types 71

Network Topology 71

Network Management 74

Summary 75

Key Words 76

Exercises 77


5 The Shell,the IOCS,and the File System 81

An Operating System s Basic Functions 82

The User Interface 82

The Command Processor or Shell 83

The Command Language 85

Batch Commands 87

The Input/Output Control System 88

Device Management 88

Logical and Physical I/O 89

Interrupts and Device Synchronization 91

The File System 92

Loading a Program 92

Opening and Closing Data Files 93

Disk Space Management 94

The Boot 94

Utilities 96

Summary 97

Key Words 98

Exercises 98

6 Memory Management and Processor Management 99

Memory Management 100

Resident and Transient Routines 100

Concurrency 100

Partitions and Regions 102

Segmentation 103

Paging 106

Segmentation and Paging 106

Memory Protection 106

Overlay Structures 106

Virtual Memory 109

Implementing Virtual Memory 109

Addressing Virtual Memory 111

Page Faults 113

Thrashing 113

Multiprogramming 113

The Dispatcher 114

Control Blocks 114

Interrupts 115

Time-Sharing 119

Polling 120

Roll-In/Roll-Out 120

Time-Slicing 120

Scheduling and Queuing 121

Spooling 123

Deadlock 123

Summary 124

Key Words 126

Exercises 126


7 The User Interface 129

User Interface Functions 130

Types of User Interfaces 131

A Human Perspective 132

Learning a User Interface 132

Summary 133

Exercises 134

Key Words 134

8 MS-DOS Commands 135

MS-DOS 136

MS-DOS Commands 136

The Chapter Tutorial 136

Getting Started 137

Selecting the Default Drive 137

Formatting a Diskette 139

The File System 140

File Names 141

Directories 141

Subdirectories 142

Path Names 143

Viewing a Directory 145

Creating Directories 148

Creating Files 150

Changing Directories 152

Manipulating Files 154

Batch Files 156

Program Files 156

Pipes,Filters,and Redirection 157

Returning to Windows 160

Summary 160

Key Words 162

Exercises 162

9 Windows 2000 165

Windows 2000 166

The User Interface 166

Getting Help 167

Executing a Program 167

The Menu Bar 169

Maximizing and Minimizing a Window 169

Switching Between Programs 169

Quitting a Program 170

Shutting Down 170

Working With the Windows File System 171

Formatting a Disk 171

File Names 171

Directories(or Folders) 173

The Windows Explorer 173

My Computer 177

Creating Directories 177

Creating Files 179

Copying and Renaming Files 180

Copying to a Different Folder 180

Copying Entire Subfolders 182

Manipulating Files 182

Copying Multiple Files 182

Searching for Files 183

Sorting Files 185

Shortcuts to Files 185

Deleting Files or Folders 187

Command Line Interface 188

Windows Scripting Host 188

Summary 188

Exercises 190

Key Words 190

10 UNIX/Linux Commands and Utilities 193

UNIX 194

Linux 194

The UNIX Shell 194

The Chapter Tutorial 196

Logging On 196

Directories 198

File Names 198

The File System 198

Path Names 199

Viewing a Directory 200

Creating Directories 203

Changing Working Directories 204

Creating Files 205

Manipulating Files 206

Pipes,Filters,and Redirection 209

Shell Scripts 212

Other Useful Commands 212

Graphic User Interface 213

Summary 213

Key Words 215

Exercises 215

11 IBM OS/JCL:JOB and EXEC Statements 217

Jobs and Job Steps 218

Batch Job Control Languages 218

OS/JCL 218

Catalogued Procedures 220

JCL Statement Format 221

JOB Statements 222

Accounting Information 223

The Programmer Name 223

The CLASS Parameter 224

The TIME Parameter 224

The REGION Parameter 225

The MSGLEVEL Parameter 225

Defaults 226

Other JOB Parameters 227

Continuing a JCL Statement 227

EXEC Statements 227

The COND Parameter 229

Other EXEC Parameters 231

Summary 232

Key Words 232

Exercises 233

12 IBM/OS JCL:DD Statements 235

External Device Linkage 236

Data Control Blocks 236

DD Statements 236

Unit Record Hardware 239

The UNIT Parameter 239

The DCB Parameter 240

Magnetic Disk 241

UNIT and DCB 241

The DISP Parameter 242

The DSNAME Parameter 243

The VOLUME Parameter 243

The SPACE Parameter 244

Some Examples 246

Magnetic Tape 246

System Input and Output 247

Job Step Qualification 248

Libraries 248

A Complete Job 249

Summary 252

Key Words 253

Exercises 253


13 The Intel Architecture 257

Introduction 258

Architecture Overview 258

Intel Execution Environment 259

Execution Mode 259

Memory Addressing 260

Paging 261

Address Translation 261

Task Management 263

Memory Protection 265

Limit Checking 265

Type Checking 265

Privilege Levels 265

Interrupt Handling 265

Improving the Performance of the Intel Architecture 266

Pipelining,Superpipelining,and Superscalar Processors 267

Out-of-Order Execution and Branch Prediction 268

MMX Technology 268

Data and Instruction Caches 269

Summary 269

Key Words 271

Exercises 271

14 MS-DOS 273

Evaluating an Operating System 274

Measures of Effectiveness 274

System Objectives 275

Microcomputer Operating Systems 276

MS-DOS Internals 277

The Shell 278

Accessing Peripherals 279

The File System 280

Interrupt Processing 285

Booting MS-DOS 288

Running MS-DOS 288

Summary 290

Key Words 291

Exercises 292

15 Windows 2000 Internals 293

Windows 2000 Architecture 294

Client/Server Mode 294

Windows 2000 294

Modules,Processes,and Threads 294

User Mode 295

Kernel Mode 297

Process Management 299

Multithreading 299

Multitasking 300

Multiprocessing 301

Memory Management 301

Paging 301

Address Translation 303

Disk Management 304

File Management 305

NTFS 305

File System Recovery 307

Caching 308

Input Output Manager 308

The Registry 310

Summary 311

Key Words 314

Exercises 314

16 UNIX and Linux 317

The UNIX System 318

Images and Processes 319

Process Creation 321

Initialization 324

Process Management 325

The Shell 327

Time-Slicing and Interrupts 327

Memory Management 328

Swapping(or Paging) 328

Memory Space and Reentrant Code 329

The File System 330

Accessing Disk Files 331

Managing Disk Space 334

Buffering 334

UNIX Internals 335

Linux 335

The Linux Kernel 336

Linux Processes 337

The Linux File System 337

Summary 337

Key Words 340

Exercises 340

17 Traditional IBM Mainframe Operating Principles 343

Addressing Memory 344

The Hardware Environment 344

The Program Status Word 345

Executing Instructions 345

Instruction Length 349

The Condition Code 350

Memory Protection 350

Controlling Physical I/O 350

Privileged Instructions 354

Interrupts 356

Interrupt Types 359

Permanent Storage Assignments 362

Masking Interrupts 363

Interrupt Priority 367

Program States 368

An Example 369

Summary 374

Exercises 375

Key Words 375

18 IBM MVS 377

Traditional IBM Mainframe Operating Systems 378

Virtual Memory Contents 378

Job and Task Management 379

The Master Scheduler 380

The Job Entry Subsystem 382

The Initiator/Terminator 383

Task Management 384

Control Blocks 384

Dispatching 386

Allocating Peripheral Devices 410

The Unit Control Block 411

The Task Input/Output Table 412

The DCB and the DEB 412

Open 412

Linking I/O Control Blocks 413

Data Management 414

System Generation 415

Summary 415

Key Words 416

Exercises 416

19 Virtual Machines 419

Operating System Development 420

The Virtual Machine Concept 421

VM/SP 422

VM′s Structure 425

CMS 426

The Control Program(CP) 427

Processor Management 427

Memory Management 427

Managing Peripheral Devices 429

Principles of Operation 429

Advantages and Disadvantages 431

Summary 432

Key Words 433

Exercises 434


20 The Client/Server Operating System 437

Introduction 438

Communications Architecture 440

The OSI Model 440

The TCP/IP Model 441

Client/Server Systems 442

Network Operating Systems 443

Middleware 444

Traditional Services 446

File Services 446

Print Services 448

E-Mail Services 449

Emerging Network Operating System Services 450

Directory Services(DS) 450

Application Services 450

Database Services 451

Internet/Intranet Services 451

Management Services 451

Summary 452

Key Words 454

Exercises 454

21 Novell NetWare 455

NetWare 456

NetWare Kernel 456

Networking Protocols 457

NetWare Loadable Modules 458

Memory Architecture 458

The Traditional NetWare File System 460

File Systems 460

Novell Storage Services 461

Disk Management 461

Fault Tolerant Features 462

Storage Management Services 463

Printing Services 463

Queue-Based Services 463

Novell Distributed Print Services(NDPS) 463

Novell Directory Services 464

Network Management 465

Using NetWare 466

The Client/Server Structure 466

Logging In 468

Accessing Network Resources Using My Network Places 468

Mapping a Network Drive 471

Mapping with Explorer 473

Volume Information 473

Disconnecting a Mapped Drive 476

Logging Out 476

Summary 478

Key Words 480

Exercises 480

22 Windows 2000 Server 483

Introduction 484

Peer-Peer Networks 484

Domains 484

Network Protocols 486

Active Directory Service 488

File Services 489

Shared Folders 490

Distributed File System 490

Print Services 490

Managing Windows 2000 Server 491

Using Windows 2000 Server and Client 492

Logging Onto the Network 492

Browsing Network Resources 492

Accessing Network Resources Using My Network Places 492

Mapping a Folder 497

Windows Explorer and Mapped Shared Folders 497

Using the Mapped Drive 499

Printing with a Network Printer 499

Disconnecting a Mapped Drive 500

Viewing Directory Information 500

Creating a Shared Folder 505

Logging Off a Client 507

Summary 507

Key Words 509

Exercises 509

23 The Internet 511

Internet Protocols 512

Network Internet Layer 512

Transport Layer 513

Application Protocols 513

Mail 513

File Transfer Protocol 513

Telnet 514

Hypertext Transfer Protocol 515

News 517

Domain Name System 517

IP Addresses 517

IPV6 518

Domain Names 518

The Domain Name System 518

Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol 520

Simple Network Management Protocol 521

Network Management 521

Web Services 522

Web File Systems 523

Internet Crime 525

Hackers and Crackers 525

Passwords 526

Viruses and Other Destructive Software 526

Security 527

Firewalls 527

Encryption 528

Authentication 528

Digital Signatures 530

Digital Certificates 530

Access Control 531

Summary 531

Exercises 533

Key Words 533

A APPENDIX A:Number Systems,Data Types,and Codes 535

Number Systems 535

Binary Numbers 536

Octal and Hexadecimal 536

Data Types 537

Numeric Data 537

String Data 538

General 541

B APPENDIX B:Summary of MS-DOS Commands 541

Selected Commands 544

Selected Filters 550

C APPENDIX C:Summary of UNIX Commands 553

General 553

Commands and Utilities 556

Glossary 565

Index 593
